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Thread: The hardcore drunk...why???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth

    The hardcore drunk...why???

    The Story:

    This weekend, among the activities that went on, a couple friends got into a drinking contest. Now, these are the kind of drinkers that "act" like they are completely and totally sober until they can't walk anymore and start barfing all over themselves/furniture/innocent bystanders.

    So, I propose this question to y'all - what is the point of acting so hardcore when you're drunk? I know multiple people who act like this. They drink, they have a disgruntled look on their face (part of the proof that they're hardcore), and act like they are completely normal until they pass out. That freakin' sucks.

    I'm quite the opposite: I have little to no tolerance, and I turn into a total goofball...I mean, why not? Aren't you supposed to have some fun when you drink? Otherwise what's the point?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Image is everything to a lot of people. Instead of enjoying their buzz, they worry about what people think of them. I'm with you on this one. Let go and enjoy the ride. I am also a "goofball" when drunk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    I'm glad at least one person agrees with me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I have a brother who is like this he thinks he is a hardcore drinker will challenge everyone even if there sober and hes drunk already then me and my other brother end up having to watch him ALL NIGHT then he starts drama thats one thing I hate about people drinking around here it always starts drama when I drink I like to joke around and have fun no drama thats not why people drink (I think)

    So from now on I stay sober (2 months now) and just look after everyone else and give rides if they need one all that stuff and look after people and try to keep drama from the partys we have

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Been 3 years since I got pissed drunk and I got to admit, I don't miss it much.

    I'm the "violent drunk" kind, so when I got blitzed I wasn't much fun to be around. And then the hang overs that lasted 2-3 days were just too much to hack...

    Still enjoy a social (and tasty!) beer now and then, but this dude isn't quite 18 anymore


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I used to drink as much as I could but I got tired of struggling to make it home without puking out the window of the taxi. I pissed of many cab drivers in my crazier times. Now I pace myself and enjoy that fun buzz all night.

    The last time I got sick from drinking was the day I met FI, and he paid for all the drinks. You guys should call him up...I'm sure he'd be happy to buy you all drinks too!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    When I used to drink every once inawhile (maybe once a month) id go out with my brother-in-law. Now being in great falls MT A.K.A Butt F#%k eygpt when I go out no one lifts so there all "damn your big do you use roids?"and my bro knows i do but urges me on. "don't piss him off he gets violent when he gets drunk!".... then that does piss me off. hehe but im laid back and everyone else keeps me in the corner of their eye to make sure they dont gotta get up and run i guess.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Fort Worth
    Hmmm...sounds like we need to bring Full Intensity down to Texas for some "drankin'," hehe

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