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Thread: Using energy drinks for a long time and at this dose, can cause health problems?

  1. #1

    Using energy drinks for a long time and at this dose, can cause health problems?

    Using energy drinks for a long time and at this dose, can cause health problems?

    What's the bottom line on this?

    Anyone want to comment?

    The info. out there seems that they can give heart attacks every so often

    From the tv show "1,000 ways to die" to even a Facebook group of family members devoted against them

    I mean if they're so bad, why are they still on the market? Are they like cigarettes in that regard?

    Anyone know about class action lawsuits on energy drinks?

    I myself lately started drinking a 16 oz of Rockstar zero sugar about once or 2x per day, that's it...and I enjoy the feeling over coffee which is harsh on the stomach and coffee is simply getting to just taste nasty

    The rockstar silver zero sugar energy drink on my table right now (a 12 pack of 16 ounces) has no: 'warning do not exceed ___ cans per day"

    I posted a link below to an article of a 21 year old man who ended up in the hospital-- his Heart increased in size, he had kidney renal failure

    copied and pasted some below here


    (21 year old in the UK consumed)
    four 500 mL cans per day for approximately two years.”

    The drinks had around 160 mg of caffeine each.

    500 ml cans is like a 16 ounce can (a tall boy here in the states)

    Why drinking too many energy drinks can cause heart problems is still not fully understood, but doctors believe the high level of caffeine in energy drinks could play a role.

    “Energy drinks are also known to increase blood pressure,” the case report added, saying that this could lead to issues with blood travel through the body, potentially contributing to heart failure.

    “Further research is needed to identify susceptibility factors, the safe amount of energy drink consumption and underlying mechanisms of toxicity,” the case study said.

    end quote

    *I, niceguyresearcher, think that the excess caffeine causes bp problems and that's where the 21 year old's kidneys started to get affected as bp affects kidney health

    Here's the link....

  2. #2
    that was a broken link, sorry

    here it is

  3. #3
    I really do hope that they can function in my life because they are so helpful to me lately here's how:

    1) they're cold after refrigeration so that alone kind of wakes ya up
    2) they're not only have a good size of caffeine, but they are also loaded up with B vitamins for energy (a 1 stop 1 shop type of deal)
    3) they also have Ginseng herbs in them
    4) they have carbonation meaning this fizz also provides a welcomed kick or pep to 1's step

    I would like to make them work at maybe 2 of them per day and some green tea drinks I prepare throughout the day

    Can people make energy drinks work in their workouts without any health consequences?

    Thanks in advance

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Different people have different tolerances to caffeine. I used to be able to handle it much better, it nowadays I’ll feel uncomfortable after a cup of coffee. They used to sell these energy drinks called “Sobe” in the mid 2000s that I loved. If I drank a rockstar now, I’d probably end up in the hospital.

  5. #5
    People who are doing 4 cans a day worth of energy drinks probably arent healthy to begin with.
    That and energy drinks have so much artificial junk in them.
    Despite being a partial caffeine addict myself,I prefer natural sources.
    Coffee,tea,matcha and occasionally an all natural energy drink from vitamin shoppe.

  6. #6
    Yes, abuse is definitely bad! But we 18-30 year olds are addicted to this shit.
    But think about it, there is a much worse stimulant in bodybuilding than caffeine! Lots of guys use clenbuterol which is 10x worse. Trenbolone itself is worse than a can of Monter, so if you go to see what kills it is excess because either way BP can and will be affected at some point. Who hasn't experienced the trenbolone euphoria that took the pressure off?

    In my gym the guys use injectable mephentermine to train (potenay) veterinary use, used on sick horses. Well whoever takes energy drinks is a saint of God close to them!

  7. #7

    careful not to "yo-yo" back and forth, it's tough on the heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Yes, abuse is definitely bad! But we 18-30 year olds are addicted to this shit.
    But think about it, there is a much worse stimulant in bodybuilding than caffeine! Lots of guys use clenbuterol which is 10x worse. Trenbolone itself is worse than a can of Monter, so if you go to see what kills it is excess because either way BP can and will be affected at some point. Who hasn't experienced the trenbolone euphoria that took the pressure off?

    In my gym the guys use injectable mephentermine to train (potenay) veterinary use, used on sick horses. Well whoever takes energy drinks is a saint of God close to them!
    some of you younger people should careful not to "yo-yo" back and forth, it's tough on the heart.

    which is by taking too much of a stimulant and then trying to balance that out with alcohol or a benzodiazepam like valium

    this would be equivalent to speed balling or yo yo dieting and is really tough on the heart

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