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Thread: Bow and arrow hunting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question Bow and arrow hunting

    I want to go on some sort of package holiday for a week where I can go hunting with a group of skilled hunters, all of us using bows and arrows, sleeping in huts/tents on the hunting ground.

    Where would I get this? Preferably not in a cold place, so Winter in Canada is out, but maybe Summer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I want to go on some sort of package holiday for a week where I can go hunting with a group of skilled hunters, all of us using bows and arrows, sleeping in huts/tents on the hunting ground.

    Where would I get this? Preferably not in a cold place, so Winter in Canada is out, but maybe Summer.
    You'll need to find out what the seasons are for archery. Depending on your destination and prey, you may need to schedule at certain time
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    You'll need to find out what the seasons are for archery. Depending on your destination and prey, you may need to schedule at certain time
    Do you have a recommendation for a hunting club I could call up and express an interest in doing archery hunting as some sort of group tour/vacation?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Listen bro, I am and have been a bow hunter for many many years (far from an expert, but I have a pretty good bag record, and I shoot and hunt ONLY traditional "stick and a string" bows, and when you kill with trad gear; any kill is a trophy...), please allow me to chime in here,

    Contact Lancaster Archery. They are in the UK, I believe, and they can answer all your questions, as well as outfit you with equipment.

    That being said, if you are not an active archery shooter, I doubt you are going to find an reputable guide service, that will take a guy, perhaps loaning him a bow, to hunt, if he is not proficient with his equipment.

    Bow hunting, be it traditional or compound, requires practice (practice, and more practice) to reach the comfort level where an "ethical" hunter would feel he is experienced enough to take a shot on a living creature. That is the nature of the sport, due to the fact that arrows kill solely by cutting and bleed, whereas bullets do that, but also carry the massive shock and stopping power that a bow does to. As an example: The first boar which I illegally drilled here in Poland (ugh... does the excuse of being on my own private 6 hectares excuse me...), she was about 7 meters from me, I was crouched in a ground blind, actually behind some pile of brush which I had build. I shot him, the COC (cut on contact broadhead, the standard for trad hunting) nicked her heart and perforated one lung. She ran about 100+ meters before she piled up. Hell, the way she took off after my shot; I was sure I had missed (and you will be surprised at how easy it is to miss, even from up close... Hell, one early morning, I was waiting, again on my property, and a huge marten came running through the leaves (you hunters know, even a squirrel sounds like an elk, at that moment) and she jumped onto the tree where I was leaning. The wind was blowing the wrong direction so she didn't know I was there. She and I both shit, when I shined her with the light attached to my recurve (yeah... I have a total poacher's special geared up; I ain't fucking around...).

    Good luck FK.

    Hit me up if you need any advice.

    Also, some of the best, most affordable longbows can be bought from, Falco, a company out of Estonia. I own 3 of their bows.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
    The first boar which I illegally drilled here in Poland (ugh... does the excuse of being on my own private 6 hectares excuse me...).
    So I should probably just fly to Poland and you can take me out. I'll pay for food and expenses (lost darts, etc.).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    That's certainly well within the realms of reason.

    I am without a doubt, not a guide, nor am I a competent archery instructor. I personally never took a course (you really don't need to, although it certainly couldn't hurt) and a completely self taught mess, as far as correct form would be concerned. But one of the wonders of traditional shooting is that any style (within reason) is acceptable; in essence, if you can consistently hit what you are aiming at, there is little to dispute. I could guarantee that you would be 100% sure to see wild boar; up close and personal, as the area is over-run with them, and they most often visit like clockwork if and when I am baiting them in advance, which is oftentimes an industry standard.

    I have longbows and recurve bows from the #35 pound range, to #55 pound, and a plethora of arrows, carbon, aluminum and wood, along with an assortment of points...

    If you are ever coming out this way, keep it in mind.

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