Okay so we already know that there's loads of paedophile hunters out there. There are people who spend a few dozen hours a week on a computer with internet access trying to lure and entrap a paedophile.

Should we now have trafficker hunters though? I'm talking about actively seeking out human traffickers, perhaps even going so far as to entice them with female actresses.

Here in the UK when a trafficker is caught, they get a 4-year sentence, and only 2 of those years are actually spent in prison. So back when I was volunteering with local churches helping out impoverished immigrants with food bags and new testaments, I always said to my fellow volunteers not to go directly to the police if they discover where the traffickers operate from (i.e. if they discover either where they sleep at night, where they meet to coordinate their operations, or where they take their victims). There's no point in going to the police if the worst they'll get is a 2-year sentence. I think this is an appropriate scenario for vigilantism.

What do you reckon, should we hunt the human traffickers?