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Thread: Keto is unachievable.... nearly?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Exclamation Keto is unachievable.... nearly?

    I dieted pretty hard last year to make my abs visible before I went on a sun holiday, and it went very well.

    This year I've taken up boxing (normal Western boxing), and I might have an amateur fight at the end of this month in Light Welterweight.

    I've never bought 'keto strips' before to test my ketones... I suppose I just assumed I was in keto when I was losing more than 1kg a week last year ... I mean I just had to be, right?

    So anyway for the past two days I've only eaten chicken, beef, and protein shakes. I bought keto strips today and pissed on one -- it's totally negative, not even a blip.

    So the cups of tea throughout the day with milk and half a sugar must be enough to keep me out of keto. I mean seriously how extreme do you have to go with your eating to get into keto???

    I only have 1kg to lose to get below fight weight so I'm not panicking. Curently 65kg and need to be below 64.

  2. #2
    I used to do boxing and MMA myself ( quite long time ago by now tho) and i still have a sweet spot for it.. I can respect any man who has the balls to step into the ring and fight... goood luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    I used to do boxing and MMA myself ( quite long time ago by now tho) and i still have a sweet spot for it.. I can respect any man who has the balls to step into the ring and fight... goood luck!
    14 years ago I competed in amateur Thai boxing, but I don't remember getting hurt as much as I am getting hurt now in boxing. I only started last week but I've a slight strain/sprain in my wrist, ankle and a swollen nose. When I sleep at night I can't breathe through my nose so I breathe through my mouth, which makes me wake up with 7-hour dry mouth. I'm getting beat around in sparring too, I took a bodyshot two days ago and dropped to the ground. Can't remember getting beat this bad in Thai boxing.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    14 years ago I competed in amateur Thai boxing, but I don't remember getting hurt as much as I am getting hurt now in boxing. I only started last week but I've a slight strain/sprain in my wrist, ankle and a swollen nose. When I sleep at night I can't breathe through my nose so I breathe through my mouth, which makes me wake up with 7-hour dry mouth. I'm getting beat around in sparring too, I took a bodyshot two days ago and dropped to the ground. Can't remember getting beat this bad in Thai boxing.
    14 years is a long time FK. How can you spar with zero carbs? Seems like you’re rushing into the weight loss and then a first fight in 14 years at the same time. Good luck with your goals however.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    14 years ago I competed in amateur Thai boxing, but I don't remember getting hurt as much as I am getting hurt now in boxing. I only started last week but I've a slight strain/sprain in my wrist, ankle and a swollen nose. When I sleep at night I can't breathe through my nose so I breathe through my mouth, which makes me wake up with 7-hour dry mouth. I'm getting beat around in sparring too, I took a bodyshot two days ago and dropped to the ground. Can't remember getting beat this bad in Thai boxing.

    I dont know about the other stuff but if your not already then i recomend training the wrists so they become stronger... strong wrists and fingers are very important for punching. Wrist roller, leverage bar ( you can use a sledgehammer), knuckle and fingertip pushups (2h / 1h ), captain of crush grippers etc. that will all help develop iron fists for hard punches and so you dont injure yourself

    Ross Enamait is a real good trainer who has good books on boxing strength training

  6. #6
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    14 years is a long time FK. How can you spar with zero carbs? Seems like you’re rushing into the weight loss and then a first fight in 14 years at the same time. Good luck with your goals however.
    I have porridge before exercise (only on the days I exercise). On days I don't exercise, it's only meat and protein shakes all day. Literally just now I was about to go do shoulders, arms and legs in the gym but I realised I hadn't had carbs all day. Not enough time to eat and absorb right now so I'm just going to go to the steam room instead. I'll work out this evening or tomorrow.

    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty
    I recomend training the wrists so they become stronger...
    I always had to be sure to wrap my hands back when I did Thai boxing. If I go all out on a punch bag without wraps, I'll tweak my hand/wrist within about 50 punches. Wrists in particular tweak easy.

    Also in Thai boxing I never really bothered punching bags, I only ever punched pads held by a padman, so there was much less shock absorption for my hands/wrists.

    I might see about bulking my hands/wrists a bit.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009
    Yeah .... not having fought in 14 years .... I think I've lost a bit of the hardiness I built up .... I'm not as keen on getting hit as I used to be

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    Yeah .... not having fought in 14 years .... I think I've lost a bit of the hardiness I built up .... I'm not as keen on getting hit as I used to be
    That and the fact that physically your body is different. Recovery from training and taking hits is going to be reduced. 14 years is a long time & you’ll start to see a quickening pace to the changes now unfortunately. Just don’t try to force things too quickly. Good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Lol, now this is comedy.

  10. #10
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    pure gold

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Lol, now this is comedy.
    My thoughts exactly...

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Lol, now this is comedy.
    Funny; how?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Funny; how?
    I think humour is defined here as "any distraction that shifts the focus away from my lifestyle-induced impending heart attack".

    In fairness, I too would find it very soothing to poke fun at others' sporting endeavours if it meant I didn't have to face the reality of my last blood test.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    14 years is a long time & you’ll start to see a quickening pace to the changes now unfortunately. Just don’t try to force things too quickly. Good luck.
    I'm realising now that the skill transferability from Thai boxing to normal boxing is low. Well I'd say it's less than 40% I'd say. A good Thai boxer won't even be half as good at normal boxing. My style in Thai boxing was to hit first, hit hard and keeping hitting. I just kept attacking and kept moving forward. That doesn't work so much in normal boxing if your opponent knows how not to get hit.
    I think I'll tell the boxing gym I need a month or two more training before I fight in normal boxing. The good thing about normal boxing here in Ireland though is that there's no shortage of opponents... there's hundreds of boxing clubs and there's fights on every month.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I'm realising now that the skill transferability from Thai boxing to normal boxing is low. Well I'd say it's less than 40% I'd say. A good Thai boxer won't even be half as good at normal boxing. My style in Thai boxing was to hit first, hit hard and keeping hitting. I just kept attacking and kept moving forward. That doesn't work so much in normal boxing if your opponent knows how not to get hit.
    I think I'll tell the boxing gym I need a month or two more training before I fight in normal boxing. The good thing about normal boxing here in Ireland though is that there's no shortage of opponents... there's hundreds of boxing clubs and there's fights on every month.
    Give it some time. In boxing you have more mobility because there is no leg kicks to worry about. Its like a dance. Keep your guard up, keep your elbows down so you dont get liver shots / body shots to the sides and keep your head down. practice footwork and fluid movement, attacking, retreating, being nimble on your feet. Circle away when opponent comes at you. Feinting, dodging, combinations, going in and out, etc. Boxing is much more playful then muay thai imo.You will start loving it soon! If you know the basics of punching and the boxing stance and so on.. i think you will get hang of it soon
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 05-07-2022 at 10:55 AM.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I'm realising now that the skill transferability from Thai boxing to normal boxing is low. Well I'd say it's less than 40% I'd say. A good Thai boxer won't even be half as good at normal boxing. My style in Thai boxing was to hit first, hit hard and keeping hitting. I just kept attacking and kept moving forward. That doesn't work so much in normal boxing if your opponent knows how not to get hit.
    I think I'll tell the boxing gym I need a month or two more training before I fight in normal boxing. The good thing about normal boxing here in Ireland though is that there's no shortage of opponents... there's hundreds of boxing clubs and there's fights on every month.
    Why rush it? Spar & train until you’re more comfortable.

  17. #17
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I think humour is defined here as "any distraction that shifts the focus away from my lifestyle-induced impending heart attack".

    In fairness, I too would find it very soothing to poke fun at others' sporting endeavours if it meant I didn't have to face the reality of my last blood test.

    I meant it more in jest. This is a forum dedicated to the usage of illegal substances and a lifestyle that may possibly be a detriment to your health. To take anything seriously about threads such as these here is . . . . . funny. My post was an attempt at satire & should have included this clip then.

    Keep at it in the ring FK.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Kimbo you really expect people who actually know you on here to take you seriously when half the shit you say is bonkers? You’re the smallest dude on this forum, claim you ran 1000 mg of tren a week but look like you took 1000 mg of magic mushrooms. Then you come here and say you just started boxing but have a fight coming up at the end of the month. What??? I gave you the benefit of the doubt for a long time because I don’t know what’s going on in your personal life, but if you’re going to post ridiculous shit, expect to be clowned, and don’t take it personally.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Kimbo you really expect people who actually know you on here to take you seriously when half the shit you say is bonkers? You’re the smallest dude on this forum, claim you ran 1000 mg of tren a week but look like you took 1000 mg of magic mushrooms. Then you come here and say you just started boxing but have a fight coming up at the end of the month. What??? I gave you the benefit of the doubt for a long time because I don’t know what’s going on in your personal life, but if you’re going to post ridiculous shit, expect to be clowned, and don’t take it personally.
    Here, is the final word on this topic.

    Thread can be officially closed.

  20. #20
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Then you come here and say you just started boxing but have a fight coming up at the end of the month. What???
    I think you're confusing amateur boxing with professional boxing. It's not like I walked into a boxing club on my first day and expected within a month to have my name in lights and to be fighting under a dozen cameras against the best names in the world.

    I'm just hoping to have an amateur fight in boxing against a guy who's had maybe 1 - 5 amateur fights.

    Of course I've never fought in boxing before, but as I've fought in amateur Thai boxing before (14 years ago), I'm not totally clueless about preparing for a fight both physically and mentally, and I've been hit hard in the ring before and kept going so I won't be shocked in my first fight in normal boxing.

    That said though, I over-estimated how good a boxer I'd be simply because I was good at Thai boxing. I need to learn footwork, bodyshots, moving my head and body to avoid shots. While I think it's possible for me to fight at the end of May, I think I'll tell the club owner that I need to learn footwork and bodyshots and dodging hits for a month or two.

    if you’re going to post ridiculous shit, expect to be clowned, and don’t take it personally.
    I'm not crying under my bed about this but that paragraph sounds like you're justifying bullying. I'm not saying I feel bullied here -- I don't -- but if you perceive that someone's talking ridiculously even though they're trying to be serious, then ridicule isn't the solution.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    you do not have a fight.

    you live in a dream world.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    I know several people who can be on Keto for several months and feel well. I tried once but didn't figure out what could I eat. Read this article and it turned out that even carrots are keto only in moderate amounts.
    Last edited by Frank777; 07-19-2022 at 03:13 AM.

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