First of all, that article is in Yahoo's entertainment section.
Second, it's pushing the narrative that you need to get your HPV vaccine. I'm sure some money changed hands from the pharmaceutical manufacturers and the writer of the article (either directly or indirectly). They're trying to get people to buy that jab and they're using fear porn to accomplish that. By the way, if you sustain an injury from that vaccine, you can't sue the pharmaceutical company for it. They lobbied Congress to give them protections for these vaccines.
But yeah I agree with Lovbyts on this. If you and your old lady are practicing monogamy, you really don't have to worry about STDs in the first place, much less getting cancer because of one.
Hell if that was the truth more than 1/2 the girls I know would be dead.
of all the ways to die, eating pussy is probably one of the better options
in all seriousness though, its best to be selective with which girls you choose to hook up with, dont pull trashy bar chicks and give them tongue like they were your woman. only quality girlfriends deserve that
Pretty much everyone has it. The only way to guarantee you don't get it is if you and your partner were previously virgins.
My female cousin who is 42 just messaged me the other day that she has severe dysplasia in her uterus from the HPV. Both my current and ex girlfriend have HPV and get checked once a year. There are no symptoms. So just cause you think your wife/girlfriend doesn't have it, don't be so sure. A girl could be a saint, but if she fucked a dude who has it, she has it. It just takes one person.
Kinda y I been sticking to keeping it at home for a while
At least the wife is down for whatever, whenever - it’s def been a good incentive to stay married
with the way modern women behave i dont believe there is any incentive to get married. the things i hear women say completely blows my mind. usually its things like "i dont want to work, i just want to be taken care of" & "im allowed to say and do anything i want because im female, and you just have to accept it"
Last edited by JTP$; 06-13-2023 at 08:43 PM.
If most women were like that, then there wouldn't be a majority of women in college. If you look for women who only care about their appearance and spend their days at salons, shopping, tanning... that's what you'll get. You also attract what you put out there. If you paint yourself out to be a vain person that only cares about looks, then that's what you will get in return. I have a neighbor who is a doctor in his 60's. His wife is 20 years younger, and I'm sure I could have tapped 100 times by now if I didn't have integrity. They fight all the time. She's a stay at home "mom" that spends her days organizing her expensive clothes and shoe collection and walking her little white dogs around the neighborhood. A useless woman in my book. Moral of the story, don't make a hoe a house wife. I'm with an educated woman who does all the traditional roles a woman would do, but we share responsibilities. Don't look for girls at the gym or the club. Don't spend your whole life focused on your body and attracting sluts, and you'll find a decent woman.
Incentive? Bliss.
To make a marriage successful takes far too much work, sacrifice & compromise for many. To work & succeed it needs to be prioritized, again, not on the “things I want to prioritize in my life” list for a lot of folks.
A very wise person once put it eloquently to me decades ago - “shit or get off the toilet”.
Last edited by wango; 06-14-2023 at 10:53 AM.
Being serious - I’m way more high maintenance than my wife. Between me still chasing pussy randomly, my juicing, my lifting schedule, my drinking, etc.
My wife wants to work - I just like keeping her home, because she does so much
I lost count how many times her or one of her sisters had to drive my tow truck because I was too wasted
I do take care of them all tho - but, I dunno - reading & writing this makes me like her more. LOL
i hear ya man. i think dating is really a numbers game though, you have to sort through alot of trash before you actually find one worth keeping. people in general tend to only care about themselves, and thats been the root cause of all the problems ive had with past relationships, selfishness.
this is very true, compromise is essential. one can not expect any relationship to work if they think they can force what they want 100% of the time. this is true for personal friendships and professional relationships as well. and it is critical for dating.
Last edited by JTP$; 06-17-2023 at 07:05 PM.
But, then again; if . . . .
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