Well speaking of pulling the trigger. If all goes well this old guy will be a father again in about 10 months. Last time was 31 years ago.
Wife and I have been dong IFV and we are at the stage now of doing egg retrieval this week.My swimmers have been frozen for the last 2 years when we started the process but had some delays.
I had a vasectomy's that was not reversible about 20 years ago when they had to go in so to speak and remove everything to untangle and remove a Spermatocele. Fun times. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-...0377829Luckily
Im use to minor procedures after 20+ surgeries so something like that didnt bother me much except for the part feeling like I got kicked in the nuts 1x a week before having it removed. lolDoctor said it would be 10x more painful than having a traditional vasectomy because they had to open up the sack and take Everything out and then stuff it back in. lol The only problem I had honestly was loosing a few stitches a few days after surgery because it got up to 90 deg so I HAD to take my Jetski out and play on the water. Doctor wasn't very happen when he asked how it happened.
So the other fun part was to retrieve my swimmers they had to extract them with a rather large, long needle and of course I had to be awake for the procedure.
Anyhow, thats the latest.