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Thread: livin it up VIP style in downtown austin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be

    livin it up VIP style in downtown austin

    In the spirit of these 'downtown threads' lately, I have decided to post last nights activities. It all starts when this girl im bangin introduces me to her friend. Her friend knows this guy -who we'll call pablo- and he happens to own 5 or 6 bars/clubs on 6th street (heart of downtown austin). This guy took us around and had us treated like friggin royalty. We went over to this club Element, where there was long line, but we just walked right in. No cover needed, free drinks at the bar, spot in the best couch in the place -which happens to be reservered- but that didnt matter. Yessir it was badass. Two chicks makin out on my left side, free drinks commin in the right, stoned as hell, yup life was good.

    Left Element at 230am because no more alcohol is for sale. SO we headed down to a bar which pablo owned and drank whatever the fuck we wanted till about 530. Its nice haveing your own personal bartender

    Then the rain started. And oh brothers did it pour. I know becuse my car was still parked near element and my lady friend and I walked to it. I had to wring my shirt out. Wet as hell. She wrung hers out too then the rest I'll leave out but thought I'd share the clubbin story.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    can i come next time? =P

    -- cb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    you left the only good part out !! what the hell is wrong with you??

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