I'm just sitting here at work trying to make it look like I'm doing something, waiting for her to call me to say she's ready. Guys, I ave been put through the ultimate test a husband can go through. During her counciling she decided to tell me of two seperate occasions that she had slept with 2 other men during our marriage. 1 was back about 4 years ago when I was in the Navy, and the other was a few months ago with an undercover peice of dog shit cop in the next town over. (He thinks he can call me and run his mouth off just because he's a cop..... they bleed just like we do.) Anyways, when she told me I got up to walk out of her life forever, but something stopped me. I sat back down and she was filled with tears begging me to let her spend the rest of her life making it up to me. Part of her bi-polar/ deppression is she doesn't like trusting anyone and she doesn't believe anyone loves her. She told me that she never thought I truely loved her and the first time she was just trying to hurt me before I hurt her. She said the second time she was depressed, we were fighting like crazy, and she turned to another man for comfort. I hurt like I've never hurt before, but with the advice of a good man (Jugg, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers bro!), and sometime to think about things, I've decided to give her the oppurtunity to love me. I have never and will never stop loving this woman, plain and simple. I see the sincerety in her eyes when she tells me how much she hates herself for what she did to me. She wishes she would have realized that I really did love her so she would have never done these horrible things to me. So guys.... if I can forgive her I don't want any of you calling her names or talking crap. She's my wife and I love her, plain and simple. This friday is our 5 year anniversary and we plan to renew our vows and star over from day 1. Like I said guys, I can forgive what she's done but never forget. But I love her and even though part of me wants to walk away and never look back, from the way we've been talking I believe that we are coming out of this stronger than we've ever been before. Thanks for all the support guys.... just please cross your fingers say a few prayers or whatever you do, to hope that my marriage can be saved and worked out. Because there is no such thing as a fairy tale marriage. Marriage is a full time job that requires dedication, hard work, and patience to succeed. I have all of these qualities. Yes I'm scared to death that she'll hurt me again, but hey that's what love is...... a gamble, and I like my odds.![]()