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Thread: Where is JohnnyB??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego

    Where is JohnnyB??

    Haven't seen him here or at steroidology in a while. We are without his infininite knowledge.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yeah, I agree, I miss the bro!!!! that SOB knows his stuff!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    I don't know either, but if he were here, he'd be sure to let you know that this in the wrong forum...

    Seriously though, I believe my youthful prowess scared him away. Okay, seriously for real, I really don't know but wish he was still around...there seems to be a trend the last few months with people being named "vets" and then taking off.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I Pm Him Last Week Hes Was Having Computer Problems?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    I havent seen mad max either.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen

    Seriously though, I really don't know but wish he was still around...there seems to be a trend the last few months with people being named "vets" and then taking off.

    bro, vets and mods have situations that come up in there life, we all have lives of our own...with families and if a mod or vet isnt around for a while then that might mean that other responsibilities came up in there life....Madmax

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hey max how is the cycle going? What brand anavar are you using?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Quote Originally Posted by CarbonCopy
    Hey max how is the cycle going? What brand anavar are you using?

    bro, im not going on again till april 1st next spring...the var is by BTG, the sust is nile, the eq is quality vet and growth is serostim, the masteron is supra...Madmax

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by Madmax
    bro, vets and mods have situations that come up in there life, we all have lives of our own...with families and if a mod or vet isnt around for a while then that might mean that other responsibilities came up in there life....Madmax
    Without coming across as an ass, I think you sometimes read too much into people's posts that either explicitly or implicitly allude to you (though we have all been guilty of that). Nowhere in my post do I suggest that they're shirking responsibilities, sticking around simply to attain vet status and then leaving or otherwise turning up AWOL for anything but legitimate reasons. I'm simply pointing out an undeniable and factual trend, not 'conspiracy' or 'intentions'.

    I can point out that Derek Jeter, for example, spends most of his time in the company of lean, athletic and wealthy men (and that too is an undeniable fact) and people could read that to mean I'm questioning his sexual orientation if they so desired, and i think that's roughly analogous to the way in which you've received my post - ie, somewhat defensively, though I'm only stating a fact that could be read hundreds of ways, it just appears that you're quick to read most such things in an almost acerbic and reactionary way. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but you can give us members (or maybe it's just me) a little more credit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Johnny B is a mod over at steroid support, maybe hes spending the majority of his time over there....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Without coming across as an ass, I think you sometimes read too much into people's posts that either explicitly or implicitly allude to you (though we have all been guilty of that). Nowhere in my post do I suggest that they're shirking responsibilities, sticking around simply to attain vet status and then leaving or otherwise turning up AWOL for anything but legitimate reasons. I'm simply pointing out an undeniable and factual trend, not 'conspiracy' or 'intentions'.

    I can point out that Derek Jeter, for example, spends most of his time in the company of lean, athletic and wealthy men (and that too is an undeniable fact) and people could read that to mean I'm questioning his sexual orientation if they so desired, and i think that's roughly analogous to the way in which you've received my post - ie, somewhat defensively, though I'm only stating a fact that could be read hundreds of ways, it just appears that you're quick to read most such things in an almost acerbic and reactionary way. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but you can give us members (or maybe it's just me) a little more credit.

    bro you said yourself that your stating a fact that could be interpreted one hundred different not out to bust your balls...and im not taking any credit away from you..i along with the rest of the board know your a very intellegent person....its just when you make a statement like that people are going to read into it......if i would have written a detailed explenation of why some members havent been here i think that would show evidence of me interpreting your post the wrong way..all i said in the (vets) defense is that people have lives and responsibilities thats all i said...i never went indepth as to why...if anything i think you might have looked to indepth into my post...either way its a misunderstanding and its nothing i want to argue about....later bro..Madmax

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Quote Originally Posted by Madmax
    bro you said yourself that your stating a fact that could be interpreted one hundred different not out to bust your balls...and im not taking any credit away from you..i along with the rest of the board know your a very intellegent person....its just when you make a statement like that people are going to read into it......if i would have written a detailed explenation of why some members havent been here i think that would show evidence of me interpreting your post the wrong way..all i said in the (vets) defense is that people have lives and responsibilities thats all i said...i never went indepth as to why...if anything i think you might have looked to indepth into my post...either way its a misunderstanding and its nothing i want to argue about....later bro..Madmax
    No arguments here, it may very well be that I'm just as guilty as the too in-depth reading of a post that I present, and in all likelihood is. And there's no doubt that I'm certainly guilty (as is my trademark without the subtleties of interpersonal communication to reinforce my true meaning) of putting up a post that I mistakenly assumed everyone would read in the way that I intended. My apologies.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    BigGreen I am impressed. Not so much on the message, but on your command of the English language. Are you a writer, journalist, editor perhaps? My hats off to yah?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rxarms
    BigGreen I am impressed. Not so much on the message, but on your command of the English language. Are you a writer, journalist, editor perhaps? My hats off to yah?
    Yhea bro, if Im correct he does have a degree in it. I asked the same question myself after reading some of his posts....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Johnny is fine and has checked in he simply is having some computer problems and I'm sure is quite busy.

  16. #16
    You have to be a journalism major. Impressive use of the English language.

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