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Thread: painkiller withdrawl?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA

    painkiller withdrawl?

    Hey everybody. I've been on oxycodone 10 mg every 4-6 hours for the past 3 weeks for my knee, and i came off today because i was sick of taking the shit. I got surgery 3 days ago, and it's already feeling way better than it did before i went under.

    anyway, since i stopped taking the pills, 8 am today was my last one, i've felt sick. basically feels like the flu. I was wondering if anyone else had ever been through this and how long it'll last. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Sounds like you are displaying signs of withdrawl..Very common when coming off of pain medication..It should subside within a few days..Just make sure you don't jump back on the meds or it will delay your getting over the hump..Pain meds are HIGHLY addicitive and thus are very abused by both patients and Doctor's who prescribe them so freely..Good luck!!!

    Doc M
    Last edited by Doc M; 08-31-2003 at 02:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yep you can definately go thru withdrawals with hardcore painkillers like that because of their addictive nature (oxycodone is from the same family as heroin/morphine). oxycontin was the exact drug jack osborne got himself addicted to. be safe with that stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    already feeling a little better. Had the shits today something terrible though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I had headaches for 3 days when i got off painkillers. Irony?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    wow, coincidence...I just finished my HORRIFIC week of Xanax withdrawal. Lemme tell you, if there is anything that's more uncomfortable than a hard benzo detox, then don't tell me about it cuz i think this is the worst. Anyhoo, be careful with the painkillers. A lot of people take em for a prescription and easily get addicted, like that Matthew Perry guy. Let ur body process it out and then get your mind back on track. Just takes a little time and don't get back on it. It's all about what you do now. I sound like im in rehab again. hope this helps!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ya it's no fun at all... When I got off nubain for my shoulder injury (self medicating is not a good idea in this case) I went into severe withdrawels which freaked me out big time. Vomitting, shaking, couldn't sleep. Since you didn't take it very long i doubt this will last long, good luck though cus a lot of long term addictions start out like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I hate taking any painkillers on a regular basis. It can suppress your appetite. 8) And I love food. I took some painkillers one time when I lost an eye but I wasnt lifting then but I could still tell I wasnt hungry.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    How the hell did you lose an eye if you dont mind me askin? I'd be rockin' an eyepatch if i were you, chicks dig pirates.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    LOL I thought about it. Well the story im gonna tell my grandkids is "In Nam I jumped outta a chopper and got hit with shrapnel and had to survive for weeks in the jungle on grubs and stuff" But what really happens is what happens when you put dry ice and hot water in a glass bottle and let it blow up in your face.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    already feeling a little better. Had the shits today something terrible though.
    I've never taken oxycodone, but Percocet and Tylenol 3 causes constipation. Maybe you're experiencing the opposite of what the painkiller caused.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    LOL I thought about it. Well the story im gonna tell my grandkids is "In Nam I jumped outta a chopper and got hit with shrapnel and had to survive for weeks in the jungle on grubs and stuff" But what really happens is what happens when you put dry ice and hot water in a glass bottle and let it blow up in your face.

    It sucks to know something like that happened.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Ya I was 15 and being dumb. Almost lost em both cause I got a 1 inch gash 1 cm away from the other eye, it was right along the tear duct. I coulda kept it but they said I would have to lay on my stomach for 6-8 months straight and there was only like a 2% change after I could see outta it. They cool thing is if I ever get a buttload of money I can get cool looking ones like on "Last Action Hero" hehe

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by EXCESS
    I've never taken oxycodone, but Percocet and Tylenol 3 causes constipation. Maybe you're experiencing the opposite of what the painkiller caused.

    Percocet and oxycotin contain oxcodone
    Loratabs, Tylenol 3, vicodin ect. contain hyrocodon
    So excess, you have taken oxycodone.
    I use to have a bad addiction with this shit. It was realy hard to come off of. I had to take Methadone for 2 months. God I'm glad I'm clean now. That shit messes up your liver, and if you combine that with juice it really hurts your body. NOw I'm addicted to the gym, and couldn't feel better. If you get hurt some how and you don't want to go through what I did, then tell your DR. that you don't want pain-pills, there are many alternative treatments.
    Just a little lan-yap for ya.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    Quote Originally Posted by EXCESS
    I've never taken oxycodone, but Percocet and Tylenol 3 causes constipation. Maybe you're experiencing the opposite of what the painkiller caused.
    I thought I was the only one who got constipated from tylenol 3.....................what a bitch that was................I was at a club one night dancing....and blew out my right knee......the night before i was doing the heaviest squats that I've ever done in my life..............well anyways i had to much to drink on the paticular night..........and I was dancing and must of planted my foot the wrong way and right knee cap ended up about 90 degrees to the talk about pain..........well after surgery(not orthoscopic) the dr's put me on tylenol 3 w/codine.........worked great for the pain.............but backed me up like a stopped up toilet..........I know im babbling.....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Hollywood, California USA
    Yeah, I have a huge amount of Vicodin that I had 'scripts' for and bought them and just put them aside. I get headaches the day after taking them - and they jack the liver pretty bad too (mostly because of the 'Tylenol' in them). So, they just sit there just in case I get a backache, toothache or something painful.

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