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Thread: Sorta Drunk but feeling gooD!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Sorta Drunk but feeling gooD!!!!


    So I just came back from work...actually from a bar next to my house where I spent the last few hours after work!

    I was hanging out with a buddy from work, he was making me feel better about the GF thing (see my other post here in the lounge!) and he pointed out that this girl that works with us is all SPRUNG on my shit as hell!

    WELL....Just today I was talking to her while at work and she wanted to get together tommorrow......My buddy told me that I should hook up with her and HE BET me A C-NOTE that she wants my shit!!!

    Well, we're going out for lunch tommorrow.....SO I guess that I'll find out if she's interested!

    So my point is that I actually feel pretty good about myself! A bit drunk, but I like knowing that there are other chicks beside my EX-GF (that is a very weird thing to think about after the last year and a half) that are interested in me.....My boy told me I must be a dumb asshole for not noticing it before! I guess I was just always thinking about the GF before and never saw it, which I still dont....BUT I'll find out tommorrow!

    Just wanted to say that I am feeling good about knowing that a boy of mine is 100% sure that this chick digs me! She's petite and brunette and hot as hell!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    You never explained if your g/f actually dumped you or not. All you said is she stopped talking to you.

    My recommendation for your ex wasting your past time. Go to a weapon type store (some around the beaches on the east coast). Pick up some cattle trophs (Spelling is wrong but oh well). Lay them under her car tires and when she backs up.


    Perfect revenge and she'll never be able to put it on you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    You go boy!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    Oh yea, tap that girls ass you fucker. You deserve it after the shit you've been put through.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Oh when your X hears about this, she will be calling...You wait and see. Your in a win win situation!!!! Nice job bro!
    Last edited by buylongterm; 09-09-2003 at 01:22 PM.

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