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  1. #1
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Do you believe in Ghosts?

    Just curious. I've had crazy shit happen to me my whole life! And not only me but Friends, family....(No, I'm not fucked up).

    Who else has strange stories...

  2. #2
    chevy44's Avatar
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    i have a friend who SWEARS that he sees ghosts on a reg. basis. he has called my brothere ( its actually my bros friend) in the middle of the night, on several occasions, just to come over and sleep because he sooo scared!! and hes not the type of guy to lie about something like that, and if he is lying, hes been keeping up w/ it for avbout 3 yrs now!

  3. #3
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
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    nope sometimes I just tweek out

  4. #4
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Well, it would take me hours to tell all of my stories. But EVERYTIME I ask for a sign, BOOM!!! I get one. I've had doors slam, pots and pans in the kitchen bang only to run in there and find 1 pot sitting in the middle of the floor, I've seen it twice, my buddy who lived with my family in NC saw it, and it use to spook my x wife while I was out of town. The last time something happened I asked for a sign and when I got home to my place, I heard somone upstairs whistling...I ran up there to find no one. Obviously, I don't ask for signs that often..

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I don't believe any form of a consious after-life exists

  6. #6
    Testify's Avatar
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    I never believed in ghosts at all until about a year ago. I do believe in a soul and afterlife, but I never di believe that the two worlds interacted in any way - at least not in a way that we as mortals may detect.

    Then I got married and went back to New Orleans (where I went to college) for the honeymoon last year. We decided to stay in this beautiful old hotel (The Columns, if you know the area) that I had been to before for social occasions. Evidently this place is haunted. Everyone there has a story if you ask them - thing is, we didn't know any of this when we saw what we saw.

    The first night we slept all night long, because we drank all day - gotta love NOLA! The second night, we stayed up pretty late and finally went to bed at around 2. We kept hearing noises downstairs, like there was a big party going on. Except there wasn't. We found out later that the bar below actually closed early because there were no customers. Then at about 4am or so we began hearing noises upstairs. Just noisy guests? No, we were the only ones staying in the hotel that night. (It is an old plantation house, so it is smaller than most hotels - maybe 20 rooms.) It was the first week in September - actually it was Sept. 2 - just after the vacationers go home and the college kids go back to school. No one was there. An hour later, we heard voices on the balcony just outside our room. Now, I was a little bothered, and didn't know that we were alone at the time, so I went to see who it was. It was fucking 5 in the morning and I'm trying to sleep! There was noone on the balcony. That was weird. So we crawled back in bed. A bit later came the worst of it. The shower curtain in the bathrooom began to make noise, like there was a draft. But there were no open windows. we could hear it because the bathroom was right behind the headboard of the bed. An it sounded like something was happening above us again. Suddenly, I began to hear what I can only describe as a loud shuffling noise coming from the bathroom behind us - like someone was hurriedly descending a stair. Only there was no stair. I appeared to get louder, like something was approaching the door, so I turned my head to look. Then I saw a black shadowy blur, about 3 feet high, shoot out of the doorway and across the room, and disappear in the opposite corner! I swear. I was not drunk. There was not vehicular traffic outside the window. It was very dark in the room, and still this thing appeared to be visibly much darker in color.

    Of course I did not sleep the rest of the night. And we checked into another nearby hotel for the next night. When we told the bartender about it, he repeated stories he had heard from other employees there about various sightings, and told us that on occasion he sees 'the lady of the house" wandering around. Strange shit. The maids told us that they see figures all the time, especially on the third floor, where they never venture alone. Evidently we were alone in the hotel that night, and there was no party in the bar below, or any guests in a room above. There did, however used to be a stair where the bathroom now is in that room. It was demolished when the house was converted into a hotel.

    So, now I believe. I have witnessed it. Never did before, and have not since. But I saw what I saw. And my wife saw it - and heard it too.

  7. #7
    sublang's Avatar
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    My parents bought a house when I was five years old, where a murder had taken place months before. Strange things began happening and continued for about a year until we moved out. No wonder they got such a good deal on this house. I'm not sure if it was a ghost, but I have been scarred for life ever since.

  8. #8
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I believe in ghosts and the after-life.

  9. #9
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    I've heard that recently they've proved that inaudible ultra low frequency sounds can give the same effects that people claim are caused by "ghosts" This includes slamming doors, a feeling of coldness, hair standing up on end, drawers opening, etc.

  10. #10
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testify
    I never believed in ghosts at all until about a year ago. I do believe in a soul and afterlife, but I never di believe that the two worlds interacted in any way - at least not in a way that we as mortals may detect.

    Then I got married and went back to New Orleans (where I went to college) for the honeymoon last year. We decided to stay in this beautiful old hotel (The Columns, if you know the area) that I had been to before for social occasions. Evidently this place is haunted. Everyone there has a story if you ask them - thing is, we didn't know any of this when we saw what we saw.

    The first night we slept all night long, because we drank all day - gotta love NOLA! The second night, we stayed up pretty late and finally went to bed at around 2. We kept hearing noises downstairs, like there was a big party going on. Except there wasn't. We found out later that the bar below actually closed early because there were no customers. Then at about 4am or so we began hearing noises upstairs. Just noisy guests? No, we were the only ones staying in the hotel that night. (It is an old plantation house, so it is smaller than most hotels - maybe 20 rooms.) It was the first week in September - actually it was Sept. 2 - just after the vacationers go home and the college kids go back to school. No one was there. An hour later, we heard voices on the balcony just outside our room. Now, I was a little bothered, and didn't know that we were alone at the time, so I went to see who it was. It was fucking 5 in the morning and I'm trying to sleep! There was noone on the balcony. That was weird. So we crawled back in bed. A bit later came the worst of it. The shower curtain in the bathrooom began to make noise, like there was a draft. But there were no open windows. we could hear it because the bathroom was right behind the headboard of the bed. An it sounded like something was happening above us again. Suddenly, I began to hear what I can only describe as a loud shuffling noise coming from the bathroom behind us - like someone was hurriedly descending a stair. Only there was no stair. I appeared to get louder, like something was approaching the door, so I turned my head to look. Then I saw a black shadowy blur, about 3 feet high, shoot out of the doorway and across the room, and disappear in the opposite corner! I swear. I was not drunk. There was not vehicular traffic outside the window. It was very dark in the room, and still this thing appeared to be visibly much darker in color.

    Of course I did not sleep the rest of the night. And we checked into another nearby hotel for the next night. When we told the bartender about it, he repeated stories he had heard from other employees there about various sightings, and told us that on occasion he sees 'the lady of the house" wandering around. Strange shit. The maids told us that they see figures all the time, especially on the third floor, where they never venture alone. Evidently we were alone in the hotel that night, and there was no party in the bar below, or any guests in a room above. There did, however used to be a stair where the bathroom now is in that room. It was demolished when the house was converted into a hotel.

    So, now I believe. I have witnessed it. Never did before, and have not since. But I saw what I saw. And my wife saw it - and heard it too.
    WOW, what a story!!!! I remember fighting with my girlfriend in NC on our stairs as we are arguing I happen to look across the room at the sliding glass doors and saw a reflection of someone walking. My girlfriend saw it too. Again, just one of a thousand stories I have. I remember my name being called as a kid with no one home. A few years back I was roller blading and just as I got under a street light, it went off. I said "OK, I dare you to do that again" so, a few second later, I'm roller blading and heading towards another light just as I look up at it, it goes out. coinsidence? HMMM, maybe but I did it once more. Same thing. now, everytime I go under a street light or look up, it goes out. My mom would tell me stories about lying in her bed and seeing the figure walk across the room into another room. We believe it's my moms mom. OK, now I'm freaking out again. Its going to be a long night. I just know it...

  11. #11
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Yupp I sure as hell do belive in ghosts. My dad has told me so many things he has experience and he is not a man to lie and some very strange things happened in a barn we had when I was a kid.

    The thing that makes me most convinced that ghosts exist is that the night my sister died my dad woke upp and saw her sitting in his beedroom(but infact she was 1200km away). She just sat there and my dad instantly knew that she was dead. The morning after he got the phone call that she indeed had died that night.

    Other things that stand out is my sisters old apartment. Strange shit happened there. At night sounds like someone was walking in the apartment could be heard and my sisters husband have several times heard someone clear their throat outside his beedroom in the hallway at night. The thing that freaked me out was when I was there with my dog, all of a sudden her fur raises and she starts to growl towards the hallway betwen the beed room and kitchen. She was absolutely terrified. I walked into the hallway and called for her and she crawled towars me growling and the moment I said that she can go she ran away as far as she could and continue to growl. But then after a minute she just stopped and acted like nothing had happened at all.
    One time a piece of sugar flew straight through the kitchen.

    This is probably not a ghost or something but one time when I sleept there I woke upp in the middle of the night and feelt like someone was holding me down, I could not move a muscle and I could not scream. I was absolteuly terrified and I thought for sure I was going to die, I tried to scream but it just came out as a tiny whisper. It was probably one of the most disgusting things that has ever happened to me. That was before I knew about all the strange things going on.

    Back to the barn I mentioned, one time when I was a kid I was out there in the evening. I was all alone and just cutting in some wood making small figures and shit. All of a sudden I hear a LOUD thump right above me(a loft was right above the room I was in). Then another thump and then it speeds upp and those thumps is heading straight for the stairs down . I never ran as quick in my life as I did then. The thump was as loud as if a large person had jumped. Sounded like a god damn 500 pound bigfoot heading for the stairs. I now wish I had stayed to se wtf it was. But I know that if that had happened to me now I would run just as I did back then. Freaky shit like that scares the hell out of me
    Last edited by Kärnfysikern; 09-19-2003 at 04:27 PM.

  12. #12
    Kato is offline Member
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    I should not have read this shit! Been having SUPER CRAZY dreams the last 2-3 weeks and i know this shit ain't gonna help.

    BLT, testify, and a way i'm sort of jealous but at the same time i'm not. This make sense?


  13. #13
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kato
    I should not have read this shit!
    Nooooo fucking kidding!! I hate getting spooked out. I pray that I never have any experiences like above.

    When my Grandma died my aunts said they immediately felt a cold draft. They said it was freaky. They all felt it at the exact time my Grandma died. She was a dear soul.

    I remember walking home late at night as a kid...I was going through a dark scummy walkway and I was creeped out...then someone jumped out of a sitting area and scared the fuck out of me. I one punched him and in the same motion ran away at full speed with shivers running down my body. I can still remember that sick feeling. Turns out I knocked out a high school tough guy and I was only 12 and in elementary school. This guy wanted to tune me for years after that. I couldn't go anywhere without him bullying me. Oh well if the asshole would have just left me alone to begin with...I hate getting spooked out.
    Last edited by Money Boss Hustla; 09-19-2003 at 08:30 PM.

  14. #14
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    No SHIT!!! SPOOKED? do you know whats it's like to ask for a sign and while lying on a couch trying to sleep, you open your eyes and the lights have just gone out? Of course you will always say to yourself, Oh, the bulb is loose, or it's just pure coincidence. Then you close your eyes again and then hear the TV turn off by itself. Then once again open your eyes and the light is back on? SHIT! It's 1:00am and It's going to be a long long night......

  15. #15
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    STOP IT!!!!

    Can we ban blt!?

  16. #16
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    if i were you i'd just ask.. why aren't you at peace?

  17. #17
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    if i were you i'd just ask.. why aren't you at peace?
    ...or ask another question "why don't I put down the crack pipe!"

  18. #18
    sublang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan

    The thing that makes me most convinced that ghosts exist is that the night my sister died my dad woke upp and saw her sitting in his beedroom(but infact she was 1200km away). She just sat there and my dad instantly knew that she was dead. The morning after he got the phone call that she indeed had died that night.

    Now that gave me chills!

  19. #19
    big daddy k de's Avatar
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    Damn right i Believe in ghosts ... never experienced one but that is my worst fear. i think is because i allows see this scary shit on TV and stories it just scares the shit out of me. and what are u going to do if a ghost fuks with you punch him i done think so your had will go straight threw him or poses you or something

  20. #20
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    STOP IT!!!!

    Can we ban blt!?

    Dude, you are cracking me up!!!!! I keep picturing you sitting there with the lights off, freaking out!!!!

    How about the time when I was in NC with my x-wife and we were all sitting in my brothers room. She says "come to the kitchen with me" I said you can't go alone? She says HELL NO. I said "just wait, we will get a sign. the ghost will show it's presence..." Well, litterally, 5 seconds after I say that we all hear "your an asshole"....We were like what the????? Well, on top of my brothers entertainment center, in a bag, still in the box, not even opened yet, was one of those talking toys that when you press the button, it swears. The thing went off all by itself. Then No lie, we were sitting freaking out, and I said, Just wait. .....Well, then my brothers light goes out. needless to say, I slept that night with the lights on!!!!!

    And I have more!!!!!!
    Last edited by buylongterm; 09-20-2003 at 10:55 PM.

  21. #21
    caturpilar's Avatar
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    Damn it blt I live in a house all alone! Gonna have to get a buddy to sleep over tonight

    Well the only story I have is this. About 12 years ago, my stepdad committed suicide. So my mom was going to stay with her sister for like a few days afterwords, so she went to the house to get some things and she tried to unlock the door but the key wouldn't turn, and as she looked in the window of the front door she got the eeriest feeling and she said she heard a quite voice whisper now is not the time to come in. SO, like 3 days later she went back now the key worked just fine, as she was in there she hollered for the dog, (a shephard named dutchess) the dog came bolting across the yard, but as soon as it came to the door it came to like a screeching halt and would not go in the house. I dunno but they say dogs can sense ghosts and crap. Regardless still freaks me out to this day!

  22. #22
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caturpilar
    Damn it blt I live in a house all alone! Gonna have to get a buddy to sleep over tonight

    Well the only story I have is this. About 12 years ago, my stepdad committed suicide. So my mom was going to stay with her sister for like a few days afterwords, so she went to the house to get some things and she tried to unlock the door but the key wouldn't turn, and as she looked in the window of the front door she got the eeriest feeling and she said she heard a quite voice whisper now is not the time to come in. SO, like 3 days later she went back now the key worked just fine, as she was in there she hollered for the dog, (a shephard named dutchess) the dog came bolting across the yard, but as soon as it came to the door it came to like a screeching halt and would not go in the house. I dunno but they say dogs can sense ghosts and crap. Regardless still freaks me out to this day!

    Wow!!!! Yeah, shit like this does freak me out, I think that I am sorta use to it. I've asked for a sign, so I'm going to see if anything happens in the next couple of days. It always happens when you least expect it. But, check the closets, lock the doors, and prey the lights stay on tonight!!!!!

  23. #23
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
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    My uncle has some stories. Awhile back he moved into an old house where this old lady died. Every night his cat would like just stare at the door leading up to the attic, then it would just take off upstairs. Then he'd hear like some wild shit, like the cat was running into the walls or something. But the cat was always fine the next morning.Then one night, while the cat was upstairs with that "old lady" making all that noise, my uncle sat up outta bed and said "would you two please stop, i have to get some sleep", and then the noise stopped. Also, one day, my uncle came home from work, and my picture from when i was a few months old was sitting on his TV, and it was all the way across the room, on the table or something. He thought maybe my aunt or somebody came by, so he called them up, and they said they didnt come by. But the thing is, the doors were bolted shut when he got home, just how he left them. A few weeks later, my uncles girlfriend moves in with him, and then all that weird stuff just stopped.

    But still, i dont beleive in ghosts. Ive stayed at his house plenty of times and nothing weird happend.

  24. #24
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caturpilar
    Damn it blt I live in a house all alone! Gonna have to get a buddy to sleep over tonight

    Well the only story I have is this. About 12 years ago, my stepdad committed suicide. So my mom was going to stay with her sister for like a few days afterwords, so she went to the house to get some things and she tried to unlock the door but the key wouldn't turn, and as she looked in the window of the front door she got the eeriest feeling and she said she heard a quite voice whisper now is not the time to come in. SO, like 3 days later she went back now the key worked just fine, as she was in there she hollered for the dog, (a shephard named dutchess) the dog came bolting across the yard, but as soon as it came to the door it came to like a screeching halt and would not go in the house. I dunno but they say dogs can sense ghosts and crap. Regardless still freaks me out to this day!
    Yeah dogs seems to sense things we dont. buylongterm get a dog bro that way you will always have a buddy that warns you when some shit is going to happen or just make you more scared.
    Seeing a dog absolutely terrified is disturbing

  25. #25
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Yeah dogs seems to sense things we dont. buylongterm get a dog bro that way you will always have a buddy that warns you when some shit is going to happen or just make you more scared.
    Seeing a dog absolutely terrified is disturbing

    I grew up with shepards and they would always just look at nothing and bark their ass off as if there was something there. I guess, I just got used to it. But all my dogs would stare into space and freak out!!!! Creepy shit!!!! 2 days and so far nothing...

  26. #26
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    Not yeah but HELL YEAH. Seen enough sh*t in my lifetime to write a book about ghosts..

  27. #27
    BIG R's Avatar
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    I cant tell you enough of the experiences that I have had with ghosts.............and yes dogs sence thier presence much more than regular humans do.


  28. #28
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    2,038 officially not gonna be able to sleep by myself tonite......

  29. #29
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Sicillian and Big R please share some stories. I am absolutely fascinated by ghosts.

  30. #30
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    After my folks divorced I lived with my dad in long Beach, MS. He had rented an old house and had made the comment to friends that he couldn't believe how little the guy wanted for rent. Well, I guess it was on the second night there that we started noticing strange stuff happening. I woke up the next morning and noticed all the chairs in the dinning room stacked up on the table. My old man never stacked the chairs on the table no even if we were mopping the floor and if he had I'm sure he would not have stacked them one a top the other. There was no way to reach the top chair without a footstoll! I asked him what's up with stacking the chairs and he said he didn't stack anything. Sometimes the cabinets would all be open, lights wouldn't work and carpets would be rolled up that were once spread across the floor. There were cold spots in the house as well, you could walk across the room and hit one along the way all the time. At frst when all this started to happen I was a little scared but we both kind of got used to it. One time he and I are watching TV and says to me to go and turn the light off in the kitchen, now I'm sitting in the room with him and the light goes out...........he looks over at me and I'm looking back at him..........he then turns towards the kitchen and says "thanks"...........THE LIGHT COMES BACK dad then says "quit being a pest" and to leave it off.........The light goes off again. He and I would both talk to whoever was in the house from then on. We never heard anything back but it was kind of cool when little things would happen after we said something.

    None of my friends would come into our house and my dog never left my side as long as we were inside.

    My wife had a really bad experiance when she lived in Texas. Apperntly her mother had rented an old house that freaked them out big time. Doors slamming, floors creaking and voices all the time. She said they stayed there for about four days before they found another place. In fact one of her friends had come over one evening and had thought he had been called upstairs by my wife (Ronda was actually outside and not upstairs at the time), he gets up to the top of the stairs and sees and hears something that freaked him out so bad that he ran out of the house screaming. He was so terrified that he would not even talk about it.

  31. #31
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    Well, I had a few actually, I had bought a condo where there was an old couple that left and the wife had actually died there.
    1 sat. afternoon, my ex-wifes son and I were playing PS1 and we here the knocker knock on the door so we ran like instantly just f'ing around we open the door and NOTHING! WTF right, oh it's his friends playing ding dong ditch (it's basically a high rise condo so and all the doors are inside so if someone was to knock and leave we would have seen the stair doors close) then we said "Oh, it's nothing!" The knocker then knocked on it's own as we were standing there at the door...we saw it move! We looked at each other and just turned white! we didn't speak of it for months!
    Also, things would happen around the house, infact my daughter who was very young at the time would speak to someone....I never saw anyone in the room, but she'd be looking up and talking.

    My grandfather is smelt and reflections of him are seen in my moms house, infact it's appreciated! Something will happen and we'll just say "Pap is here!". My wife get freaked when she hears about some of the stuff, infact my sons and my dr. (for adhd), this weekend, is in and old 100+ year old house and there is a ghost on the 3rd floor, I told her after we left and she says to me that she'll never go to the house again!

    As far as the thing about ultra low sounds, if you're looking for explainations there is none! Also, I don't think sound moved the knocker on my door...just my .02 I don't think scientist know everything, even though they think they do!


  32. #32
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    WOW, the last 2 stories are kick ass!!!! I agree with everyone is always trying to find a reason not to believe. Ultra low sounds? In every house, every apartment, every street corner that I've lived in? NO WAY!!!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    WOW, the last 2 stories are kick ass!!!! I agree with everyone is always trying to find a reason not to believe. Ultra low sounds? In every house, every apartment, every street corner that I've lived in? NO WAY!!!
    As far as looking for a reason....if your looking for an answer that will suite you and your will ALWAYS find something whether or not it's true or not. Hell, the whole Gear causing cancer??? Sure they gave a rat with terminal cancer (a golf ball sized tumor) 4x the dose a human would take and all of a sudden the rat was the gear right?


  34. #34
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ripsid
    As far as looking for a reason....if your looking for an answer that will suite you and your will ALWAYS find something whether or not it's true or not. Hell, the whole Gear causing cancer??? Sure they gave a rat with terminal cancer (a golf ball sized tumor) 4x the dose a human would take and all of a sudden the rat was the gear right?

    I belive that if something happens, it can be explained and investigated ect. But I do think that scientists are loking for the wrong asweres. Until some serious research is done with a open mind I dont think we will have any answere. Ultra low sounds and explanations like that is just a insult to the people that have seen and experienced freaky shit.
    But I guess no real scientist are going to try and investigate because then they would have a ghost hunter label for the rest of their life.

  35. #35
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Your so right. What in the hell is a scientist going to say to my friend. He for a long time had scratch marks all over his body when he woke up in the morning. He tried everything. Wearing gloves to bed, sleeping on the floor, etc...then he woke up at night, turned his head and he saw a lady underneath him feeling his crotch!!!! NO SHIT....The funny thing is his roomate at the time said "hell, tell her to come in my room and feel me up". Strange shit, strange shit...

  36. #36
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    South Jersey and HATING I
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Your so right. What in the hell is a scientist going to say to my friend. He for a long time had scratch marks all over his body when he woke up in the morning. He tried everything. Wearing gloves to bed, sleeping on the floor, etc...then he woke up at night, turned his head and he saw a lady underneath him feeling his crotch!!!! NO SHIT....The funny thing is his roomate at the time said "hell, tell her to come in my room and feel me up". Strange shit, strange shit...
    Those are bad shrooms bro!
    That's unreal! Physical encounters are scary as shit!

    My kid said to me "daddy, I see dead people ... all the time"


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