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  1. #1
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Today is a bad day here in N.B.

    Man.. I don't know if it's this job, all the f'ing stress I'm under, or being broke but today just sucks! I can't get motivated to do anything here at work, not that I do much to begin with. Just bored, and pissed because I REALLY don't want to be here today. Hell I'm just venting.... I'll be ok at 3:30pm when I can go home. I'm itching to get back in the gym....Sept. 29th baby. It's been 7 weeks since I quit the gym and I feel like shyte. I'll be back in and back on the gear... not to mention FINALLY getting my tats done. So far things are starting to look somewhat up, but it's hard to get excited. When it comes to my life I'velearned when things are going good to watch out because disaster is just around the corner. You know the saying, it's always calm before the storm. Oh well, my new motto in life is "Fuck it!" This world can kiss my ass, the only ones that matter to me is my kids, some good friends, my parents, and my AR family. You guys are in part, what's keeping me together, thanks guys... just by typing all this I'm starting to feel a bit better. I still have my deep down desire to kill or at least mame(spelling) a certain 2 individuals in this world.(Most, if not all of ya'll know who I'm refering to) Laters guys and gals!

  2. #2
    talon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Man.. I don't know if it's this job, all the f'ing stress I'm under, or being broke but today just sucks! I can't get motivated to do anything here at work, not that I do much to begin with. Just bored, and pissed because I REALLY don't want to be here today. Hell I'm just venting.... I'll be ok at 3:30pm when I can go home. I'm itching to get back in the gym....Sept. 29th baby. It's been 7 weeks since I quit the gym and I feel like shyte. I'll be back in and back on the gear... not to mention FINALLY getting my tats done. So far things are starting to look somewhat up, but it's hard to get excited. When it comes to my life I'velearned when things are going good to watch out because disaster is just around the corner. You know the saying, it's always calm before the storm. Oh well, my new motto in life is "Fuck it!" This world can kiss my ass, the only ones that matter to me is my kids, some good friends, my parents, and my AR family. You guys are in part, what's keeping me together, thanks guys... just by typing all this I'm starting to feel a bit better. I still have my deep down desire to kill or at least mame(spelling) a certain 2 individuals in this world.(Most, if not all of ya'll know who I'm refering to) Laters guys and gals!
    Hey BT, I say we have a BIG AR reunion and you invite those two. Then we will feed them to BDTR, BigOLegs, and everyone else who is probably 10 times there size... he he he

  3. #3
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    I like your thinking..... but trust me, I can and would do far more damage than anyone else could. When it comes to causing physical pain.... I'm one sick sumbitch.

  4. #4
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
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    Things will start looking up bro just hang in there once you go back to the gym youll start looking better and feeling better

  5. #5
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrstlr69sdnl
    once you go back to the gym youll start looking better and feeling better
    Ok, I admit to feeling like crap but now you're telling me I look like crap...... yeah thanks pal! j/k

  6. #6
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
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    well hay not everyone can look as good as me

  7. #7
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrstlr69sdnl
    Things will start looking up bro just hang in there once you go back to the gym youll start looking better and feeling better
    Talking about kicking a guy when he's down....

    Hang in there bro times will get better.

  8. #8
    nevaenuf's Avatar
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    After taking seven weeks off from the gym-I dont think anybody who is used to lifting every day would be in a good mood. Once your starved adiction gets feed and you start back-The world will seem like a better place.

  9. #9
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Thanks Mudd. Wrstlr.... better watch it I still know plenty bro's out in the fleet that will really welcome you aboard.

  10. #10
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Thanks Mudd. Wrstlr.... better watch it I still know plenty bro's out in the fleet that will really welcome you aboard.
    Hell yeah! I gots lots of guys up at MCRD *and* Pendleton who can say "Welcome" in that special Marine Corps way!

    Big Texan: I have had plenty of days like that, I got out of the navy not too long ago, finances were a wreck, the rent was due, travelling everywhere for my new job so I wasn't near my bros to talk to. It sucked. That's one of the things that got me into the gym every day, to absorb some of the fucking rage I had at the world. Things are *much* better now, and I think it will be for you too once you get back to lifting!

  11. #11
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    navydevildoc..... you were a Corpman right? If so I hate you. Ya'll bastards couldn't find a vein to draw blood if your life depended on it. As for bedside manner, that's pretty non-existent. Just joking with ya bro, don't take anything i say seriously.

  12. #12
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    navydevildoc..... you were a Corpman right? If so I hate you. Ya'll bastards couldn't find a vein to draw blood if your life depended on it. As for bedside manner, that's pretty non-existent. Just joking with ya bro, don't take anything i say seriously.
    Yeah, yeah, heard it all before.... I was a pretty damn good corpsman, if I say so myself. Bedside Manner? Oh come on, you'll get better no matter if we are nice to you or not. Damn wuss. Besides, if I had to work on a ward for some bitchy nurse I would be pissed off too. I was lucky and was in the infantry most of the time.

    I know what you mean about blood draws and IVs. I don't know what it is with most of these guys.. I always tried to help out by having a real junior guy do mine since I have huge pipeline veins. Let him at least do one and get it right, maybe he will nail it the next time too. Some guys get it, some don't. Don't know why.

    It's all good now... I got out, joined the reserves, and became an IT. Go figure. They already warned me that my HM 8404 (Grunt Corpsman) NEC is still there, so I could get pulled to the sandbox with the grunts whenever they want.

  13. #13
    peam's Avatar
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    hey, if it makes you feel any better there are like 12 people reading this thread and at the same time!... I bet that's more than the total number of people who've ever read any of mine!

  14. #14
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    peam... You make me smile. Don't feel bad girl, your special around here too.

  15. #15
    peam's Avatar
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    sure sure! the only reason I'm special is because I have body parts that heterosexual men take pleasure in... but I'm glad I made you smile

  16. #16
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    Don't get me started on the Pecker Checkers! j/k devildoc!

    T, it's all good bro! Take this time to just relax because when you get back in I'm gonna be all over you! I'll stomp your Texas Sized ass in the ground buddy!

    I know when I tore my shoulder up last years I was so depressed! I mean I went from just fucking going 100mph at the gym to hoping I could wake up and raise my arm 6inches!

    Stay strong brother!


  17. #17
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Keep your head up big man.............things are working in your favor as we speak...............

  18. #18
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    Sounds like you've weathered the storm and now it's just clean up time. Getting back into a gym, on AS, with a new routine you'll be kicking ass in no time.

  19. #19
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peam
    sure sure! the only reason I'm special is because I have body parts that heterosexual men take pleasure in... but I'm glad I made you smile
    LMAO!!!!!! darlin' the right body parts or not, with your sweet personality, you're a peach.

    SID, Mass Junkie, chica...... thanks. I know what I have to do and am trying to do it. Getting back in the gym and using this rage inside of me will only help me get to where I want to be. But there are a few things that I shouldn't do that I'm in the works of doing. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, or even burn in hell for my thoughts and actions but I've always been the type of guy you just don't cross. I will stop at nothing to get payback. I'm a great guy to have as a friend, but the last person you want to "f" with. The navy loved the fact that when it comes to having to hurt someone I can turn of all human emotion and operate machine like. Hell a question I was asked upon entering the teams was that if ordered to protect my country could I and would I kill anyone from friends, strangers to family that pose a threat to my country and I honestly answered yes without hesitating. I'm just that kind of guy. I've always teatered on that fine line...... but like I said I can be one of the nicest, sweetest guys you could ever know.

  20. #20
    Strut99GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Hell a question I was asked upon entering the teams was that if ordered to protect my country could I and would I kill anyone from friends, strangers to family that pose a threat to my country and I honestly answered yes without hesitating. I'm just that kind of guy. I've always teatered on that fine line...... but like I said I can be one of the nicest, sweetest guys you could ever know.'re freakin' hardcore, BT!

  21. #21
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    I'm just cold by nature. I mean if you're going to actually fight someone, you fight to kill, not to just beat up... you make sure their not going to get up and come at ya again. I've always been that way, gotten arrested a few times for it to... I just black out and when I come to someone's usually laying on the ground beat to hell. Of course the times I have gotten inot fights all were backed with good reason, either someone swinging at me, attempting to jump a friend, talking shit to family, and the one time I went to juvie I beat the shit and almost killed this one kid that tried to rape a friend of mine. So I do have control of my anger.... I try to pick just the right times to release it.

  22. #22
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    I'm just cold by nature. I mean if you're going to actually fight someone, you fight to kill, not to just beat up... you make sure their not going to get up and come at ya again. I've always been that way, gotten arrested a few times for it to... I just black out and when I come to someone's usually laying on the ground beat to hell. Of course the times I have gotten inot fights all were backed with good reason, either someone swinging at me, attempting to jump a friend, talking shit to family, and the one time I went to juvie I beat the shit and almost killed this one kid that tried to rape a friend of mine. So I do have control of my anger.... I try to pick just the right times to release it.
    I have friends like that, so I know what you are talking about. I, on the other hand, have a VERY long fuse. It takes quite a bit before I am ready to beat the shit out of someone. There are some exceptions to that rule, you named some above (backing up bros, guys who take advantage of women). The only other thing I cannot stand is SLOW, BAD DRIVERS. I get really, really, worked up over this. My friends freak out when I am driving, because I start literally screaming at people in the car. It's like the hulk, I just freak out. But once I get out of the car, calm down, I am back to normal again. Blame it on my California upbringing, where the speed limit is a suggestion.

  23. #23
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    navydevildoc.... I'm the same way. The wife hates riding with me anymore. Veins start popping up in my forehead and I turn dark red, next comes the screaming.... hell I actually almost stopped the car once to knock the hell out of some idiot that ran a red light adn almost hit me.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    navydevildoc.... I'm the same way. The wife hates riding with me anymore. Veins start popping up in my forehead and I turn dark red, next comes the screaming.... hell I actually almost stopped the car once to knock the hell out of some idiot that ran a red light adn almost hit me.
    Yeah... that's me all right! At least Tourist season is over in San Diego, so the damn drivers from Washington, Oregon, Utah, and ARIZONA (the worst!) are not around too much anymore. The natives here can drive pretty damn good, we don't screw around.

  25. #25
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Hell, just make sure I'm on your good side!!!!! If I had to, I'd die for you bro!!!!

  26. #26
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    BLT, good side? S**t I'm sending him a christmas present! I ain't taken any chances.

    Funny, when I was in Ft. Lauderdale (working) I apperantly cut some dude off or something (I didn't know it or I'd have waved an appolgy) and while I was sitting at a red light this guy comes up and punches me right through the window, no kidding. He did learn he made a big mistake by doing that, although I'm sure it was funny watching me trying to get my seatbelt off and get out of the car in a hurry (I got all tangled up in the damn thing). We both wound up going fist to cuffs in the middle of the intersection and ended with me chasing him around the cars waiting to go through the light. Idiot!

  27. #27
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Hell, just make sure I'm on your good side!!!!! If I had to, I'd die for you bro!!!!
    No worries, you have to REALLY screw me over to get on my shyte list. As for ya dieing for me...... I would never ask another person to sacrifice for me. Even in the service I wouldn't allow any of my brothers to take a bullet for me, that's why on every job we did I volunteered to be the first man in and the last man out.

  28. #28
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Jugg, you me good friend are forever on my good graces.

    I would have payed money to see you trying to get out of the car.... I to have had to battle with the damn seat belt tryingto get out in a hurry.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    No worries, you have to REALLY screw me over to get on my shyte list. As for ya dieing for me...... I would never ask another person to sacrifice for me. Even in the service I wouldn't allow any of my brothers to take a bullet for me, that's why on every job we did I volunteered to be the first man in and the last man out.

    Well, by saying what you just did, just shows me you are one STAND up dude. Actually gave me goosebumps. Still know we are always there for you!!!!

  30. #30
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Thanks Mudd. Wrstlr.... better watch it I still know plenty bro's out in the fleet that will really welcome you aboard.
    Damn knew I shouldnt have said anything about the Marines

    Go Coast Gaurd

  31. #31
    peam's Avatar
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    Awww thanks Big Texan

  32. #32
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    T, bro you and I are alot alike bro in more ways than you even know!
    I can't tell you times that I blacked out, but was told what I did in a fit of rage. I being usually one of the smaller guys around and an overly good natured guy but with one of the meaner streaks around, people find out too late. When I was in guam I had an SK2 (lpo)that would talk shit and demean me and he said the one thing you never say to SID..."you wanna step out side?" Well, he was about 6'2" and I'm 5'10" at the most and we stepped out side I asked him are you ready....well, he tried out talking when he said yes... In the books, we lost one day on our safety record in our warehouse because a certains sk2 tripped in the warehouse and smashed his nose on a crate. He could peal his nose down and you could see in his head. I turned went into the office and my SKC said "SID take his ass to medical".... Last time anything was said of that. I hate to say this, but I know that anger is a family trait, I learned to fight fighting off my dad. 5'5" and 180lbs of Dego Mean! I can tell you some stories that would amaze you! and you would laugh... but then you would know why I am WHO I am. My father said to me when I was in 5th grade you're going to be smaller than everyone else and they're going to F*K with you, here's what you do.... I knew how to fight when other kids were learning Atari. I can go on on this subject bro! and that's why the teams wanted me... and my buddies that were on the teams that Isurfed trained and partied with all said I should have a trident...not one that you buy in the store either.


  33. #33
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrstlr69sdnl
    Damn knew I shouldnt have said anything about the Marines

    Go Coast Gaurd
    COAST GAURD!!!!!! COAST GAURD!!!!!!!!!! Boy don't make me slap you!!!!!!! The Navy, not the Kitty Navy!

    Peam.... not a problem ma'am.

    SID, it's offical, we have to meet bro. I'm beginning to think we're somehow brothers.

  34. #34
    ripsid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    COAST GAURD!!!!!! COAST GAURD!!!!!!!!!! Boy don't make me slap you!!!!!!! The Navy, not the Kitty Navy!

    Peam.... not a problem ma'am.

    SID, it's offical, we have to meet bro. I'm beginning to think we're somehow brothers.
    Bro, I'm telling you! it's uncanny! I know we're not because well you what 6-3? I'm lucky to be 5-10! Got you on age and that's it bro!


  35. #35
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    Hey.....Talons only posted once on this thread........what's up with that? Oh, I suppose now that he's all high and mighty with his Senior Member title he's decided to slack up now. I think a demotion or a California recall is in order here. Foul....I call foul.

  36. #36
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Jugg.... you picking up the slack by whoring yourself now?

    SID, I may be 6'2" but I'm the tallest on my mom's side and the shortest on my dad's side of the family. All the men and even the women are 6'5" or better. So it looks like I was short changed by my 5'4" mother.

  37. #37
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    That's it.......................I'm not sending you those flowers and candy I was thinking of sending. Cold cold.

  38. #38
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut2148
    That's it.......................I'm not sending you those flowers and candy I was thinking of sending. Cold cold.
    That's ok, flowers have never been my cup of tea and I don't like sweets. I'll send ya a sweater for those chills you're getting.

  39. #39
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    SID, I may be 6'2" but I'm the tallest on my mom's side and the shortest on my dad's side of the family. All the men and even the women are 6'5" or better. So it looks like I was short changed by my 5'4" mother.
    Damn, I am 6'2" but I would give my left nut to be 6'5". I can't even imagine only being 5'4"!!!!! Being tall is definitely a good thing, except when I have to cram onto the airplane. That and it means I have long, stringy muscles that don't have nice big bulges on them.

  40. #40
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Well my real father was 6'5" and about 190 lbs wet wearing boots, Now my Uncle Kelly (whom I still wish my mother would have hooked up with instead) was 6' 9"- 6' 10" about 318 lbs. I could be in the pro's right about now!!!!!

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