Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
Mylicon drops are if they have a problem with alot of gas or (spelling) caulicy. My son had excess gas and even burping him he'd still be bloated and fussy. We'd give him a few drops of Mylicon and he'd let out a monsterous burp and be good for a few hours. Also if your wife breast feeds all the better but if she doesn't and you bottle feed I recommend Infamil Lipil w/ iron, it's damn close to breast milk.
Not that it's any of my damn busines ...but i'm pretty opinionated on breast feeding. So many studies have shown the benefits of breast feeding - i think the american dietetic association recommends nothing but breast milk for 6 months. It can be hard on the mother, but it greatly affects IQ, immune system and the future health of your kid...more breast feeding = smarter, stronger, healthier kids and eventually adults!!