Here's some things commonly overlooked or taken for granted. Please feel free to add.
1.) Protein intake is at least .2g x bw. Ex: 200lb person should consume 400g of protein. *Double check b/c I didn't realize until recently that my 4oz portions of protein only came to 30g of protein, yea duh!
2.) Are you diversifying your protein selections? This means not just chicken and tuna every meal.
3.) Did you lift the same amount of weight or more this week as you did the week before. *Realize your losing muscle if you don't
4.) Are you taking enough multi's to supplement the lack of nutrients and vits in your diet?
5.) Have you been using the same workout for more than a year now?
*If so take the time to acquant yourself to other ways of training such as West-Side, EDT, EMG, Doggcrapp's routine, 5x5, etc, etc, etc.
I know some of you are saying to yourselves, "is this guy insulting my intelligence?...this is basic stuff I learned from day one."
Maybe so, but I know I'm guilty of neglecting two of these in the last yr. Feel free to add more to the checklist...