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Thread: Just to clear things up....

  1. #1

    Just to clear things up....

    This is not BigGreen. If it were BigGreen, he would be in violation of his self-imposed vacation so that he might increase his chances of getting into the law school of his dreams and thereafter be known as "BigCrimson". No friends, this is his alter ego, and I can prove it:

    Their was a time when they're dog was sad and so were they, but now there all happy.

    See, he would never make, or allow himself to type, such blatant grammatical errors and misuse of the "they're, their, there" words. That being satisfactorily proven, the point of this thread is as follows:

    Due to the number of PMs my sexy alter ego receives wondering where he went, whether he was still around, etc, etc, I've been "created" just to let people who missed it the first time around know that he still visits, still responds to PMs, but will not be back in an active manner until after the december 6th test date. Well, that is all...he's waking up and if he catches me typing I don't know where our relationship will go.

    Man I'm sick.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    i think you should leave the fact that your have an alter ego OUT of your apps. just my suggestion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen's Alter Ego
    This is not BigGreen. If it were BigGreen, he would be in violation of his self-imposed vacation so that he might increase his chances of getting into the law school of his dreams and thereafter be known as "BigCrimson". No friends, this is his alter ego, and I can prove it:

    Their was a time when they're dog was sad and so were they, but now there all happy.

    See, he would never make, or allow himself to type, such blatant grammatical errors and misuse of the "they're, their, there" words. That being satisfactorily proven, the point of this thread is as follows:

    Due to the number of PMs my sexy alter ego receives wondering where he went, whether he was still around, etc, etc, I've been "created" just to let people who missed it the first time around know that he still visits, still responds to PMs, but will not be back in an active manner until after the december 6th test date. Well, that is all...he's waking up and if he catches me typing I don't know where our relationship will go.

    Man I'm sick.
    Yes you are,and I hope your a woman also DB

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey BG, alter ego's huh? I can send you some of the pills the doc's have my wife on to help with that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen's Alter Ego
    This is not BigGreen. If it were BigGreen, he would be in violation of his self-imposed vacation so that he might increase his chances of getting into the law school of his dreams and thereafter be known as "BigCrimson". No friends, this is his alter ego, and I can prove it:

    Their was a time when they're dog was sad and so were they, but now there all happy.

    See, he would never make, or allow himself to type, such blatant grammatical errors and misuse of the "they're, their, there" words. That being satisfactorily proven, the point of this thread is as follows:

    Due to the number of PMs my sexy alter ego receives wondering where he went, whether he was still around, etc, etc, I've been "created" just to let people who missed it the first time around know that he still visits, still responds to PMs, but will not be back in an active manner until after the december 6th test date. Well, that is all...he's waking up and if he catches me typing I don't know where our relationship will go.

    Man I'm sick.

    You sure do type like him I dont understand a word your saying

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Hey BG, alter ego's huh? I can send you some of the pills the doc's have my wife on to help with that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I hope the bar exam doesn't require sanity

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Big T's wife will help out on that situation

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Big T's wife will help out on that situation
    Ok first off, you may be joking with this comment, but no one, and I mean no one talks shit about my wife and or kids. So just letting ya know, I may talk all the trash in the world about her but that doesn't mean anyone else can.... so we'll let this one pass but no more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    LMAO, this is a classic.

    Just face it, you are an addict. See you around in the lounge "BigGreen's Alter Ego" LOL

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Ok first off, you may be joking with this comment, but no one, and I mean no one talks shit about my wife and or kids. So just letting ya know, I may talk all the trash in the world about her but that doesn't mean anyone else can.... so we'll let this one pass but no more.
    Sorry bro,bad joke.Meant no harm or disrespect.Forgive me please,I respect you to much and don't want any hard feelings DB

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Da Bull- I know you didn't mean anything bro. No hard feelings.....just letting it be known is all.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I like you much better than the real Big G. Just between you and me he's a real nut case. You never know when this guy is gonna go postal and start shooting everyone. Of course don't tell that big windbag I said that. I'd hate to be the one who put that dumb self absorbed moron over the edge.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    I like you much better than the real Big G. Just between you and me he's a real nut case. You never know when this guy is gonna go postal and start shooting everyone. Of course don't tell that big windbag I said that. I'd hate to be the one who put that dumb self absorbed moron over the edge.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Oh man. What an idiot I am. I just realized your probably looking over your Alter Ego's shoulder right now.

    Ahhh in that case ahhh uummm ????? Just Playin bro? You Da man. Nuthin but love for big G. Please don't kill me and use my skin for a mask.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    Oh man. What an idiot I am. I just realized your probably looking over your Alter Ego's shoulder right now.

    Ahhh in that case ahhh uummm ????? Just Playin bro? You Da man. Nuthin but love for big G. Please don't kill me and use my skin for a mask.

    RON, don't be scared of BG, he has to use big words like he does to confuse people, he's no physical threat so he has to play the mental games.

    But just in case..... BG....we're friends right? It's cool bro, no need to put a hurting on anyone........ right? Ummmmm..... what's up with the axe?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Funny sh!t. You are sick!

    Hey Big Greens Alter the actual BG taking the Bar or his LSAT? Just curious.
    Good luck either way.

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