LADIES LADIES LADIES SID IS IN THE HIZOWSSSSE!!! (Always wanted to say that, it's from Jay and Silent bob.. what a classic!)
Anyways, my wife is buying me a cover up for my birthday! And it's also for her since, my ex-wifes name is the one being covered up! So, I will try to get a pic and post it for y'all (another one I had to say) of what my arm looks like now. I want to go from elbow to delt and I need ideas.. right now I'm bopping around the idea of a sun with flames rising into some skulls and then let the artsy stuff happen above it,but I've also though of having little things mixed in it on top of that of things I love like and iron cross or surfboards and maybe a guitar or 2 dice with snake eyes and the Social Distortion skeleton skanking around with the martini glass ... just some ideas. and hell if theres an artist out there who can draw let me know! The idea is to get it done Nov 1st, my b-day is MISCHIEF NIGHT or DEVILS NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! OCT 30TH!