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  1. #1
    navydevildoc's Avatar
    navydevildoc is offline Associate Member
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    The movie "Unfaithful"

    How many of you guys have seen this movie? I just watched it for the first time, and I thought it was pretty fucked up. Now, I wouldn't have these particular issues (most of you know why), but what I thought was weird is how Richard Gere's character was so calm in dealing with the french bastard. How do you all think you would handle that situation? I am pretty interested to see how all the bros feel about this. Would you have done the same thing? Would you have talked to your wife first? What?

  2. #2
    mass junkie's Avatar
    mass junkie is offline banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by navydevildoc
    How many of you guys have seen this movie? I just watched it for the first time, and I thought it was pretty fucked up. Now, I wouldn't have these particular issues (most of you know why), but what I thought was weird is how Richard Gere's character was so calm in dealing with the french bastard. How do you all think you would handle that situation? I am pretty interested to see how all the bros feel about this. Would you have done the same thing? Would you have talked to your wife first? What?
    I could easily see myself doing some shit like that......only thing I would of done differently is hide the body better.... .....the scene where he gets bashed over the head with that musicball was classic...

  3. #3
    hoss827's Avatar
    hoss827 is offline Banned
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    That dude was fuckin crazy...takin somethin his wife gave 'em and bashin it into his head...Once was fine, he might have lived. It probably just crushed his skull, the second time probably drove the skull into the brain. I wonder if he went into the police station at the end...

  4. #4
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    I definitely would have killed the guy myself too, but covered up my tracks a lot better - as far as hiding the body.

  5. #5
    hoss827's Avatar
    hoss827 is offline Banned
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    Yeah...he should have cut it up and threw it in the dump...rather then just tossing it in there. What a dumbass

  6. #6
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Sep 2001
    I would have chopped him up, blended him up and ate him.

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