ok I will pose my question first and then tell you guys the situation and you tell me what you think
are my test levels rediculous for a male or is something wrong with me or what?
ok I read millions of times that fina is supposed to shut your nuts down hard, basically taking away horniess, amount of semen and erections etc
for this reason people use test with fina to counter this
well I had planned on using test but my source never it got it to me(still pissed about it)
well I had started the fina thinking I was gonna get the test but it never came but I havent had any bad sides from the fina
well its been roughly 2-3 weeks later and I have been doing straight fina
Ive been having better orgasms and I still masterbate 4 times a day
well for some odd reason my luck changed last week wednesday to be exact and Ive had 2 different girls a day since then up til tonight. I last the same length of time as without the fina (1 1/2hours+) but while on it, its more difficult to actually cum, however when I do its such an explosion and such a volume of semen that I think it would make a porn star cringe, in all seriousness the volume is probably equal to that of a 1/4 cup volume,to get an idea I shot into one of the girls(my ex) and while I was in her it was coming out from the sides, to top it off its shooting 10 feet+(normally like 4-5feet) on a regular basis with ease(assuming I pull out), the sex has also been some of the best in my life.
so basically what the fuck is up?
trust me when I say I dont have a problem with any of this, but do you think my body naturally produces a rediculous amount of test that the fina isnt able to shut it down? or is there just something the fuck wrong with me? lol
thanks guys