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  1. #1
    ExtremeBB is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Need help on a school paper dealing with steroid use in profesional sports.

    Hey okay i have to write a reasearch paper on why anabokic steroids should be illegal in sports(stay illegal). Even though I dont think this, actually i think the other way around. Can you all p.m me with useful pices or writing that i can plug into my paper...dont write it on the site, because they have this thing wear they plug in your paper and it seaches the net to see if you ya just p.m your thoughts if they are reasons why it should stay illegal, and even if your like me and think it should be illegal, play the other sides view point and give me some creative thoughts! thanks a.r , u all rule.

  2. #2
    ExtremeBB is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    evem if your like me and think it should be legal* sorry i cant type. trying to eat at the same time haha

  3. #3
    Aragorn's Avatar
    Aragorn is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    How about you write your own paper? Or at least use the board to get the search button for's right over in the corner...yep there it is.


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