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Thread: weird wild stuff (weekend story) - ladies do not read if you get offended easily.

  1. #1

    weird wild stuff (weekend story) - ladies do not read if you get offended easily.

    i don't even know where to begin, so i'll just do my best to make things flow :

    backup a few weeks. i meet this girl on and we start chattin it up. she's from the baton rouge area. she's 18. she's kinda sexy lookin. so anyways, i tell her i'm comin over there (this past weekend). so we're gonna meet up

    fast forward....

    saturday afternoon. friends and i are tailgating before the LSU / Auburn game. started at like noon, game's not til 6:45. this girl and i meet up on campus around 5ish i'd say. we go back to where we're tailgating and just start shootin the shit. she's alright in person - her face isn't all that great as it looks in the picture, boobs are barely there, but the rest of her is very petite. anyways, of course we get on the conversation of me wanting to bone her. i was very blunt and she was too. she knew what i was there for and that's what she was there for too. so a friend of mine chimes in, hell, maybe a few. we all start talkin about sex. anyways, this one friend and i are talkin to her away from the crowd about it. how we BOTH want to hit it. she's like ok. she's gonna let us run a train on her and she's tellin us about it.

    fast forward a little more...

    i'm in town to watch the game and hang out with friends, so i'm goin to the game at 6:45. she doesn't have a ticket, so i said, why don't you go bang him and we'll meet up later. she's okay with that. they go back to his place and here's where it gets good....

    he ends up boning her doggy style and another guy walks in the room naked. she starts giving him a blowjob while he's poundin her. she said he it was so good her legs were shakin. he had to leave and go return some keys to someone after they were done, said that he'd be back in about 45 min. so she's in the room and 2 more guys walk in there naked. she freaks out though and doesn't bone them. she wasn't there to bone 4 people ! so she's chillin on the couch watchin tv with one dude and his parents or something later on.

    it's halftime, we're killin Auburn, so my buds and i leave to go tailgate some more and get ready to go out for the night. i drop them off near the tailgating place and go to the apartment. i already knew what happened because the guy called me and told me about it. anyways, i get over there. she won't let me bone because we were gonna do it later that night. so, i ask her if she'll get my rocks off. i get her in the car and move to the end of the parking lot. kill my lights, drop my drawers. so she finishes me off and then i take her back to the apartment, tell her i'll call her later and we'll get down to business.

    i go to the bars with some friends after we tailgate and all. she went to the hospital b/c her nephew had a fever or something and then went home, so i didn't get to bone her. i didn't want to anymore anyways. so it's about 10 min til closing time at the bar, i grab this girl who the guy i went over to LSU with had previously banged a few years back, plus some other guys ran a train on her a few nights before. i straight up told her i want to have sex with her, and i know she wants to as well. she didn't deny anything, was just like okay.

    fast forward some more....

    we're at her house, my buddy and i are tryin to get her to let us run a train on her in her living room. but, she wouldn't let both of us. so i just took her upstairs myself and went at it. bad thing was - she was a dead fish. my first ever - dead fish, not lay. i was like 'is this girl serious ?'. she wouldn't get on top or anything. my buddy was downstairs and he heard me just pounding. i was just trying to inflict pain on her seriously. went at it for like 20 minutes or so. i was too tired to go on. it's like 5 am, but really 6 because of the time change, and i'm dead tired. so i left.....

    then we go to friggin Jack in the Box and the lady says she's walkin out and won't fix us food, so we had to settle for McDonald's breakfast.

  2. #2
    thedilly... i used to be on that and other sites, met tons of girls on them sites.. gotta love how easy it was to get laid by chicks who only seen pics of u ..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    I despise my girlfriend now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    you know....for ruining my life...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    Good story Key, and people crack on me for getting 'tang from girls online.

    'Tang is 'tang bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    Good story Key, and people crack on me for getting 'tang from girls online.

    'Tang is 'tang bro.
    Thats because the only time youve ever got laid was off the net....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Thats because the only time youve ever got laid was off the net....
    Some of us guys are just shy. I got low self-esteem bro.

    I've only banged two girls who I didn't meet online. One during a summer fling (She remembered me from high school) and one when I worked at Old Navy (Hey it was a job).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Key do you have a fascination with trains bro. I would never screw some girl I know my boys have screwed, ESPECIALLY at the same time

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    Key do you have a fascination with trains bro. I would never screw some girl I know my boys have screwed, ESPECIALLY at the same time
    carpie diem bro. gotta have some stories for the son when i get one and the grandkids.

    i'm 24 and in my prime. never before have i done this stuff that my friends were doing 2 - 3 years ago. it's my turn now

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    lmfao I am almost 24 bro...maybe I should give it a yr or so and I will be thinking the same as you

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    carpie diem bro. gotta have some stories for the son when i get one and the grandkids.

    i'm 24 and in my prime. never before have i done this stuff that my friends were doing 2 - 3 years ago. it's my turn now
    You sick, sick man....................."come here key junior and let me tell you about the time me and my bros pulled a train with this girl back when grandpa could make the flag pole go up".

    No way I'll admit anything to anyone................even in court or even if they had film. Wasn't me!!!! hahahaha

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    lmfao I am almost 24 bro...maybe I should give it a yr or so and I will be thinking the same as you
    let me remind you i was a virgin by choice til 20. all downhill from there.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    my virginity ended at 15, I realized I could cum and it was on from there

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    That was a great story key. Someone said they wouldn't bang a chick they knew their boys had is nonsense. I was chilling at tailgate with one of my fraternity brothers, his little brother, and his little bros best friend. There are a group of girls from our highschool who walk by and one of them doesn't walk over and say hi. Come to find out all four of us had hit in in highschool. How's that for a whore. Not taking anything away from key. I have had a few run ins with the train situation. One of my friends I know is the damn conductor when it comes to a train. He has been involved in like six. Tight though key, except for McDonalds in the morning.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    Hey i wanted tell u that sounds like one hell of a day...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    ahhhhhhh.......... the dilly - I looked on there and everyone was a baby!!!! quite cute some of them - but I dont feel like getting arrested

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