I was in the Army from 8/98 to 8/02. I had a vision of what war would be like when i was serving. We'd be in the heat of battle chunking grenades at eachother while a squad of men would go on the enemies flank and triangle them in. The people with skill and witt and courage would help win the battle. That is what most people in my company thought war would be.
I feel so sorry for the guys over there. There is no one to fight. Literally we are just standing there in place with a target on our back waiting for someone to snipe one of our soldiers and then we'll go looking for them.
There is no way to win this war. This is a new generation, this is a new world. We care too much about human rights to win a war like this and they know it.
Know what the biggest problem is that no one seem to get? If another country sent a missle over here or sink one of our battleships we would take over thier country and reform them and leave. The problem is now that is syria,iran or someplace like that sends a chem, biological missle our way to the usa mainland, we can't attack them since once we destroy thier army, the civilians will just kick our ass out with terrorism and they will rebuild and attack us again.
I feel sorry for those guys because i'd rather be in the heat of battle of WWII than a target waiting for someone to shoot at me.
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