Thought I’d regale this little story for your amusement. I swear this is a true story. Names have remained the same because there are no innocents to worry about.
My boss had sent out an email asking if anyone wanted a kitten due to the fact that his wife’s cat had kittens and he wanted to find homes for them. I read the email and being the clown that I am I responded back that I did not want one but that my coworker Jason would probably love one. I stated that he was all the time going on and on about kittens and how much he loved them. However he didn’t call them kittens he called them by another more popular name but I couldn’t recall what word he used when talking about them. I checked the spelling and thinking I had pinned a damn funny joke sent it on its way.
Now here’s the kicker………….I thought the email was addressed to our group (which is pretty tight and cool) when I responded. My bud Jason, who sat right behind me, received it and started busting out laughing. He was carrying on and on about it and the more he laughed the better I thought my joke was. However, when he catches his breath, in the most deadpan voice he could muster. He said “You do know that you sent that to the whole company right?”. That’s right I sent it to all 1300 people within my company!
I thought for sure I was going to get canned for this FUBAR, no doubt. Every person here at my office was rolling on the floor. And would stop by to say they loved the email and it was nice working with me. I knew I was a dead man for sure.
Wouldn’t you know it; we were going to have an “all hands” meeting about five minutes after I sent the email. I show up and grab a seat and of course I’m getting hammered left and right for my screw-up, turning red as a ruby the whole time. Well, in walks the CEO, walks up to the front of the room and starts his presentation. This goes on for about an hour and then just as he finishes he looks over at me and said “And please, dear Lord, if any of you have kittens please don’t tell juggernaut about it, I figure we lost a good thirty minutes of productivity due to that email of his” The whole place busted out laughing.
To this day my email is referred to as the “Kitten email” and is used to illustrate that one should always check to whom emails are addressed to before hitting send.
Some days it pays to just stay in bed……………or at least check the address on your emails.