Well people, it's me, it's me. It's Calipso.
Yea well Jason let me put up my last thread because he's a cool guy and shit.
First off, to all of you who assumed Jason banned me for joking on Peam, your way off. I got banned because I'm an asshole and always flamed people. But I can admit that I'm an asshole.![]()
As for the mods, I kinda put you folks through some crap in the last few months but it's been fun. Da Bull, dude you gotta keep intact w/me man. Your the bro who's helped me with this cycle even before I started. Peam, just because I remind you of your ex and I don't want you.......doesn't mean you gotta be scared of me. Jason, dude it ain't personal. Never was. Your boards, your rules, I fucked up. End of story. This ain't the first board I've been banished from, won't be the last. Mass, cool shit. Big ol, your workout sucks and I'll never do it again! J/K. Too much strain on my legs isn't good. I gotta keep it short so I can't say my props to everyone.
Now for the typical Calipso fashion. Anyone here watch Half-Baked? I'm gonna be like Scarface. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Your cool.
First fuck you goes to Kato. You are one pathetic little turd, I have never talked to you or argued with you. You simply jumped outta left field talking smack. Wanna be immature? Yea go ahead. Post in a thread where I CAN'T respond to. Yea your a real man.It's hard to lose an arguement when nobody can hear me reply. Plain and simple, go drink a glass of piss. I won't miss you.
Second fuck you goes to Grant. Man you aren't where I wanna be, I'm past you by far. At might be a post whore but at least I do more than just lurk. Yea once again, talk smack when I can't be there to argue. Just like Kato. You two have less balls then an lesbian orgy.
Third fuck you goes to anyone who doesn't know me or bothered to talk to and just doesn't like me. Involves several from the board, but it's all good.
Fourth fuck you goes to Peam. I mean, wait scratch that. Just kidding. As much as you opened up to me and I laughed, your still cool and you weren't the reason why I'm banned.
Your cool, goes to the mods....Jason.....all my peeps who helped me on my cycle and learn shit I had no clue about coming into the AS game. Alot of people have been there, OJ you got my feet in the pool when I joined. Sorry things didn't work out.
And with that being said, I'm out!
-edited by PTbyJason-
Calipso asked me to add his AIM Screen Name to this post: InfiniteCykosis