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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..


    I finally had it with this girl...I can't believe how fuckin blind I was, thinkin i had real strong feelings for her. I did, but I was just blind. Shes a tease, flirts with too many guys, and is E-A-S-Y. She flirts with other guys after gettin real close to me an shit, an I'm like wtf? fine whatever its justa phase. Today I get a fuckin email from her sayin "Just so you know you can expect to get chewed out". I was like wtf is her deal? I've said, or done nothing to her to piss her off except try an get close to her, and we had somethin good goin for awhile but that email made me mad as hell...So here is what I emailed her ass back.

    Why should I be getting chewed out?? Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but you're the one who should be getting chewed out. We get extremely close,I have really strong feelings toward you and I really like you, so I blow off my gf because I have stronger feelings towards you then her. You're all over me on the bus, you made out with me, you've gotten really close to me, then you just start messing around with other guys flirting with them constantly? I'm sorry, but that is not how I work. For me that is torture Brittani, and if you're going to say I'm the one that should be "getting chewed out" then there is something very wrong with you, because I havent done anything to you but try to get close to you but apparently this isn't going to work. I try to meet your parents so we might be able to do things together, rather then just see one another at school. I blew off Kelly because I really liked you, and then I get this email saying I should expect to get chewed out??? I'm sorry but I would like to know what the heck is going on...Actually forget it. I don't care anymore. I've wasted too much fuckin time tryin to make things for us work, hell I don't even know why I'm wastin my time postin this letter...Fuck off allready.

    Kind of shitty I know..but it' s too the point that I've had it with her.

  2. #2
    she sounds like the typical high school girl to me. always wants / craves attention. i think you did the right thing by blowin her off. i don't waste my time on chicks that like to play games (gym chick recently did, so i peace'd her out)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    exactly, lol....this is what life is all about, comes with age i think, they are all like that...

    my motto

    love em and leave em

    later bros

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    you still want that sweet tang !!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Yeah no shit guys....I mean I honestly thought I loved this girl, i've never liked anyone like that. I've had my head fucked with a time or two but NEVER like this! I mean I thought I was fucking in love!!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN I HATE WOMEN!!! Except Danielle and Peam, and some others, you ladies are cool . I just hate the ones that constantly fuck with your mind making you think they love and adore you then screw you over and make you feel like shit. Thanks for listening guys...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Highschool girls are and always will be a big pain in the ass.Need way to much attention,play games,and are cock teasers,at least most of them are.When I was in highschool,I never dated a school girl,well college school girls yes.Fuck the fickle bitch,let her go!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    I have bro...I'm sick of her goddamn mind-games, thats all these damn school girls play. they say they want a relationship, (bullshit, only about 20% of them do at the most) and they just fuck with your head man.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    I finally had it with this girl...I can't believe how fuckin blind I was, thinkin i had real strong feelings for her. I did, but I was just blind. Shes a tease, flirts with too many guys, and is E-A-S-Y. She flirts with other guys after gettin real close to me an shit, an I'm like wtf? fine whatever its justa phase. Today I get a fuckin email from her sayin "Just so you know you can expect to get chewed out". I was like wtf is her deal? I've said, or done nothing to her to piss her off except try an get close to her, and we had somethin good goin for awhile but that email made me mad as hell...So here is what I emailed her ass back.

    Why should I be getting chewed out?? Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but you're the one who should be getting chewed out. We get extremely close,I have really strong feelings toward you and I really like you, so I blow off my gf because I have stronger feelings towards you then her. You're all over me on the bus, you made out with me, you've gotten really close to me, then you just start messing around with other guys flirting with them constantly? I'm sorry, but that is not how I work. For me that is torture Brittani, and if you're going to say I'm the one that should be "getting chewed out" then there is something very wrong with you, because I havent done anything to you but try to get close to you but apparently this isn't going to work. I try to meet your parents so we might be able to do things together, rather then just see one another at school. I blew off Kelly because I really liked you, and then I get this email saying I should expect to get chewed out??? I'm sorry but I would like to know what the heck is going on...Actually forget it. I don't care anymore. I've wasted too much fuckin time tryin to make things for us work, hell I don't even know why I'm wastin my time postin this letter...Fuck off allready.

    Kind of shitty I know..but it' s too the point that I've had it with her.
    Bro I hope you at least got some anal out of it all

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Bro I hope you at least got some anal out of it all
    Now that's my bro talking

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Bump for mass

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Bro I hope you at least got some anal out of it all

    Congrats, thou hath freed thyself from the spell of thy evil witch named Brittany.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Bump for mass

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Good job my man. Same shit happened to me. Why I thought she was great I'll never know. She sucked big time. All my friends hated her and told me to get rid of her and I would get pissed at them and stay with her. When I finally had enough of her shit I booted her. Of course after I asked my friends why they never told me to get rid of her, haha. Now I found someone thats amazing and takes good care of me (my friends and family love her so it's not another blind love thing, haha).

    By the way that ex is now a lesbian.......not sure where I went wrong to create that, haha.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Catamount
    Good job my man. Same shit happened to me. Why I thought she was great I'll never know. She sucked big time. All my friends hated her and told me to get rid of her and I would get pissed at them and stay with her. When I finally had enough of her shit I booted her. Of course after I asked my friends why they never told me to get rid of her, haha. Now I found someone thats amazing and takes good care of me (my friends and family love her so it's not another blind love thing, haha).

    By the way that ex is now a lesbian.......not sure where I went wrong to create that, haha.
    Maybe you Just kidding bro

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Maybe you Just kidding bro
    Hahaha, I'm sure it was me. It's the sad truth

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Catamount
    Hahaha, I'm sure it was me. It's the sad truth
    Nah bro.......don't think like that

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    Quote Originally Posted by Catamount
    Good job my man. Same shit happened to me. Why I thought she was great I'll never know. She sucked big time. All my friends hated her and told me to get rid of her and I would get pissed at them and stay with her. When I finally had enough of her shit I booted her. Of course after I asked my friends why they never told me to get rid of her, haha. Now I found someone thats amazing and takes good care of me (my friends and family love her so it's not another blind love thing, haha).

    By the way that ex is now a lesbian.......not sure where I went wrong to create that, haha.
    Only thing you should be upset about is that you didnt use her Lesbian tendencies to your advantage while you had her.....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Only thing you should be upset about is that you didnt use her Lesbian tendencies to your advantage while you had her.....
    Another good point,listen to a pro

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    I finally had it with this girl...I can't believe how fuckin blind I was, thinkin i had real strong feelings for her. I did, but I was just blind. Shes a tease, flirts with too many guys, and is E-A-S-Y. She flirts with other guys after gettin real close to me an shit, an I'm like wtf? fine whatever its justa phase. Today I get a fuckin email from her sayin "Just so you know you can expect to get chewed out". I was like wtf is her deal? I've said, or done nothing to her to piss her off except try an get close to her, and we had somethin good goin for awhile but that email made me mad as hell...So here is what I emailed her ass back.

    Why should I be getting chewed out?? Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but you're the one who should be getting chewed out. We get extremely close,I have really strong feelings toward you and I really like you, so I blow off my gf because I have stronger feelings towards you then her. You're all over me on the bus, you made out with me, you've gotten really close to me, then you just start messing around with other guys flirting with them constantly? I'm sorry, but that is not how I work. For me that is torture Brittani, and if you're going to say I'm the one that should be "getting chewed out" then there is something very wrong with you, because I havent done anything to you but try to get close to you but apparently this isn't going to work. I try to meet your parents so we might be able to do things together, rather then just see one another at school. I blew off Kelly because I really liked you, and then I get this email saying I should expect to get chewed out??? I'm sorry but I would like to know what the heck is going on...Actually forget it. I don't care anymore. I've wasted too much fuckin time tryin to make things for us work, hell I don't even know why I'm wastin my time postin this letter...Fuck off allready.

    Kind of shitty I know..but it' s too the point that I've had it with her.
    i think the fuck off part at the end would have been all u needed to write, lots of useless typing.....

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    bump on a reply i would like to know how this chick took reading your letter

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Naw Mass....No anal here man. . Shes 15 and isnt ready, But I liked her so much it didn't matter to me.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigMike J
    bump on a reply i would like to know how this chick took reading your letter

    This is what pissed me off most bro, she sent me an IM last night acting like I never sent the fucking letter!!!! I was like "did you not get my damn email?" ,"yeah...","then why are you still talking to me??? At least give me your thoughts on what I said to you instead of pretending you never got the thing! Jesus!*blocked her*"

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    This is what pissed me off most bro, she sent me an IM last night acting like I never sent the fucking letter!!!! I was like "did you not get my damn email?" ,"yeah...","then why are you still talking to me??? At least give me your thoughts on what I said to you instead of pretending you never got the thing! Jesus!*blocked her*"
    Blocks are the best thing ever invented,besides AS...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    goddamn right they are bro....

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Ahhh to be young and in HS again...


    Enjoy it while it lasts hoss... enjoy it. Highschool (and college to some extent) were the best meatmarkets ever! Just concentrate on having fun and don't get too attached to any girl.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Ahhh to be young and in HS again...


    Enjoy it while it lasts hoss... enjoy it. Highschool (and college to some extent) were the best meatmarkets ever! Just concentrate on having fun and don't get too attached to any girl.

    Listen to the monkey

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    I think you did the right thing bro. Dont let any chick have you by the balls in high school, you got plenty of time to find another.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Thanks man, Yeah, I've got time...I'm just an impatient bastard . . Today she was once again, all over me *sigh*. When will girls learn not all guys can be pussy whipped?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!

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