I haven't really touched a cardio machine in almost a year. Haven't played Hockey in a few months either. Just got off the treadmill for a measly 15 min and wow it feels good. Well I walked both my kids to school 4xs cause one starts 45 min after the other so thats a mile + of walking too. I'm not joking I like the way you can just daydream while you do cardio and the burn is nice too
Ron is getting serious now so watch out.
4 or 5 months of 1200 kcals a day cutting and 2 a day cardio sessions. I'll post my measly diet later to get some opinions from the diet guys. God knows I not perfect. I took measurements today and I'm 5'10 275 19% bf. I took some time away from the training after I fucked up my shoulder and now I'm as fat as can be. I've been lifting just let my diet go to shit and no cardio what so ever. I'm talkin Lee Priest in the off season fat