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Thread: high school reunion

  1. #1

    high school reunion

    I had my 5 year HS reunion this past weekend, and it was great.. Alot of people were surprized on how much muscle I know got.. I must have been in the best shape there, and the strongest kid in HS was now fat.. Which I kinda felt bad because he was a real nice kid.. But it was alot of fun, we got wasted.. Back at the hotel(we were all on the same floor) was in my room and shook up a beer, opened it, and blindly through it out in the hall way were alot of people were.. Man it was fun, alot of people changed, and alot didnt.. I know I did for the better.. If your thinking about going to your reunion and unsure if your going, go, it will be alot of fun.. I had a great time.. Cant wait for the 10th year, well actually i can..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    im guessing it was 5 year??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    Ya I heard the 5 year reunion was almost too soon. Haven't been to one quite yet, but everyone seems to just remember the good times and just forget all the bad stuff and its a great time.

    I hear ya on the muscle thing. I used to be one of those wimpy soccer players in High school, and once that ended I started lifting hardcore. Anyways about a year and half later, I'm in college and I played intramural soccer with some guys from the HS soccer team, and one guy from HS seriously asked me if i was on steroids when i took my jacket off. Mind you i went from 140 to 185 in 1.5 yrs(Natural at about the same BF).
    Last edited by saboudian; 11-30-2003 at 04:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Graduated HS in '86 and never went to a reunion... don't really care for it either.

    The really scary thing is that the other day at work, one of the guys recognised me from 6th grade!!! Don't ask how he did that, I look nothing like the scrawny kid I was back then!


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Graduated HS in '86 and never went to a reunion... don't really care for it either.

    The really scary thing is that the other day at work, one of the guys recognised me from 6th grade!!! Don't ask how he did that, I look nothing like the scrawny kid I was back then!

    if you had that monkey with you ,. then he probably blew your cover....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    im going to the 10 yr in may. starting a cycle in jan/feb so there will be a few stares. even if i didnt cycle i still went from 181 to 225. playing college and pro baseball will help still wish i played though could pull some mad trim

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    i guess mine just passed lasy invite i guess.i was living in ny and i went to school in jersey so maybe that's why?oh **** it.i don't wanna go back and see those fools.i loved hs, but that was 10 years ago.i could care less what these people are doing now. is that bad to say?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    I'd like to go to my 10th next year, but I'll be surprised if anyone is organized enough to pull it off.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    i skipped the 5 year last year...a little too soon for me. Plus, i grew up in a small town, and was still there at the time...i knew more than i wanted to need to go see the same people...ugh...i guess i'll go to the 10 year...should be some shocks - i'll be in shape (was a fat, shy, geeky kid) and a Dr...and obnoxiously outgoing...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    under some plywood sheets
    i went to mine this year... some old school friend say "man wat happen??? you passed from toothpick to hulk!!! F*ck youre huge!!!"
    i think its a bit too much but i like it, i went from 155 to 210...

    but i also realize that my professional situation is not that bad... about half the college folk quit learning and work at some crappy jobs... make me LOL so much!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    i guess mine just passed lasy invite i guess.i was living in ny and i went to school in jersey so maybe that's why?oh **** it.i don't wanna go back and see those fools.i loved hs, but that was 10 years ago.i could care less what these people are doing now. is that bad to say?
    Thats exactly how I feel about the whole deal. Anyone I actually liked from school, or work for that matter, I keep in touch with to this day. **** the rest, see em, dont see em again.......dosn't matter to me. Except it is kinda funny to see a chick that went from hotty to porker.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    I did not go to the 10 year reuinon, however during a recent state-side visit, I ran across some ol' high school folks...losers, fat slobs, and previosuly hot chicks, now blobs with saggin boobs and draggin a chain of crumb-snatchers behind them. In a way it was good to run across some folks, but I keep in touch with all the old friends loss!

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