I remember my mom and other relatives telling me how much "fun" highschool is....I find nothing fun about it whatsoever...First off, I barely get to sleep while school is going on(meaning I don't get much sleep at night)...Second off, it takes up your ENTIRE day, third of all...THERS SO MUCH GODFORSAKEN WORK!!!! And what's it all for?!!!! MONEY!!!! Jesus I don't know how much more of this crap I can take...Visual Basic, History, German, Chemistry an Physics, English honors, Algebra II (i'm terrible in math, mmk?)....I was sick for a week so I've fallen behind so much...But I'm going into the Marine Corps directly after high school, and the thought of that I think is what's making me not even care for school so much anymore...I'm just bored with school and stressed out from all the crap...:/. Thanks for listenin to me bitch about this..