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  1. #1
    gonnabehuge240's Avatar
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    Question Hitler and Jews?

    Hey fellas I am not to sure about something here and I can't really find alot about it on the net. I was wondering why Hitler hated Jewish people so much? I have herd that it was because Jews don't believe that JC was our savior? I really have no idea though? I hope this isn't a dumb question.

  2. #2
    Danielle's Avatar
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    Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, THAT IS STRENGTH

  3. #3
    rambo's Avatar
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    Your reasoning is flawed beyond belief. Hitler was against organized religion in part to allow his countrymen to band together in the name of collectivism that conveyed only his agendas. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for Germany's failing economy. I will not give history lessons, you'll have to do some basic "Googling" to find your answers. Or just ask Juggernaut, he was a wee lad at the age of 25 during the peak of WWII.

  4. #4
    ripsid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rambo
    Your reasoning is flawed beyond belief. Hitler was against organized religion in part to allow his countrymen to band together in the name of collectivism that conveyed only his agendas. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for Germany's failing economy. I will not give history lessons, you'll have to do some basic "Googling" to find your answers. Or just ask Juggernaut, he was a wee lad at the age of 25 during the peak of WWII.
    Bull****! Juggy, was about 40 or so... comeone get it right!


  5. #5
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    Hitler thought since the jewish ppl were leaders in banking and other monetary services(goldsmiths,diamond dealers,etc..) his ppl the "master race" had to rely on them for sufficiency of goods and services. Therefor getting rid of the jews his ppl( be meaning his "ppl" i mean the ones that followed his orders no matter how ****ing stupid and insane they were and not indicative of the German race as a whole) would mean his ppl would not have to rely on them.

  6. #6
    rambo's Avatar
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    Sorry ripsid, I miswrote that, he was 25 during WWI.

  7. #7
    hoss827's Avatar
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    I dunno...I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I'm an Irish Catholic, my people blow up cars...I had a strange , strange childhood. Moved here when I was 9. Hitler was a military genius, however, he was like a whiney 5 year old because he used the jews, sayin they were the cause of all of germany's "problems'"

  8. #8
    rambo's Avatar
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    I know I take shots at you often, Hoss, and it's all in fun, but honestly, , what does that have to do with the question?

  9. #9
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    Irish people go through crap as well as the jews did is all I'm tryin to say Rambo, and as for the shots ya take at me, it's all good.

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    Well...we didn't have it AS bad....God, the jews have gone through genocide. The destruction of an entire race...That's really side. . We fought for religion, they had no choice...thats so depressing. They were kicked out of Anatolia, discriminated against in medieval times, I think banned from Jeruselum, and were almost wiped out completely...they have the most horrible luck.

  11. #11
    FmRommel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    Hitler was a military genius, however, he was like a whiney 5 year old because he used the jews, sayin they were the cause of all of germany's "problems'"

    Hitler WAS NOT a military genius...he was a military **** up and cause Germany to lose the war. I dont know where you heard that or why you think that but I can assure you he was not.


  12. #12
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    And BTW Hitler hated the jews because they were the only other race living in Germnay at the time(except the gypsies)


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    Quote Originally Posted by gonnabehuge240
    Hey fellas I am not to sure about something here and I can't really find alot about it on the net. I was wondering why Hitler hated Jewish people so much? I have herd that it was because Jews don't believe that JC was our savior? I really have no idea though? I hope this isn't a dumb question.

    Why the hell would you ask that anyway?


  14. #14
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    Rommel was a military genius..And the dude would ride into war with his soldiers.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FmRommel
    And BTW Hitler hated the jews because they were the only other race living in Germnay at the time(except the gypsies)
    And he did persecute the **** out of the gypsies too...

    The "readers digest" version of the reason he targetted Jews is simple... he had a regime based on uniting his people thru hatred of a "common enemy", he needed a scapegoat, the Jews as a culture without a nation were an easy target. The rest is history.

    Doesn't take a genious to unite a nation under hatred... hatred is the lowest common denominator in all of us.


  16. #16
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    I read Hitlers mom was jewish... Hitler also had syphillis which to my knowledge travels up the spine and into the brain which can cause ALOT of mental problems..

  17. #17
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    As i understand it, tertiary syphillis causes loss of proprioception and pain through lesions on the posterior columns, dorsal roots and dorsal root ganglia...

    sorry...have a neuro test tomorrow and this is one thing we've studied...

    not sure about the mental probs though...i'm unaware of these things affecting mental behavior etc.

  18. #18
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    well i heard it can driveu crazy... mayeb not becuase the desiease itself affects a part of your brain that makes u function normally, but the side effects might be what caused people to go crazy from it?

  19. #19
    sp9's Avatar
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    I also heard something about him being part jewish himself on the history channel. Plain and simple he was mad. Stalin supposidley was responsible for more human deaths, something like 20 million +. They are both horrible.

  20. #20
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    wanna talk about horrible ppl with power????? read up on Ivan the terrible ( i think sthats the guy)

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by animal-inside
    wanna talk about horrible ppl with power????? read up on Ivan the terrible ( i think sthats the guy)

    Its funny how Hitler is villianized as the worst man in history...however Japan killed almost 3 times as many innocent civilians as the germans in WW2...Stalin killed 3 million more(which included a large amount of jews)...All Im saying is that there were other assholes in History..


  22. #22
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Don't forget that as well as murdering 6 million Jews he also murdered 5 million gypsies, gays and handicapped people to name but a few.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Don't forget that as well as murdering 6 million Jews he also murdered 5 million gypsies, gays and handicapped people to name but a few.
    I cannot even start to imagine how many newborns died because of the nazi eugenics program... if you gave birth to a kid who was considered abnormal in any way, you were "highly encouraged" to have the hospital "terminate" it...


  24. #24
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
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    Much larger issues than normally presneted via history books. Mass immigration..quasi-governments set up by Jews (sort of a modern day Balakanization-Serbs-Muslims)..reprecussions of the Versailles Treaty, a Nationalist party in power, in a country with Nationalist feelings, the want to a scape goat of a depressed economy, large national debt, the desire to regain an empire taken away with the surrender of a previous world war (WWI)...And a groups of henchmen that egged on these views. Himmler, Heydrich, Eichman were far more anti-semitic than Hitler.

  25. #25
    gonnabehuge240's Avatar
    gonnabehuge240 is offline New Member
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    ok guys thanks alot! Great info

  26. #26
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Exactly FM, communism is responsible for more lives lost than any other political ideology, the only reason it is so villianized is because it was targetted against a group of people who happened to belong to a certain race/religion of people. It's no different than the jews persecuting the muslim people for thousands of years which NO ONE cares about because the muslims aren't as outspoken as the jews on the subject of persecution. If you want to talk about evil, talk about Ariel Sharon, zionism and Israels military who find it funny to BUTCHER arab children, quite possibly the biggest murderer still around.

    Quote Originally Posted by FmRommel
    Its funny how Hitler is villianized as the worst man in history...however Japan killed almost 3 times as many innocent civilians as the germans in WW2...Stalin killed 3 million more(which included a large amount of jews)...All Im saying is that there were other assholes in History..


  27. #27
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    I dont care what any one says, HITLER IS by far i think the worst single villian ever to live.

  28. #28
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    Then how has stalin killed more than hitler could have ever dreamed of of HIS OWN people? What about Pol Pot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy123
    I dont care what any one says, HITLER IS by far i think the worst single villian ever to live.

  29. #29
    NeedPaintoGain's Avatar
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    Im a History major, this is my favorite subject so i gotta throw somethin in. Hitler was not a military genius...If he was a genius, he never would of lost!!! He was a propaganda genius, though he cant be fully credited with that either because Joseph Goebbels was his right hand man and in charge of propaganda films, posters, etc. He even watched every film ever made of the Nazis to give it an ok of presenting the Nazis as right.
    Hitler was accused of having Jewish blood in his relatives, namely his grandfather on his mothers side, but this was never proven. Hitler blamed all Jews since he was residing in Vienna where he learned anti-semitic views and started his hatred from there. With his multiple failures and things he did, such as painting, he wanted nothing more than revenge on Jews whom he blamed for everything.
    Bottom line....Hitler was borderline crazy/genius. The only genius he had was to realize that making the reunification of Germany his main priority, would have him gain support and he took it from there. He was a manic depressive how took a lot of drugs just to help him through the day towards the end of his reign which is why he made such stupid mistakes that cost him the war.

    Anymore information?? just let me know, i can talk about this forever, lololol.

  30. #30
    NeedPaintoGain's Avatar
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    Forgot this, Stalin did kill more people than Hitler by millions. Hitler is more publicized because of what he did. Namely the concentration camps, Eugenics program, Unnecessary medical testing and the list goes on. Its just not everything that Stalin did. Hitler had a plan from the beginning and didnt hide it. That is why he is looked at as the worst.
    I hate to say it, but if anything, everyone else in the world should be the ones looked at in shame. WE all new what was going on and we did nothing until it was too late and he killed millions of Jews, Pols, Slovaks, etc. In fact, around that time, the US copied the Nazi Eugenics movement and brought it to the US and started sterilizations of those thought to have mental or physical defects. We are just as at fault for letting the Nazis get away with so much.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Then how has stalin killed more than hitler could have ever dreamed of of HIS OWN people? What about Pol Pot?
    OK, I am wrong because i just asked my roomate what he thought about this questoin, and Stalin was another horrible man... When someone ask me who i think is the all time worse villian, Hitler is the first name that comes to my head, but when i actually think about it if u go farther back in time, the kings in russia and all the crazy **** that used to go on was probally worse...
    BUT Hitler aint no bunny rabit...........
    But BTDR ur right, the problem with hitler was the proposed propaganda he brought about...

  32. #32
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    I believe the eugenics movement is a great thing and fully support both euthanasia and sterilization for those with severe defects. In our primal purest form we would leave a defective baby on a mountain top, now compasion has gotten the best of us and we've become weak. It may come across as harsh and yes i'm totally insensitive, but I'd gladly get rid of all the defective people on the planet for the wheels of our system to run even a little bit smoother. If it were up to me, people with low IQ's would be weeded out as well, however most of the manual labor crap work would be left unfilled.. who would scrub our toilets?

  33. #33
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    Thats what make us humans bdtr, emotions.

    But i do agree at a point, certain people should not be allowed to have children, people that have retarded parents say they hated there childhood cause the parents couldnt take care of them properly.

  34. #34
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    emotions are one thing, but productivity hindering compasion is a new ball game.

  35. #35
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    Simply put, the strong should be encouraged and the weak should be silently removed for a more productive society.

  36. #36
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Simply put, the strong should be encouraged and the weak should be silently removed for a more productive society.
    They's called evolution and IMO it's way above any human being to decide what qualifiers should be used.

  37. #37
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Bdtr and Palme I sincerely hope your both ripping the pi$$ here because between you both I've not seen more offensive words wrote either here or any other board I have the pleasure of using.


  38. #38
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    Not when evolution is hindered by special programs put in place to "save" those who in a truly darwinistic world would never make it past birth.

    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    They's called evolution and IMO it's way above any human being to decide what qualifiers should be used.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Not when evolution is hindered by special programs put in place to "save" those who in a truly darwinistic world would never make it past birth.
    This is a circular argument because it could be argued that medical attention of any kind hinders evolution. Or does it simply slow down the process?

  40. #40
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    No joking, i've been a eugenics advocate since the age of 16. You have to break a few eggs to make an omlete right? Well what if you break a few more eggs to make a perfect omlete? This has nothing to do with creed nor color, but rather aiding mother nature for a scientifically engineered "optimal" state. I'm sorry if i was offensive to anyone, but i feel extremely strongly about this. Equality is a man made virtue which only exists in the minds of the guilty. Am i equal to someone born on a respirator? Am i equal to the smartest man alive? Some people say cherish all human life the same.. me? I'm a realist, i see differences and know how the world works.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bouncer AKA bouncer
    Bdtr and Palme I sincerely hope your both ripping the pi$$ here because between you both I've not seen more offensive words wrote either here or any other board I have the pleasure of using.


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