IS my life bad??? I hate society! I hate yuppees that drink lattes, and carry cell phones. I hate new years resolution people in the gym! I hate kids that do steroids! I hate people that only lift weights when there on steroids! I HATE people that stare! I hate, people that socialize in the Gym! I hate FITNESS CLUBS!!!
I hate prime time TV ex.. ally mcbeal! I hate MOST jobs, ex office job, I hate suits, I HATE nightclubs! I HATE ALCAHOL! I hate Drugs that DO NOT put on muscle! I hate most music, I hate people that put more time into CARS than there bodies, I HATE the words CARDIO, LEAN, AEROBICS, JUICE BAR! I hate YUPPEES!!!!!oh wait I said that already!. I HATE people that ask dumb questions, I hate girls that think when you take steroids your PENIS shrinks! I hate PEopel that lift wieghts in JUST PANTS!! I hate people that dont train there legs! I LOVE FOOTBALL, I LOVE AS, and I LOVE TO TRAIN HARD AND HEAVY!!! AND I LOVE STEAK! AND CHARLES BRONSON MOVIES!!
*PUMPING FIST IN AIR* DEATHWISH 3! I dont know maybe im a nut, or not in touch with reality! but I hate a lot of everyday stuff. it angers me. I wanna LIFT! thats it, plain and simple. and possibly relax in a hot tub, or a sauna! Peace Bros