i was wondering what kind of workout schedule you guys who train for fighting follow...is it closer to bbing w/low volume/reps, do you train lighter and focus more on cardio, or how do you generally train..?
i was wondering what kind of workout schedule you guys who train for fighting follow...is it closer to bbing w/low volume/reps, do you train lighter and focus more on cardio, or how do you generally train..?
Lots and Lots of focuss on cardio. As for the weight training i mix it up for both strength and size.
MMA is all about endurance. Look at mark coleman, he was one huge mofo and always kicked the others guys ass in the beginning of the fight but usually lost due to getting tired.
Originally Posted by jdog55
Bob sapp is another good example.
I don't fight MMA, I'm a kickboxer. But I'd have to say cardio, cardio and more cardio for any fighting. If you want further info try www.sherdog.com it has some very good forums there, including a good strenght and conditioning forum for its fighters.
I'm already tired (and bored) readin that ****... how do you nuts keep up your motivation for all that cardio???
Get the sh1t kicked out of you by someone half your size but fitter, its a breat motivator.Originally Posted by Mandinka
how do you maintain all that size with that much cardio? Cycle high/low cardio throughout the year? Also, do many of you focus on power lifts like the power clean and train each body part 2x+/week or train more like bodybuilders...
I like to think that I train hard, heavy and intensive anyway. I stay between 245-260lbs yr round, but try to stay very flexible.
Regards lifting and cardio, well I try my best but I wouldn't sarcifice cardio for my weight training as my kickboxing is pretty hard anyway. The site I listed above has lots of weight training advice for people intent on weight training ONLY for fighting so its best to visit there I guess.
Cardio is huuuuuuuuuuge. Going from Muay Thai to jui-jitsu was a big diff. Getting used to being on your back is weird. But since I never wresltled in HS my cardio was crap. Now it's much improved.
practice by randomly beating the crap outta people DAILY!! dont let up... even if the women is yelling for help!
What never ceases to amaze me is that the United States is not an entire country full of competent grapplers. I have never met a yank who's high school did not have a wrestling program. Free grappling ......where do I sign? But with regards to your question about conditioning there are a few points to consider:
1) Do you wish to remain in the same weight class? If yes, you need to train for strength and minimal if any size.
2) Do you have a date for peaking and/or a tournament schedle? This will affect your periodization scheme.
Personally, if fighting was my primary focus, I would train with an Olympic lifting scheme and include some specific grip, neck, and abdominal work.
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