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Thread: Something to help the fellow bodybuilder out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    south carolina

    Something to help the fellow bodybuilder out

    I am a avid bodybuilder and i know how tight money can be sometimes, I recently bought Robert Allen's Ebooks (on the road to wealth) and a few others, he sells it for 39'95 but i will give you the website to download all of the books for 15$, it was worth the money for me, in a few short months i made a extra 7'000.

    If any one is interested shoot me a email at [email protected]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    south carolina
    The way i look at it there are some many websites out there that are doing the same thing and still charging 39$ for his book and not paying him, go to yahoo search and type in his name there are hundreds of webistes thay will sell it to you, why cant i help out some of my fellow BB's and make a little money for myself

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