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Thread: The butterfly theory. Changing destiny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    The butterfly theory. Changing destiny

    The aspect of "Its a wonderful life" brought upon a new movie called the "butterfly affect" Change ONE thing in life and that affects everything associated with it.

    Do you feel you changed the world enough, that if you were not born the people you associate with would be affected? Sure they might not have gone to places only you invited them to, or not tried a certain food or drink. But do you think they would still be the same type of person, have the same job.

    Also. Do you feel that the MAIN thread of destiny can not be avoided. For instance. Say you are 30 or 40. You find the job you love at age 40. You work 20 years doing other jobs, meeting other people in those jobs before you are 40.
    Now you have the chance to go back in time and cut out all that wasted time, such as you get that job you love at age 20 instead of 40. So 20 years of meeting those people at those other jobs would not have happened.
    Once again. FATE and DESTINY are disturbed. Destiny had it that you met your wife while working at one of those odd jobs before you turned 40.
    Do you think FATE and DESTINY are real. Do you think DESTINY would still cause you to meet that WIFE of yours just in a different way.

    For instance, you met your future wife because you both car pooled to that job that you NOW NEVER HAD. During car pooling you two got close and then started dating and got married.
    Now you go back in time and never got that job but you are destined to meet that girl and marry her. Do you think FATE rearranges circumstances to cause you to meet that girl just in another environment?
    Maybe her battery is dead and you help jump start her car and then you two end up dating.

    Think Destiny is unavoidable but just different encounters. The MAIN THREAD OF LIFE being you are SUPPOSED TO MARRY this girl and all other instances in your life dont matter as long as you still meet and marry this girl?

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    To believe in destiny, you would have to support the idea that we do not have free will, or choice if you will..

    If we do not have free will, we are not responsable for anything that we do, or anything that happens..

    Thus, since that is rediculious to think that there are no consequinces for our actions, either emotionally, or anyway else (trying not to make this a religious thing)

    One must conclude that for every action there is a reaction, or consequence. that doesn't mean that we always get what we deserve.. (thank goodness) but guilt, shame, pride, fear and all of these things come into play..

    Free choice and experience makes us who we are... we are a victim of our environment, but at the same time, character, and opportunity make a big impression and direction in your life.. both in what we become, and the decission that we make..
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Think Destiny is unavoidable but just different encounters. The MAIN THREAD OF LIFE being you are SUPPOSED TO MARRY this girl and all other instances in your life dont matter as long as you still meet and marry this girl?
    If destiny is real then there would be no such thing as these other chance encounters. They would all have been planned from the beginning and inevitable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    i like the idea.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Im not saying destiny is forced upon us. Im saying that if you choose a different path than expected, would destiny provide you with another oppurtunity.

    You are not forced to be with this girl. Fate just provides you another chance if you choose different paths in your life.

    For instance, fate was gona introduce you to your future wife on your business flight. On that flight you two strike a conversation while sitting next to each other and date afterwards.
    Say you missed that flight. Think fate would lead you to meet that SAME girl somewhere else if it was meant to be. You still are NOT forced by fate to marry her but you do choose to.

    Even though you choose different roads, think fate finds other ways for certain roads of people to cross again.

    Say you decided to marry another girl instead of her. You live out that marrage unhappily, get divorced and fly back home. On that flight, you meet the girl you were supposed to meet. You then remarry with this girl you were supposed to meet before your first marriage.
    So fate does not force you to do anything. It just waits and finds another way to cross your paths at a better time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    So. Fate could be planned but not forced. It allows you to make your own decisions and life altering courses but it just tries to put certain paths infront of you that you are supposed to take. If you take the wrong path, you live out that path until a different path becomes available.

    Kinda like one main road with a bunch of curvey roads merging and crossing along it. You can take curvey roads which will take longer for you to reach the end of the main road but all in all, you still reach the end of the main road.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could

    If fate continues to put "this woman" in you life's path.. until you get it right...

    You have no choice..

    I just have never been able to find scientific evidence of this position..

    As well as Historical evidence of it either..
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Now I like this thread and all.....But Bermich, this is the 7th in the lounge i have seen this week! I am limiting you to three threads a month !

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    Now I like this thread and all.....But Bermich, this is the 7th in the lounge i have seen this week! I am limiting you to three threads a month !

    Nope. Unlike yours, people like my threads
    I have no limit. In fact, I am secretly urged to find reasons to start threads and add posts. It helps the AR community draw in members due to my interesting view points.
    I am not allowed to discuss this any further. Im on a quota system. I need to post a certain amount each week or else I am cut off from the shopping spree at

    You are just upset because your secret home sex video got out into mainstream with the fat beast on the bed.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard

    If fate continues to put "this woman" in you life's path.. until you get it right...

    You have no choice..

    I just have never been able to find scientific evidence of this position..

    As well as Historical evidence of it either..

    There is no way to prove such a thing. It is called coincidance in scientific explination.
    You have never had a second chance?
    You have never seen a girl at a lake or a beach and somehow you just HAD to meet her but didnt. You took a far off picture of her and wish you would have talked to her. Then maybe two years later you run into her accidently and realize she is the same girl. Of course to make it more interesting, the beach you saw her at was 1000 miles away during spring break and you go back home only to run into her a couple years later.
    You cant prove a thing like that scientifically.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Actually.. chance and the theory of Chaotic and random issue will always be a factor..

    But...............yes i have experience it.. and some other things that are unanswerable... with science.. but i still cannot support the possibility of Fate.............

    again to do so would rule out Free will.......... Then you would have to ask the question...

    Why are we here...................
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I honestly do not agree with fate either. The theory that our lives are written out before we are born.
    Such as murderers were already predetermined to be murderers etc. Your history proceeds that you get in an accident and lose an arm. Fate would cause this to happen without alteration. There is NO WAY you can not escape the accident. If you turn left trying to escape it, you realize turning left was the reason you got into the accident.
    I do not believe in that thought. Many religions do.

    Im just convinced that life tries to steer you toward a guide.
    That guide might be that you are supposed to murder someone but you have the will to change that guide. It is not set in stone. But, the person who you were supposed to murder still has to die somehow. Maybe not by your hands but "that balance" still has to take place.
    Now you didnt murder somebody and you dont go to jail.
    You were supposed to meet someone in jail for some reason down the road. Since you dont go to jail, fate still has to find a way for you to meet that person.

    See. Fate is flexable and allows you to choose but it still has to introduce you the options somehow.
    The best option of meeting that person was in jail so now a different option of meeting that person has to take place.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I believe I am the master and commander of my own destiny. I don't think my life is written out before I am born. All of this though is a matter of your personal opinion or your personal beliefs. There is no way to scientifically prove it.

    Religion plays a big part in it (if one is religious), but you can't prove religion either. That's another thread topic all together though.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could


    I will use your example...........

    Maybe you were suppose to meet that person in jail, so that you can fill a need they have..

    In that case i agree that you can be "Directed to fill a mission" but you still have a choice..

    Just like a choice to do good.............or bad...........
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, California
    Actually, the butterfly effect doesn't have anything to do with fate or destiny. It's rooted in Chaos Theory--which is an area of math.

    The idea is that a butterfly flapping its wings can have an unknown effect on the world. That it can set off a chain reaction that causes a tornado or do very little, if anything. It's based on the science that all actions are unpredictable and we can't always fathom the impact we make upon the world.

    So it's not really about changing fate. Our actions are our fate. It's about understanding that our choices have the potential to extend well beyond our personal universes.
    Last edited by Venice; 01-12-2004 at 12:03 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    bermich. you need to check out a book called synchronicities, the gap between mind and matter. its a great book. a syncronicity is like a meaningful and planned coincident, if that makes any sense. some of the explanations are mind boggling. its like what venice is saying. they have calculations where a butterfly flaps its wings can have effects on molucules all the way to the moon through the chain of reactions. its a good read. you should pick it up.

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