Ever have or see this happen with someone.
The "my friend thinks you are cute" line.
Some girl from across the bar or room (whatever) has her friend go up to you to tell you that her friend thinks you are cute.
How stupid is this. For one, the girl is way across the room out of sight due to shyness.
For two, what is the guy supposed to say back?
For three, the girl who is telling you about her friend is ALWAYS a hotty.
So, with the hotty right in your face, telling you her friend thinks you are cute, you start to have a conversation with the hotty. The two of you forget all about the friend way in the background and start talking about each other.
By this time, the not so hot friend is watching and thinking the two of you are talking about her trying to hook her up. WRONG.
You and the other girl start to like each other and you buy her a drink.
She goes over and has to tell her friend some bullsiht excuse why he doesnt like her. Girlfriend, gay, etc.
So in essance, if you are too shy to go up to the person personally, then forget about it. You will not get anywhere. In fact you will look like a loser because you are too insecure to go after what you want. Plus, you just helped hook up your HOT little friend with the guy you think is cute.