Who will win this fight?
Who will win this fight?
Vitali has been amazing lately. I say him.
Then vote for him god**** it
Mike Tyson is getting back in the ring also... Hes thinking of a June fight... He is the altime great fighter... He is always interesting... But he cant fight any of them big fighters, like Klitschko... I wonder if the Klitschko brothers will hold the belts for a few years... I really dont see anyone 'great' to beat them... By the way, did Roy Jones Jr gonna stay in heavey weight?? He would be a great seller if he fought tyson... But i think tysons power is too great for jones.. Man, i love boxing.. too bad its such a slow sport..
Jones is gonna go back to light heavy.....this tyson thing with him most likely will never happen. That's one thing I hate about tyson is you just never know with him. I never believe it until i see it. The bob sapp fight wont ever happen either.
Don't really know Corrie Sanders except for clips of him knocking out Vladamir Klitchko. I heard he had a great fight with Hasim Rahman, both fighters knocking the other down until finally Rahman put Sanders down for good. I have a feeling Vladamir underestimated Sanders and was confused by his southpaw style. I don't think Vitali will make the same mistake. Having seen him rock Lewis and destroy an admitedly fat Kirk Johnson, I think Vitali should win. Personally, I hope Vitali knocks his head off. Sanders beating Vladamir pissed me off.
Yeah Wlad is my fav and to see him go down that way stunned me. Corrie Sanders is one of the hardest hitters in the business.Originally Posted by FRANK WHITE
Vitali is going to win for sure.
Vitali. But does it matter? At least that pussy Lewis isnt aroung any more. I couldnt stand the way he tried to dodge all the good fighters. Best of his time...pshaw! best old fighter of his time! he beat a washed up Tyson and a Holyfield who was never the same after his heart-attack in the ring. WHere was Lewis when Tyson was 20?
ok the rants over!
Right on my brother....I couldn't have said it any better. Even after Lewis got his arse handed to him by Vitali he ran off at the mouth saying that he had the fight. Bull chit. When a real man is losing he says hes losing and thats it. Face up to it and come back next time and kick his arse. But not now. He is running into retirement. I say Vitali will win the fight but he had better be careful of Sanders power..Originally Posted by jeffylyte
vitali with out a doubt.. didnt jones say hes going to retire? and he would come back to fight tyson? i think roy would spank tyson into another sport..
sh*t, i could beat tyson at other sportsim going with vitali on this one. he wants to save face for his name. the only problem with the klitschko's is they may have to face each other someday and they said that would never happen. i personally like
(w)vladimir more than vitali but they are both great in my eyes.
Yeah they said they wanted to hold 3 of the belts each. The possibility of this happening is very high since I see no major contenders in the heavyweight division to give the bros a major challenge.
vitali no contest.. who's the llama that voted corrie?
i have no idea i was wondering that myself.
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