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Thread: True Story of the Kangaroo<====

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be

    True Story of the Kangaroo<====

    There was once a young kangaroo. And he had this incredible tail. it was his pride and joy. Everywhere he went he flaunted his tail as all the other kangaroos wished they had a tail like his. he had a loving family and his father always told him "son, you can do anything you want. in this life there are nothing but possibilities. But heed my warning...NEVER cross the railroad tracks."

    Well being a young kangaroo and very head strong he rarely took into account any advice from his family. Soon the kangaroo met a she-kangaroo. They had lots of fun together. One night she asked him to hop her home. he agreed. As they approached her house he began to realize that he would have to cross the tracks!!! a train was approaching. they thought they could make it and jumped the tracks moments before the train came screaming by.

    they got to her house and she kissed him goodnight. as soon as she was inside he turned his head and noticed something horrible. HIS TAIL WAS GONE!!! "say man, my tail gone" he said. omg.

    he began to panick. frantically he began to trace his steps. At last he came to the tracks again. and there, on the other side, was his tail. severed by the speeding train. he became very sad and wanted his tail back. so without thinking he began to cross the tracks. all of the sudden another train came screaming by and POW!!! took his head clean off.

    the moral of the story - "dont loose your head over a piece of tail"

    the end

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    priceless...simply priceless advice

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    hahaha thats a classic.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    silly kangaroo.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    hahahahaha. that was a great story. definitely priceless advice given there bro

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