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I've been reading up on many posts on AR and it seems as though many people are fading away from reality. As harsh as it is, it's the truth.
When I say reality, I don't mean the reality or consequences of Steroids and other illegal substances, I mean the reality that members post up questions and what they're going to do...regardless of what anyone says.
If I post up and say that I'm running 10g of Test a week, sure, that's not healthy and I'll be one of the first to constructively criticize, but I won't be quick to pass judgement.
What many members need to realize is that people have their own lives and reasons for doing whatever they want to do. We all come here looking for advice and help, but not to be 'flamed' for our intentions or what our goals are.
I left this as vague as possible on purpose, but the main idea is laid flat out... Just because someone doesn't agree with you or YOUR philosophies doesn't mean that they're an "idiot", they don't "love bodybuilding" or are "doing it for the wrong reasons." Those do no good on a board like AR, or any any board for that matter.
Everyone is an individual and should be respected as one. So if you feel a negative comment or any derogatory words being typed out, think twice and try stepping outside the box.