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Thread: A Message To Everyone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada

    A Message To Everyone

    I've been reading up on many posts on AR and it seems as though many people are fading away from reality. As harsh as it is, it's the truth.

    When I say reality, I don't mean the reality or consequences of Steroids and other illegal substances, I mean the reality that members post up questions and what they're going to do...regardless of what anyone says.

    If I post up and say that I'm running 10g of Test a week, sure, that's not healthy and I'll be one of the first to constructively criticize, but I won't be quick to pass judgement.

    What many members need to realize is that people have their own lives and reasons for doing whatever they want to do. We all come here looking for advice and help, but not to be 'flamed' for our intentions or what our goals are.

    I left this as vague as possible on purpose, but the main idea is laid flat out... Just because someone doesn't agree with you or YOUR philosophies doesn't mean that they're an "idiot", they don't "love bodybuilding" or are "doing it for the wrong reasons." Those do no good on a board like AR, or any any board for that matter.

    Everyone is an individual and should be respected as one. So if you feel a negative comment or any derogatory words being typed out, think twice and try stepping outside the box.

  2. #2
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Great post, bro!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    I've been reading up on many posts on AR and it seems as though many people are fading away from reality. As harsh as it is, it's the truth.

    When I say reality, I don't mean the reality or consequences of Steroids and other illegal substances, I mean the reality that members post up questions and what they're going to do...regardless of what anyone says.

    If I post up and say that I'm running 10g of Test a week, sure, that's not healthy and I'll be one of the first to constructively criticize, but I won't be quick to pass judgement.

    What many members need to realize is that people have their own lives and reasons for doing whatever they want to do. We all come here looking for advice and help, but not to be 'flamed' for our intentions or what our goals are.

    I left this as vague as possible on purpose, but the main idea is laid flat out... Just because someone doesn't agree with you or YOUR philosophies doesn't mean that they're an "idiot", they don't "love bodybuilding" or are "doing it for the wrong reasons." Those do no good on a board like AR, or any any board for that matter.

    Everyone is an individual and should be respected as one. So if you feel a negative comment or any derogatory words being typed out, think twice and try stepping outside the box.
    Does that include HOSS????

    j/k good post.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    did the "I wanna make my ex jealous" post stem this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by DARKSEID
    did the "I wanna make my ex jealous" post stem this?
    I mentioned that I left my post as vague as possible. I'm not going to single any one thread out in particular, but it just seems as though the negativety on the board is sliding a little too much out of balance, especially with newbies.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I agree. I find myself ripping on people a lot more lately for some reason if I think theyre idiots. Im trying to calm down and I do notice other people are a little too rash with other members in regards to their questions of trying to get big or lose weight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    In my honest opinoin, the flaming that does happen that i see, isn't really said in a demeaning mannor towards the author of the post.. Likewise, alot is uncalled for.. Remember this is a public board, and full of juiceheads for that matter, you have to expect some sort of comedy..

    In the end, everyone is going to do what they feel necessary, the advice and suggestions is helpful, an occasional flame, or negative reply doesn't take away from the authors goals..

    Good morning fellow pincushions, its a beautiful day in the neighborhood

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Thank you for telling us something we should already know, but people have opinions and voice them as they see fit. Nonetheless, good post.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    I've been reading up on many posts on AR and it seems as though many people are fading away from reality. As harsh as it is, it's the truth.

    When I say reality, I don't mean the reality or consequences of Steroids and other illegal substances, I mean the reality that members post up questions and what they're going to do...regardless of what anyone says.

    If I post up and say that I'm running 10g of Test a week, sure, that's not healthy and I'll be one of the first to constructively criticize, but I won't be quick to pass judgement.

    What many members need to realize is that people have their own lives and reasons for doing whatever they want to do. We all come here looking for advice and help, but not to be 'flamed' for our intentions or what our goals are.

    I left this as vague as possible on purpose, but the main idea is laid flat out... Just because someone doesn't agree with you or YOUR philosophies doesn't mean that they're an "idiot", they don't "love bodybuilding" or are "doing it for the wrong reasons." Those do no good on a board like AR, or any any board for that matter.

    Everyone is an individual and should be respected as one. So if you feel a negative comment or any derogatory words being typed out, think twice and try stepping outside the box.

    Man you're an "idiot", you obviously don't "love bodybuilding" and are obviously "doing it for the wrong reasons." J/K

    Really great post bro, really.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Excellent post Ronny, and yes Martin you ass, it DOES include me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    As a relativley new member of this board I have seen most of the flaming go to people looking for quick fixes. There are so many of these Get Ripped for Spring Break posts right now/couple weeks ago.....These are the same guys that buy Muscletech products and then go bench and curl for 6 weeks. It is HARD not to flame someone like that. Its that type of lazy, narcisistic(sp?), and searching for quick fixes that gives people who use steroids a bad name. I know that everyone on here will be quick to point out that it does take hard work to get a great body-even with gear, but this isn't always that case....kid who used to be on my football team when I was in High School has taken Sust cause he wanted to look good on the beach and it was cheaper than a gym membership. And here he is, not working out, and 10lbs heavier after his cycle, with no PCT or anything! It is hard (at least for me) to sit back and watch this stuff happen, I know odds are he won't make gains that are really impressive anytime soon and I am still bigger than him, and I am sure these cases are far and in between, but it still pisses me off.

    That being said, I will think twice before I say/type anything disrespectful or derogatory.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Other than bermy and bouncer, I am probably the biggest smart ass on here.I try my best to keep my negative comments in the lounge. I think flaming is completely uncalled for. We were all new at one time. although I do think when someone gets good advice and smarts off to the person who gave it, then they are open game.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Sometimes you must call a spade a spade, but for the most part, I see good posts with good responses. A few flame-filled threads do occour, but those are usually provoked by some jackass.
    I see some of what you write about in the steroid forum, usually when some 19 year old, kid wants to run 900 mgs of A-bombs a week with a gram of test. Despite advice and guidance, they tell folks to f-off, mind their own, and just answer questions...which is an open invite to torch some bastard! I do not know if a specific thread started this, or but when common sense and logic, stacked with solid advice are gaffed off..treatment-in-kind is the order of the day!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Yeah, I agree with both Bama and Mart on this one. I have seen some newbies posting far out stuff in the steroids forum, but someone usually catches it pretty quick and straightens it out. But, I could have missed something that was way out over the past few days since I have been out of pocket.



  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    bump......took me a while to get to this post.

    Great post Ronny.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    What an idot ronny.... your gonna run 10 grams of test a week?

    Ya know I love ya

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    when it comes to roids i dont feel that i am going to do another cycle, a lot of people cycle on and off year round for a good amount of time...i found that when i did one cycle that it took so long to recover even with proper PCT because i did not go right back on after taking a break. im not sure that PCT is enough to get your body back to normal and caution anyone that wants to run a single cycle to be careful and make sure you know that the potential to be messed up for some time is not against using roids by any means, but caution is always necessary.

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