View Poll Results: Should the gov't ban Abortion?

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  • Yes! Abortion kills a child and should be illegal

    12 20.69%
  • Leaning to Yes

    2 3.45%
  • Leaning to No

    5 8.62%
  • No Way! the rights of the mother are more important

    39 67.24%
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Thread: Abortion: should the gov't ban it?

  1. #161
    I'm not exaggerating at all. If I suggested that every girl that gave birth to a baby she didn't want had her life ruined, then I would be exaggerating. I didn't though, did I? In case you didn't notice, I believe people should be able to do whatever they like with their bodies. Yes, I'm saying that an unborn baby is a part of the mother's body. I don't consider it to be murder, so to me it's perfectly acceptable, and I'd do the same if I was a mother with an unwanted pregnancy, because I wouldn't want to go through it all if I had no intention of raising the child.

    If abortion became illegal, and a girl really didn't want to give birth, she'd get the surgery done illegally somewhere, or she wouldn't and her life may (is that exaggerating?) be ruined.

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    okay, I see your point ( a point!) but IMO, as well as many others, the baby is not part of the mother's body. It may be INSIDE the mother's body and attached with the umbillical(sp) cord, but it is not a PART OF her body, again IMO. That's like saying because my dog or cat is completely dependent to live, and it basically lives on me, I have the right to kill it just because I don't think I can take care of it. NO, you give the animal to a shelter or to a friend. The only difference with a baby is the emotional attachment to it, and the struggle of being pregnant and going through labor. IMO, the only reason for a girl to have an abortion is because they don't want the hastle of pregnancy. So just because the girl is too lazy to have a baby, she kills it. Just suck it up and go through with it, then put it up for adoption. There is absolutely no excuse for abortion. The only defense they have is that "pregnancy is a pain in the ass"... IS THAT A REASON TO KILL A BABY? This "pain in the ass" is a direct result of the mother's irresponsibility.

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    okay, I see your point ( a point!) but IMO, as well as many others, the baby is not part of the mother's body. It may be INSIDE the mother's body and attached with the umbillical(sp) cord, but it is not a PART OF her body, again IMO. That's like saying because my dog or cat is completely dependent to live, and it basically lives on me, I have the right to kill it just because I don't think I can take care of it. NO, you give the animal to a shelter or to a friend. The only difference with a baby is the emotional attachment to it, and the struggle of being pregnant and going through labor. IMO, the only reason for a girl to have an abortion is because they don't want the hastle of pregnancy. So just because the girl is too lazy to have a baby, she kills it. Just suck it up and go through with it, then put it up for adoption. There is absolutely no excuse for abortion. The only defense they have is that "pregnancy is a pain in the ass"... IS THAT A REASON TO KILL A BABY? This "pain in the ass" is a direct result of the mother's irresponsibility.

    Using the example of a cat just doesn't slide. It doesn't matter how much the cat relies on you, if I kill you the cat will live on, as long as someone else feeds it. If I kill a pregnant female though, unless some emergency procedure is carried out, and is successful, the "baby" will die with the mother. The baby is a part of the mother because it's attached to her, and it lives off her. It eats what she eats, it's like another organ in her body.

    Not all girls that have abortions are going to have them because they're lazy. A lot of them will have abortions because they don't want to have the child themself, and so they don't want to go through a risky experience such as child birth for a baby they never intend to keep. You may say that's selfish (perhaps it is), but I state again that I think people should be able to do what they like with their own bodies. Until a baby is independant of the mother, it should not take priority over her.

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    okay, well I call this a draw bro. it was good debating with you about this, but it seems to be going nowhere. whether abortion is right or wrong, as human beings we should choose life over death. thank God i'm not a woman...

  5. #165
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    I think the govt shoud stay out of it...

  6. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    okay, well I call this a draw bro. it was good debating with you about this, but it seems to be going nowhere. whether abortion is right or wrong, as human beings we should choose life over death. thank God i'm not a woman...
    This isn't a competition. Sure we should choose life over death, but it's stupid to just blindly believe that life is the only "right" option. Until a baby is an independant human it should not have rights over the mother that conceived it.

    I wouldn't want to be a woman either. If I was though, I'd be outraged at the suggestion that other people want to tell me I have to go through a pregnancy I don't want, regardless of how stupid I had been in not preventing the pregnancy in the first place.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yeah, this high and mighty attitude of "I know all" that some of us have is pretty bad. I definately wouldn't want someone telling me what to do like that. I think it's wrong though, anyway. Just like unprotected sex is wrong with all the STDs out there. Should we make it illegal? No. But taking steps to discourage people from having unprotected sex is good. I think we should take steps to discourage abortion, but making it illegal WOULD be a little extreme I guess.

  8. #168
    I'd agree that it's better to focus on discouraging un-protected sex, though I get the feeling that most of the girls that get themselves pregnant "by accident" wouldn't listen anyway. If there's someone in place to offer an unborn child a home, then perhaps it seems right for a mother to not abort the child, but convincing or forcing a mother to have a child when she really doesn't want to, will lead to problems.

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yup, i agree

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