Its about time for an update on the workouts with the pro...feel free to give us one at anytime....and you can hijack this thread, cause thats what it is for![]()
Its about time for an update on the workouts with the pro...feel free to give us one at anytime....and you can hijack this thread, cause thats what it is for![]()
well coldstone here it is.... just want to say your looking big. good improvement from your last avatar of yourself. keep it up!!
not much has changed. we still lift 5 days a week mon thru fri. one muscle a day but calves get it 2 or 3 times a week. we usually do 4 to 5 exercises with 4 sets. reps are 15, 12, 12, 10, 8. there is no special lifts we have been doing. every session is different from the last. it has been a month now and no workout has been the same. for chest we rotate between bars and dumbells. back there are alot of different ways to row. just last week we did rows with dumbells like you do with a straight bar. that hurt. i felt muscles in my back burn that i never knew were there. over all my body is lovin it and combined with gear and a good diet i am statring to look good and im getting alot stronger.
thats over in april. he said he will go balls out in april. he also said that hes going to keep me as long as i can hang. i told him the only way your getting rid of me is if you put me in a wheel chair, and if you do ill still be there on arm day. he liked that one.
the best part of this deal s he treats me like a friend and not a trainee. but he kills me in the gym. one day we were at the end of chest day and doing dips. he did 12. what he does you have to do. just reps not weight. so i hopped up there and only could do 8. i hopped off got a sip of water. the whole time shawn was staring at me. then he said. i know you can count. and i only counted 8. i dont have anywhere to go, but your ass has to go to school so get up there and do them, we will be hear all day untill you fininsh. even though i could not do them i got up and was spotted for the final 4. he is rough. and that was the day i was so drained and torn up that i could not fully flex my chest for 5 hours after the workout. it was awsome.
all in all, the is the best opportunity i could have ever asked for and i am going to keep it up.
thanks fr the kick in the ass coldstone.
D amn you lucky Good thing shawn is watchin out for yaSee if you can get his cycle!
j/k bro
as a side not shawn let me hangout with him this saturday. he just picked up an excursion limo and he picked me up in it and drove around. then i went to his house met his wife, saw the house, and played some pool with him. he has a great house. really open and decorated nicely. then we went to the mall where shawn was to meet some guys there doing an infomercial for the creem, it was like an icy hot. so i got a massage from a hot chick and then went on camera to talk about the cream. it was cool. then the guys took us out to PF changs. that my favorite restaraunt. it was weird. i was totally treated like a superstar just for being there with shawn. he intorduced me as a his friend and his training partner. i liked it when i was introduced as his training partner. they just stared at me. then me him and his wife just walke around the mall lookin at stuff. it was a great day and shawn is a great guy. i feel like the luckiest person in the world sometime. thank darwin i moved to cali....
that's awesome herc...keep up the good (and hard) work!
that sounds awesome...**** your living a dream
thanks for the compliment on my growing...that pic was taken about 4 weeks after my last cycle...still not that big yet, but ill be their pretty soon
thats badazz that he jumps your azz like he does when you try to cheat yourself of almost sounds like hes working you more or less like a pt....does he like you, or do you jump his azz if hes wanting to stop, or does he never hit a point like that?
also, how are you growing?..that has to give you a big advantage over your previous cycle getting worked over like this?
have you gotten a chance to talk aas with shawn yet?
he never has a problem getting in his reps, he will never do that because he knows i will give him ****. i have before and he is cool about it.
as for the cycle its going well. the first 8 weeks were ok. the dbol killed my appatite. then i bulked untill week 10 which was good gains, i could have done better. now i am cutting with 10 weeks left on the gear. the cutting is going great. ill have abbs by about 15 % bf right now maybee lower. being on has helped me alot.
as for aas, shawn doesnt like to talk to much about them. he understands its apart of the game and he leaves it that. i told him i have tried them but not that im on. so i dont want to ruin a good thing so i just leave that subject alone especially with all the subpeonas flying around.
i have gottin considarably bigger, and with all the cutting i have been getting harder which aludes to a bigger apperance. all in all i coudnt be happier. i also found a doc that will perscribe cyp and GH. i just have to get the $ to get in.
i end the cycle at the end of april. and as soon as levels turn normal again im hoppin right back on because thats when shawn wil be going balls to the wall, and so will i.
sounds awesome...i cant belive he just "picked up a limo" to have for a saturday...
i wonder if he knows your "on" by the way your growing?
ohhh...and what does your cycle look full of questions huh?
daM!!!! thats awesome hercules... hows the leg routines going?![]()
Hey, Herc.
#1. I hate you.
#2. What are your stats, training history, etc? Don't know if you've answered it before, but frankly I don't care, so answer me!
Wow.. training with Shawn ! Lucky freak !
Same here !Originally Posted by rambo
coldstone - he bought the limo for himself and to make some extra $$$
i dont think he knows i stay covered up in sweats at the gym. 650/500 eq weeks 1-20
and for the allmighty rambo
#1 thank you
#2 im 5'7 220 15-12 % BF i have been lifting for 5 years. before lifting i played hockey for 15 years so i have great calves and a good lower body for a foundation. did i miss anything??
Originally Posted by bigol'legs
very good but for the strain in my right quad. i can only do extensions and culrs with real weight. all other movements have to be very light untill my leg heals.
dang bro that sucks. Just make sure you baby it for a little... dont want to pull a big T...![]()
5'7" and 220 pounds!!!!!??? Holy cricky!!! That's amazing dude. Keep up the awesome work. You are an inspiration to me! Time to hit the weights...Originally Posted by hercules88
i know he sounds like a stout fukker!...herc, you should get a pic of you and shawn some day after a workout and post it up...i dont know if he or you would want that, but it would be cool to seeOriginally Posted by daman1
i have the pics i took 2 already like last week. i gave them to red to photo shop my avatar on my body. keep in mind fellas thats 220 at almost 15%bf, so i have a ways to go. my life goal is 210-220 at 8%bf. i will get the pics up as soon as i get them back from red.
Originally Posted by bigol'legs
your telling me. i let it rest for a week then i tweeked it again. leg day is tomarrow so is onlly extentions and curls. i might try very light leg press for reps. not gonna screw it up again.
I may have tried to end your life several times, and I may wish horrible death upon you often, but really...
You've got a great thing going, and having a member on our board who is training with a pro reflects well on all of us.
Congrats, and you're right, Darwin must have been really good to you.
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