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Thread: The Passion of the Christ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    The Passion of the Christ

    Who has seen this movie? I saw it Friday night and it was a powerful film to say the least...makes me look at my life in a whole new persepective...What did you all think of this movie?

  2. #2
    can't be bothered with that propaganda ****...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
    can't be bothered with that propaganda ****...

    Propaganda? Please explain how this movie is propaganda. It was taken from the Bible, so you think the Bible is propaganda?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    I loved the movie....I believe it to be true and it doesn't make me hate Jews, I don't know why anyone would think that. I'm German and Schindlers List didn't make anyone hate me more.

  5. #5
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    it was great, but only true Christians or those who have studied the faith can deeply appreciate it's meaning.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by palequail
    I loved the movie....I believe it to be true and it doesn't make me hate Jews, I don't know why anyone would think that. I'm German and Schindlers List didn't make anyone hate me more.
    That's a good point. it seems to be ok for movies like Shindlers list to portray
    germans as evil . But when the tables are turned they cry anti this and anti that.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Rush
    Propaganda? so you think the Bible is propaganda?
    Yes indeed!

    But you can't argue with an agnostic view, so save your breath.

  8. #8
    And the first one to mistake 'agnostic' with 'atheist' gets b*tch slapped!

  9. #9
    alevok Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jon rock
    That's a good point. it seems to be ok for movies like Shindlers list to portray
    germans as evil . But when the tables are turned they cry anti this and anti that.
    I agree,
    I am sick and tired of hollacaust movies, it was 60 years ago, move on. It is not like they are the only race who suffered, think about Africans, think about native Americans, think about lost Central and South american civilizations.
    I wont be suprised if they make a high budget hollocaust movie next year just to shadow "Passion".

    It is a great movie, not a propaganda, (you cant change the reality Floyd_turbo) eventhough I am a muslim, I am deeply touched. Only a holly person could bare such tortures and it is sad jews denied his holliness after all.
    Last edited by alevok; 03-29-2004 at 08:10 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I thought the movie was amazing.....I actually wept

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Rush
    Who has seen this movie? I saw it Friday night and it was a powerful film to say the least...makes me look at my life in a whole new persepective...What did you all think of this movie?
    I want to see that movie, i never had a chance to yet. I heard that it was very intense and sad. But i can not wait to see it. Was it really good?


  12. #12
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    Nov 2001
    I saw it and was extremely touched by it. I want to see it again, but I think I'll wait a bit. Anyone who calls themselves Christian should see it. Gibson has managed to bring all the denominations together and thats pretty cool stuff!


  13. #13
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    I got to admit, I had a couple tears too

  14. #14
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    Saw it for the second time last night and it was just as intense as the first time.

  15. #15
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    I absoutly loved the movie. It was the most inspiring and touching thing that I have ever witnessed. I don't see how you couldn't help but cry.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    ya it is a great movie, go see it no matter what religion you are

  17. #17
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    It was emotional to say the least, I cried a lot. As a person of faith I have always heard about the death of Christ, so it kind of lost its meaning. Now its shown to me in a whole new light. Loved the movie!

  18. #18
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    Great movie... if it is Mels last then **** what a way to go out. This is a classic !!! Dont see how you could'nt like it ... well... unless you are one of those that told the story another way

  19. #19
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    I havn't seen it yet, cause i heard its in subtitles.. It sounds like its a pretty decent flick..

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    even we the muslims dont beleive in the same christ story like christian do...but the movie was very good it show how agressive the jews it have very good music

  21. #21
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    Rock band hair

    It was a great movie.

    I havent been touched like that from a fairy tale since the first time my momma read 'Little red riding hood'

    very graphic very touching



  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    even we the muslims dont beleive in the same christ story like christian do...but the movie was very good it show how agressive the jews it have very good music
    the only reason you liked it was because it made the jews look bad? You and Hitler would be two peas in a pod. The music was alright.
    Here's something I read, it was written by some Rhoads Scholar...
    It was something to the effect of, either Jesus was a terrible person or he was God.
    God- Did wonderful things, performed miracles, preached peace and gave
    much wonderful advice, Died for our Sins

    If only Man- Told lies after lies, misled millions of people, was insane or delusional. Some Jews say Jesus was a good man, but not God. If He wasn't God, then He couldn't be good because of that.

  23. #23
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    I rent Saddams SpiderHole
    Great post everybody. I am glad to see that others were touched and some of you wept. I hope that everyone that sees it has a lasting impression that isn't so quick to fade away. Jesus Christ was sent here by God and was His ONE AND ONLY SON... he was sent here to endure the pain and suffering put upon him, so that we may come to have everlasting life. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, and whosoever believe in Him, shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE" John 3:16

    This movie was INCREDIBLE and it touched my heart. I wept a little the first time I saw it. The second time I saw it was with my girlfriend's Church, and at the end, the pastor got up and spoke about the sacrifice Jesus made for us and he started crying, good Lord, I lost it, I REALLY wept then - it was the MOST POWERFUL film EVER...


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    the movie was very good it show how agressive the jews are...
    "Are", is was set 2000 years ago. Read the Bible, everyone was agressive.

  25. #25
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    Fort Worth
    I read the book . . . it's just a work of fiction, nothing more. I saw clips of the flick on TV, and as I don't get off on gratuitous violence, I ain't gonna see it.
    Instead, I watched a couple of Groucho Marx flicks. I'm sure I had a better time . . .

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    I read the book . . . it's just a work of fiction, nothing more. I saw clips of the flick on TV, and as I don't get off on gratuitous violence, I ain't gonna see it.
    Instead, I watched a couple of Groucho Marx flicks. I'm sure I had a better time . . .

    okay..........well, you are entitled to your opinion.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Rush
    okay..........well, you are entitled to your opinion.

    True . . .
    I've thrashed out the "Reason vs. Religion" arguement with lots of folks before, and it always comes down to religious notions are based on faith.
    I have no problems with that; in fact, in this life of misery, grief, and woe, anything that helps a fellow make it through from one end to the other, or anything that brings comfort in time of trouble, is a good thing.
    What ain't a good thing, though, is when one group of people try to make other groups of people conform to their religious ideas. When I see those kind of religious nuts, I take a sordid pleasure in disassembling the Book they base their obnoxiousness upon, and I like to think I do a pretty good job at it.

    Religion is like sexual orientation in that regard . . . everyone is entitled to their own, but they don't need to be pushing it off on other disinterested people.


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    True . . .
    What ain't a good thing, though, is when one group of people try to make other groups of people conform to their religious ideas. When I see those kind of religious nuts, I take a sordid pleasure in disassembling the Book they base their obnoxiousness upon, and I like to think I do a pretty good job at it.

    I agree 100%...I do not like those types of people either, especially Jehovah's Witnesses....LOL

  29. #29
    havent see it yet
    great point tock

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    I don't think all jews are aggressive at all. Back in that time everything was very violent and that is how it all went down. Chrisitans killed lots of people as well. I am a christian but I would never consider one race more aggressive or evil than another..and the movie never made me think twice about that.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i read the bible and i know the story no need to see it

  32. #32
    I find it amusing to hear Christians who can't talk about the film without preaching.

    I enjoyed the film. Very powerful, like others mentioned. It's worth watching for the torture scene alone. That was brutal. Very well made.

  33. #33
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    I rent Saddams SpiderHole
    So did you LIKE to see Jesus beaten to close to death?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    I read the book . . . it's just a work of fiction, nothing more. I saw clips of the flick on TV, and as I don't get off on gratuitous violence, I ain't gonna see it.
    Instead, I watched a couple of Groucho Marx flicks. I'm sure I had a better time . . .
    it seems like you're just TRYING HARD TO BE DIFFERENT, tock. When we talk about girls or whatever, you say how you're gay and you like men. When any of us say Bush is good, you say Bush is bad. When we say MilitiaMan is a freakin loser and needs to shut up, you say "don't be so mean to him, free speech, blah blah blah" AND NOW, when we talk about the most wonderful glorious Jesus Himself... you say it's all a bunch of crap and in a way diss our beliefs. Well I THINK YOU ARE A LOSER. YOU ARE A VERY SORRY GAY, LIBERAL, GOD-LESS MAN WITH NO MORAL, ETHICAL, OR RELIGIOUS CHARACTER. I, as many others here at AR probably, would appreciate it if you didn't go out of your way to be so different and spread your filth around threads talking about how wonderful something is.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skin-and-Bone
    I find it amusing to hear Christians who can't talk about the film without preaching.

    I enjoyed the film. Very powerful, like others mentioned. It's worth watching for the torture scene alone. That was brutal. Very well made.
    you sick bastard...

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    it seems like you're just TRYING HARD TO BE DIFFERENT, tock. When we talk about girls or whatever, you say how you're gay and you like men. When any of us say Bush is good, you say Bush is bad. When we say MilitiaMan is a freakin loser and needs to shut up, you say "don't be so mean to him, free speech, blah blah blah" AND NOW, when we talk about the most wonderful glorious Jesus Himself... you say it's all a bunch of crap and in a way diss our beliefs. Well I THINK YOU ARE A LOSER. YOU ARE A VERY SORRY GAY, LIBERAL, GOD-LESS MAN WITH NO MORAL, ETHICAL, OR RELIGIOUS CHARACTER. I, as many others here at AR probably, would appreciate it if you didn't go out of your way to be so different and spread your filth around threads talking about how wonderful something is.
    But do you really feel?

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    in the jungle

    Thumbs up Great Movie!

    Just seen it tonight, thumbs up! Great movie although I gotta say it's not what I expected, I thought there would be a lot more of the teachings of Jesus, but after reading through the official website I understand it now. The movie depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus' life before crusifiction. I wanted to reach through the screen and give a beating to those Romans soldiers!! MAN!! I thought the movie was very good although the beating of the Son of God was just too much, I had to fight back the tears. I think in a movie like this NOT to cry or feel like crying is LESS than human! I am sure the Roman barbarians and Jews that tortured and crucified him are still in Purgatory!! (at least I hope they still are). I actually prefer The Last Temptation of Christ starring Willam Dafoe as Jesus if you're old enough you'll remember the controversy this movie provoked. This movie had a lot more of the teachings of Jesus. The Passion of the Christ is a very good movie and for all you disrespecting idiots out there making immature wisecracks about the movie Shame on YOU!

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    I rent Saddams SpiderHole
    Good post Panabolic! Also, good job BURNING TOCKS @SS, SUPERHUMAN! ITS ABOUT TIME SOMEBODY GOT HIM!!!!!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    On a side note...

    When you guys are talking about the movie and someone says:

    "Jesus is the son of God"
    "it was great, but only true Christians or those who have studied the faith can deeply appreciate it's meaning."

    You are inviting people like Tock to dispel your statements and cause a bunch of crap in the thread.

    Try at least come off neutral and objectively. I'll admit Tock was out of line when he said the bible was fiction but he did say:

    "Religion is like sexual orientation in that regard . . . everyone is entitled to their own, but they don't need to be pushing it off on other disinterested people."

    So lets all be a happy family.

    Remember there is two things you should never discuss with another man: religion and politics.

    Now that I've said that I would like to hijack the religion thread and say GO LEAFS GO!
    Last edited by RP7; 04-05-2004 at 12:09 AM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    It was an awe-inspiring movie. It showed how "human" our lord was that he was tempted at times to give it all up just to escape the pain. There were especially beautiful scenes like when Mary had a flashback of Jesus falling as a child and comparing it to his fall with the cross. What is also great is that this movie was not sanitized as mel intended it to be. Such a beautiful movie for all times and all cultures. Bravo Mel this one is a masterpiece!



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