Yeah the film shot they showed of him he looked skilled, but at one point he slipped a little. It would've been great if he had busted his ass on TV!
If you don't know who "hanoi jane" is I would suggest doing research. Want your blood to boil? Read about her expoits in Vietnam.
She wore the enemies uniform, and had them tour her around.
She visited the POWs and when she was in front of them all lined up she asked them if they liked killing babies and things of the like.
When they secretly handed her all of thier serial #s so that the government would know they were alive, she turned and handed them to the guards, and told them what the POWs had done. Resulting in all of them getting beaten AGAIN and a few killed.
How can you front yourself as a viable veteran when you associated yourself with someone that aided in killing your fellow brothers in arms? It makes me sick.