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Thread: anybody watch the choose or lose on MTV with kerry?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    anybody watch the choose or lose on MTV with kerry?

    im watching it right now, im just wondering what you people think of this guy. i personally think id like anyone but bush but after seeing him answer some questions i think this dude has a good head on his shoulders and would be a good leader

    also do you guys think that bush would ever go on MTV like that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    bush messes up enough, i honestly think all the canidates we havet ochoose from are ****, and we really go from one reject to another.....

  3. #3
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    that is the type of programing that just goes to show how liberally biased the media is. Hyping him up like his is america's greatest war vet and hero. Yeah he did some time in the military, and that is very admirable. But I think they shoulda showed more about his personal life to show what type of real person he is instead of hiding behind the politician side of him. Bush won't get any love like that from any tv show.

  4. #4
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    im not into politics but kerry is from mass and i dont like bush so he seems to be my choice for the election.

  5. #5
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    I havn't caught that show yet, because i've been busy.. I did just finish watching something about Bush and his chief security advisor assuming the position about to be fuked.. I believe his whole administration is out to lunch.. He is defintley a good laugh.. I think Kerry is alright, i'm just happy Bush won't be around very much longer.. I don't think Bush can do one more positive thing for this country, he's fresh out of horrible ideas..

  6. #6
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    The interview was decent, better than pretty much every bush interview I've ever seen. The interview I'm really looking forward to is Condy Rices testimony to the 9/11 commission. Of course I still don't understand why bush and cheney will testify as a TEAM to the 9/11 committee in private. Of course I think that the white house's response to dick clarke tells you volumes about the current administration.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilVito469
    im not into politics but kerry is from mass and i dont like bush so he seems to be my choice for the election.
    There's a good idea on how to pick your president. As far as Kelly goes, he's always put up the "cool guy" image for the younger demographic. Going on MTV...Snowboarding on vacation...riding his Harley onto Leno. It's all a front IMO. I'll stop there to keep this discussion from turning into another political debate.


  8. #8
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    i like how he snowboards lol, at least that means he was open minded, cause people that age are usually all skiers or hate snowboarders. and only a few just decide to give it a try and realize its much better a feeling on snow with a board under you feet then two planks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symian
    There's a good idea on how to pick your president. As far as Kelly goes, he's always put up the "cool guy" image for the younger demographic. Going on MTV...Snowboarding on vacation...riding his Harley onto Leno. It's all a front IMO. I'll stop there to keep this discussion from turning into another political debate.

    Do you think thats cool, cause he snowboards and has a harley? HAHA... Who gives a fuk we're talking about the presidency.. Whats he fronting, that he's got a harley just like everyother dude in the USA, and he snowboards (i'd like to see that one..haha) Looks pretty normal to me, he's just doing his thang (rampage accent) "and when he does his thang, his thang will be done"

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by monster.
    Do you think thats cool, cause he snowboards and has a harley? HAHA... Who gives a fuk we're talking about the presidency.. Whats he fronting, that he's got a harley just like everyother dude in the USA, and he snowboards (i'd like to see that one..haha) Looks pretty normal to me, he's just doing his thang (rampage accent) "and when he does his thang, his thang will be done"
    they showed him snowboarding on his vacation, he was actually pretty good to tell ya the truth. he wasnt a beginner and thats my opinion, i think id know i snowboarded for 12 years and semi pro for 4

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    they showed him snowboarding on his vacation, he was actually pretty good to tell ya the truth. he wasnt a beginner and thats my opinion, i think id know i snowboarded for 12 years and semi pro for 4
    **** you went semi pro? I used to ski for 5 years, then i snowboarded, going on 14 years, yep.. Started Back in the day!!! like way back 91' I saved and saved and bought my first board an old Burton!! I've had a few boards.. I think thats cool as fuk bro.. If he can snowboard thats pretty impressive, not many people can pick it up..

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Bush for 4 more years....THANK GOODNESS!!

    Kerry Sucks! Vietnam protestor after he got back from fighting in Vietnam, has voted countless times to raise taxes (including 50+ cents tax on gasoline), won't answer any questions directly...all he does is bad mouth Bush....I'm not impressed.



  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by saboudian
    The interview was decent, better than pretty much every bush interview I've ever seen. The interview I'm really looking forward to is Condy Rices testimony to the 9/11 commission. Of course I still don't understand why bush and cheney will testify as a TEAM to the 9/11 committee in private. Of course I think that the white house's response to dick clarke tells you volumes about the current administration.
    Dr Rice's interview should be good. We'll finally get to hear the truth...afterall, she doesn't have a book to sell, so why would she lie? Dick Clarke has already been caught in SEVERAL lies people...wake up.

    Oh yeah, they (Bush administration) were all in office for a grand total of 7.5 months prior to the Sept. 11 took 2 months just to repair the White House after the Clintons left....they tore the place up. What the hell were they suppose to do in 7.5 months in order to prevent the attacks? guys listen to too much media BS. I'm not targeting you Saboudian, I just got on a soapbox after I replied to your post....



  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Kerry is another Clinton...SCUM!!!! If we get another democrate in there...we'll be fu*ked agaiN! I know Kerry is taking advice from Clinton.....idiot!

  15. #15
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    I was curious when the conservatives would chime in.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    Kerry is another Clinton...SCUM!!!! If we get another democrate in there...we'll be fu*ked agaiN! I know Kerry is taking advice from Clinton.....idiot!
    I'm a horrible speller too, it's not just you.. How were we fuked the 8 years that Clinton ran? Some of the highlights, if you forgot:

    1) Near full employment for those 8 years - Wonder when this is going to happen again..

    2) Budget SURPLUS - Do you believe in miracles, thats what Bush would need to put something like that together again..

    3) Economy was STRONG, I wouldn't say strong more like a fortress..

    How did we get ****ed those 8 years, we watched the president try to deny he got head from his secretary, like any of us wouldn't.. fill me in, on how we got fuked?

  17. #17
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by monster.
    I'm a horrible speller too, it's not just you.. How were we fuked the 8 years that Clinton ran? Some of the highlights, if you forgot:

    1) Near full employment for those 8 years - Wonder when this is going to happen again..

    2) Budget SURPLUS - Do you believe in miracles, thats what Bush would need to put something like that together again..

    3) Economy was STRONG, I wouldn't say strong more like a fortress..

    How did we get ****ed those 8 years, we watched the president try to deny he got head from his secretary, like any of us wouldn't.. fill me in, on how we got fuked?
    There somebody goes again. Relying on what the tv taught them. When are you people going to realize that the president can't control the economy? He can foster it, and maybe pass some little rules to help it grow, but the president is no way near responsible for how our economy performs. People want to believe so bad that the president is responsible for the overall well being of our economy but he is not. He is just the one the media and unknowledgeable voters can point a finger at. Of course, the economy is doing quite well know and I don't see bush getting any credit for that...but then again, the media is liberally biased.

    On a side note, I do have to admit that kerry is making himself quite the likable candidate. It is the same front, and yes it is a front, to try to appeal to the younger mass just like clinton playing the sax. Who really gives a ****? Monster you said it well, but it all plays a role in how the general population percieves him.

  18. #18
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    From what I have heard is that in the financial world, Kerry is percieved as a deficit buster, but viewed as weak internationally, so this would play a key role on the economy.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by monster.
    **** you went semi pro? I used to ski for 5 years, then i snowboarded, going on 14 years, yep.. Started Back in the day!!! like way back 91' I saved and saved and bought my first board an old Burton!! I've had a few boards.. I think thats cool as fuk bro.. If he can snowboard thats pretty impressive, not many people can pick it up..
    yep semi-pro, i started riding at in 90, i was 10 and by the age of 18 i was sponsered, then at 20 i had 4 sponsers (M3 boards, 32boots, Arnette goggles, Fuel clothing, and the shop near my house) went to the nationals at 21 and tore my knee for the 3rd time the first day there. competed with a torn knee and ranked 27th in the country for ams. this was all for slopestyle events. i know if i was healthy for the comp i would have came top 10 easily. luck sucks

  20. #20
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    Bush has waaaaay too many favors to return.. making his buddies rich at the expense of your tax dollars, he's already proved this by spending money faster than any president in history. I don't think Bush gives a crap about the average American.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    Bush for 4 more years....THANK GOODNESS!!

    Kerry Sucks! Vietnam protestor after he got back from fighting in Vietnam, has voted countless times to raise taxes (including 50+ cents tax on gasoline), won't answer any questions directly...all he does is bad mouth Bush....I'm not impressed.


    The $.50 a gallon tax was a hypothetical asked of kerry. It never came to a vote. I believe Cheney and all the other right wingers in the administration who went to college to escape the draft have no right to criticize Kerry. He was wounded 3 times in action and cited for valor under fire. If anyone earned the right to free speech including protesting a lost and futile war it was Kerry. I encourage all to look beyond 30 minute adds and find out the truth behind Kerry's Senate votes. Many times a bill is laden with poison pills that are then used to attack your opponent. The bills Kerry voted against were laden with right wing social agenda or frivolous spending.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    uummmm.....Kerry is VERY rich....he is not an average American.....why do people think differently of him and his social background than that of GW?



  23. #23
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    Jul 2003


    im certainly not a huge fan of bush, but im glad he was our president when 9/11 went down. do you know that kerry has said that if he is president he will not make any moves without the un's permission. ie: lets say some terroist camp blows something up over here he wants to have the un permission to send some cruis missles. so basically we'll be giving up our soverignty sp? im not willing to do that. especially when alot of terroist nations sit at the un table. bush is by far not perfect but im sure glad he was president instead of gore or kerry. jmo

  24. #24
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    Jul 2003


    ok what about when kerry was at a rally with jane fonda (hanoi jane) this is the lady that was inside north vietnam when the war was going on protesting the u.s interviewing p.o.w's saying that they got what they deserved????????????? wtf kerry is with someone like that?

    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    The $.50 a gallon tax was a hypothetical asked of kerry. It never came to a vote. I believe Cheney and all the other right wingers in the administration who went to college to escape the draft have no right to criticize Kerry. He was wounded 3 times in action and cited for valor under fire. If anyone earned the right to free speech including protesting a lost and futile war it was Kerry. I encourage all to look beyond 30 minute adds and find out the truth behind Kerry's Senate votes. Many times a bill is laden with poison pills that are then used to attack your opponent. The bills Kerry voted against were laden with right wing social agenda or frivolous spending.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    they showed him snowboarding on his vacation, he was actually pretty good to tell ya the truth. he wasnt a beginner and thats my opinion, i think id know i snowboarded for 12 years and semi pro for 4
    Yeah the film shot they showed of him he looked skilled, but at one point he slipped a little. It would've been great if he had busted his ass on TV!

    Quote Originally Posted by DF2003
    ok what about when kerry was at a rally with jane fonda (hanoi jane) this is the lady that was inside north vietnam when the war was going on protesting the u.s interviewing p.o.w's saying that they got what they deserved????????????? wtf kerry is with someone like that?
    If you don't know who "hanoi jane" is I would suggest doing research. Want your blood to boil? Read about her expoits in Vietnam.

    She wore the enemies uniform, and had them tour her around.

    She visited the POWs and when she was in front of them all lined up she asked them if they liked killing babies and things of the like.

    When they secretly handed her all of thier serial #s so that the government would know they were alive, she turned and handed them to the guards, and told them what the POWs had done. Resulting in all of them getting beaten AGAIN and a few killed.

    How can you front yourself as a viable veteran when you associated yourself with someone that aided in killing your fellow brothers in arms? It makes me sick.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF2003
    im certainly not a huge fan of bush, but im glad he was our president when 9/11 went down. do you know that kerry has said that if he is president he will not make any moves without the un's permission. ie: lets say some terroist camp blows something up over here he wants to have the un permission to send some cruis missles. so basically we'll be giving up our soverignty sp? im not willing to do that. especially when alot of terroist nations sit at the un table. bush is by far not perfect but im sure glad he was president instead of gore or kerry. jmo
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  27. #27
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    Say what you want....the liberals are only in it for the people's vote....Bush knows he stands a chance of losing the re-election...however at least he is trying to make a difference in terrorism...I mena if Clinton or Kerry were in office he would offer the terrorist a blowjob and hope that would solve the probelm.

    And jobs? Give me a the democrats want is toi take form the rich and gove to the they not know that the rich feed the poor...should we feel bad cause we work hard for our money instead of smokin crack and spitting babies out in order to collect more welfare for drugs....come on now....if you take away from the rich then they are going to take away from this country....i.e. shipping jobs off to other countries....

    And yes....I do have a had time spelling...but of course I guess the liberals would say it is a Republican thing....

    If Kerry gets nominated....who the f*ck knows what could happen....I do have a feeling that the terrorist will have open season for four years of f*cking us up....becasue Kerry is such a pussy.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    NW of DFW TX
    good points Butch....

    Does it concern anyone that the terrorists want Kerry to be elected instead of GW re-elected?



  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    i agree

    thats exactly what im sayin. bush by no meens is great but im just happy he was in charge when the **** hit the fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Symian
    Yeah the film shot they showed of him he looked skilled, but at one point he slipped a little. It would've been great if he had busted his ass on TV!

    If you don't know who "hanoi jane" is I would suggest doing research. Want your blood to boil? Read about her expoits in Vietnam.

    She wore the enemies uniform, and had them tour her around.

    She visited the POWs and when she was in front of them all lined up she asked them if they liked killing babies and things of the like.

    When they secretly handed her all of thier serial #s so that the government would know they were alive, she turned and handed them to the guards, and told them what the POWs had done. Resulting in all of them getting beaten AGAIN and a few killed.

    How can you front yourself as a viable veteran when you associated yourself with someone that aided in killing your fellow brothers in arms? It makes me sick.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF2003
    ok what about when kerry was at a rally with jane fonda (hanoi jane) this is the lady that was inside north vietnam when the war was going on protesting the u.s interviewing p.o.w's saying that they got what they deserved????????????? wtf kerry is with someone like that?
    Republican propaganda. Kerry had nor has any friendship with Hanoi Jane. She was a piece of sh*t for what she did.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    good points Butch....

    Does it concern anyone that the terrorists want Kerry to be elected instead of GW re-elected?


    Where does that gem come from? Did I miss a Fox poll or something?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    Where does that gem come from? Did I miss a Fox poll or something?
    I don't know if you could call Kim Jong Il a terroist, although his regime has committed terroist acts...bombing of a turkish airliner, assasination attempt by bombing of the South Korean President to name a couple. But to say that terroists wouldn't rather have a pacified demo instead of an aggressive repub, is ignorant. But like you all I've heard about it is just reports nothing definitive.


  33. #33
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    I'm also in the "Anyone But Bush" camp, but I am really interested in knowing why Bush won't accept Kerry's requests for a debate? He has asked twice now, and they always say the time isn't right? I think they know that Kerry would downright embarass Bush in a debate.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symian
    I don't know if you could call Kim Jong Il a terroist, although his regime has committed terroist acts...bombing of a turkish airliner, assasination attempt by bombing of the South Korean President to name a couple. But to say that terroists wouldn't rather have a pacified demo instead of an aggressive repub, is ignorant. But like you all I've heard about it is just reports nothing definitive.

    All I can say is the Bush war strategy is BS. We are either at war on which case we must be ruthless or not. Bush called himself a "War President". He sure as hell doesn't act like one. We are fighting our enemy with minimal force. History has proved that an enemy was be beaten and demoralized. This includes all of the enemy's support and infrastructure. We know Bin Laden is in Eastern Pakistan but this administration doesn't have the political courage to say the rest of the world be ****ed we are going to find and kill our enemies no matter where they may be hiding. While a few hundred thousand troops are now quagmired in Iraq our true enemies are holed up in Pakistan. History will judge the wisdom of the Bush "strategy". Oh and by the way FDR was probably the most socially liberal president ever and he led the country to kick *ss in WWII. Truman also a Dem nuked the Japs. Eisenhower a great general couldn't even whip the North Koreans as Republican president of the USA. North Korea is now one of our greatest threats. He also presided while the Soviets built up their nuclear aresenal.

  35. #35
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    Ask yourself this one quick question if you think kerry is a real standup guy. He says he's going to lower taxes for 95% of Americans and raise the taxes on the rich. Last time I checked he and his wife are worth 300 million. That means he will have to raise taxes on himself, so he is either the stupidest american capitalist i've ever seen or he is a liar. I'm going with liar on this one, cause he might be that stupid but his wife isn't. I don't want to live in a socialist country where when i reach my goals and become wealthy the government thanks me and says well since you made it you can afford to get taxed more, you shouldn't have more than the next person. That's called socialism people. But seeing as he is not really going to do that because he is lying, that's what we call pandering to the people. That sounds like the guy i want to vote for how about you??????

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    Bush for 4 more years....THANK GOODNESS!!

    Kerry Sucks! Vietnam protestor after he got back from fighting in Vietnam, has voted countless times to raise taxes (including 50+ cents tax on gasoline), won't answer any questions directly...all he does is bad mouth Bush....I'm not impressed.


    What **** country are you living in man? We need reform..It's because of you and the rest of the population that thinks Bush did something good. Tell me what has he done? alot of BULL**** is what i say...He is a lousy person, a lousy president.He should of stayed in texas where all the dumb ass cowboys live and stayed on his farm, where sliding up on unsuspecting victims( sheep mostly in them there parts) like to get screwed in the ass. This country has this " i want it now" attitude..that we fail to realize that there is a bigger picture, I realize that most here are single and have no worries about the future, wait till you get a bit older and have a family..Then you will appreciate what we have. Too bad that the world has come to this...Everything is messed up. no one wants to have there taxes raised, nor does anyone want to pay a higher price for gasoline..suck it up ,take it like a man and realize that we are in some serious ****. It's ppl like you that got us into this mess. We need someone that has the plan, willing to stick to his goals at whatever cost. His background is good for that..He was military which show discipline, family man, which shows concerns for the ppl..He is the next president, and god help us if he isn't and Bush makes it another 4 years..

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5211969
    What **** country are you living in man? We need reform..It's because of you and the rest of the population that thinks Bush did something good. Tell me what has he done? alot of BULL**** is what i say...He is a lousy person, a lousy president.He should of stayed in texas where all the dumb ass cowboys live and stayed on his farm, where sliding up on unsuspecting victims( sheep mostly in them there parts) like to get screwed in the ass. This country has this " i want it now" attitude..that we fail to realize that there is a bigger picture, I realize that most here are single and have no worries about the future, wait till you get a bit older and have a family..Then you will appreciate what we have. Too bad that the world has come to this...Everything is messed up. no one wants to have there taxes raised, nor does anyone want to pay a higher price for gasoline..suck it up ,take it like a man and realize that we are in some serious ****. It's ppl like you that got us into this mess. We need someone that has the plan, willing to stick to his goals at whatever cost. His background is good for that..He was military which show discipline, family man, which shows concerns for the ppl..He is the next president, and god help us if he isn't and Bush makes it another 4 years..
    You must have missed my post on the "reform" your talking about, otherwise you must like handouts.
    Anyway here it is again; Ask yourself this one quick question if you think kerry is a real standup guy. He says he's going to lower taxes for 95% of Americans and raise the taxes on the rich. Last time I checked he and his wife are worth 300 million. That means he will have to raise taxes on himself, so he is either the stupidest american capitalist i've ever seen or he is a liar. I'm going with liar on this one, cause he might be that stupid but his wife isn't. I don't want to live in a socialist country where when i reach my goals and become wealthy the government thanks me and says well since you made it you can afford to get taxed more, you shouldn't have more than the next person. That's called socialism people. But seeing as he is not really going to do that because he is lying, that's what we call pandering to the people. That sounds like the guy i want to vote for how about you??????

  38. #38
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    Ever since names like John Kerry and Howard Dean popped up sometime back I've been wondering when the "real" candidate would pop in and rally the democrats. All along I thought they were just trying to see who the best "vice" presedential candidate would be. I'm truly surprised that Kerry is the actual candidate.
    Figured they would run Al gore thinking that because the last election was so close that Americans would now give Al his chance because somehow that would be fair.
    Never happen though. A bush re-election is inevitable. The polls indicate that if the election was today it would be a tie which isn't even close and I don't know why they are even pretending. All voters will remember is Bush in a windbreaker standing at ground zero saying "lets roll!". It is over for Kerry and always was.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by STUCKUP
    You must have missed my post on the "reform" your talking about, otherwise you must like handouts.
    Anyway here it is again; Ask yourself this one quick question if you think kerry is a real standup guy. He says he's going to lower taxes for 95% of Americans and raise the taxes on the rich. Last time I checked he and his wife are worth 300 million. That means he will have to raise taxes on himself, so he is either the stupidest american capitalist i've ever seen or he is a liar. I'm going with liar on this one, cause he might be that stupid but his wife isn't. I don't want to live in a socialist country where when i reach my goals and become wealthy the government thanks me and says well since you made it you can afford to get taxed more, you shouldn't have more than the next person. That's called socialism people. But seeing as he is not really going to do that because he is lying, that's what we call pandering to the people. That sounds like the guy i want to vote for how about you??????
    You get paid more so therefore you should be taxed more..If your unhappy with the taxes that you have to pay, become self employed and doctor up your books, or better yet move the hell outta the country. so you don't have to pay any..
    What's this **** i hear about terroists and all that. IF kerry were in who knows what would happen..You all fail to realize that, The president really has no say in what course of action should be taken, He just weighs the pro's and con's then makes a final decision. Bush is a MORON you know it and i know it..That is all there is to say, Who gives a rats ass what he did at 9/11 after the fact...If he was so **** good he should of prevented it. Anyone can look like the good samaritan.
    What about the 2.4 Million jobs that were lost due to Bush, What about all the manufactureing companies that have went outta business after 75 yrs, because bush sent the jobs overseas? Last year they proposed to get back 400k jobs, You know what they managed..1000 jobs...Whoohooo, **** that only covers Idaho...Wake up and smell the coffee, Boo ****ing hoooo that you have to pay more..i pay 1.81 in gas per gallon, it takes me 35 to fill up my car... You don't hear me bitching about it.. WE NEED REFORM!!!!!! At whatever cost..And when your 65 and have no insurance cause you can't afford it...or have no medicare, or social security...Then you can blame yourself and all those who think bush was doing something good...Clinton was the President of the century, He did more in his first 100 days then Bush or anyone else has done in there entire 4 yrs.. Suck it up, Take it like a Man..oh wait you just turned 30, i guess you know it all.. I guess that just goes to show you that you only act as young as you feel....You must still be 15 !!!!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    ---s n i p --- When are you people going to realize that the president can't control the economy? He can foster it, and maybe pass some little rules to help it grow, but the president is no way near responsible for how our economy performs. --- s n i p --- .

    Well well well . . . that's certainly not the story the Republicans used on Jimmy Carter after the last Arab Oil Embargo wreaked havoc with the economy. Oh yah, the 'publicans got lots of mileage out of that bit of trouble.
    Now it's the 'publicans turn to shoulder some responsiblilty.
    No use weasing out of this one, mon petite . . .


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