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Thread: Penis enlargement.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Penis enlargement.

    Before I get flamed I just want to say that I'm asking this question because I can't find the answer anywhere. I'm NOT hung like a mouse or anything, but in almost every Mens magazine I constantly see adds for all natural penis enlargement . Some of you out there had to have given one of these programs a try or at least thought about it. Almost everyone on this board wants to have a bigger better looking body, why else use AS?? So my question is do any of these programs, pills and exercises work??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: Penis enlargement.

    Originally posted by THE JU-ICE
    Some of you out there had to have given one of these programs a try or at least thought about it . . . So my question is do any of these programs, pills and exercises work??
    Gee, JU-ICE, I'd like to be able to give you my usual medically technical yet highly readable answer, but I'm afraid you have me stumped.

    You see, I never felt I needed such a program.*

    Seriously, though, my take is that all of these programs, products, etc., are a rip-off.

    * What's more important, no one else has ever felt I needed such a program.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Re: Penis enlargement.

    Originally posted by TNT
    I'm afraid you have me stumped.

    You sure you don't need such a program then?
    What happens here, stays here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I don't need it, but if it works I'm gonna get it. Why not couldn't hurt me. Might hurt the chics, but thats the fun part.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm going to be reallly surprised if anyone admits to trying it.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by ann
    I'm going to be reallly surprised if anyone admits to trying it.....
    I's called winny, primo and EQ...

    What happens here, stays here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    What man doesn't wish they had a bigger penis????

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Shit, I'd try it... after all, who here doesn't want to get bigger... all around.

  9. #9
    CYCLEON Guest
    well, I did do some reading on it (you can learn some interesting things on the web - and it seems that they are all based around something called the jelq technique, or something like that - now, from what I can tell, It sounds a lLOT like whacking off rather frequently - which I am sure is nothing new to people like Nathan - but supposedly, if you do it the way they say, it will lengthen and increase the girth (different ecxcercises for each - and of course I have the links to sites for ALL you need to know - You have all seen my picture, how do you think I got my penis so big???

    Bottom line - the science behind it seems reasonable, so my guess is that it works - and if it doesnt..........well, you will just get to whack off more than usual (for some of you) - now that I have a reason to do so, maybe I will have to see if I can get Mr. winkee to expand a tad.......... not much tho, wouldnt want to scare her

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Subjectively speaking . . .

    Originally posted by THE JU-ICE
    What man doesn't wish they had a bigger penis????
    That's an easy one - the guy whose wife says, "No way am I going to take that thing anymore!"

    Surprising as it may seem, not every woman does the "Oh, Sweet Mystery of Life" scene from Young Frankenstein when it comes to "an enormous schvanschtucker."

    Or, as a gay guy once told me (don't ask how that conversation came up), "If I ever met someone who actually had 12 inches, I'd put it on a pedestal and worship it. But that's about all I would do with it."

  11. #11
    CYCLEON Guest
    BTW - here is but one of many 100s of exciting techniques from those links

    The purpose in penis enlargement the right way is to enlarge the Corpora Cavernosa and all surrounding spongy tissue that fills with blood when you get an erection. If you start out performing the exercises cold, you will experience more blood spots and bumps than you would if you prepared your penis for the physical workout it is about to undergo. Just as you should warm up your body and muscle tissue before you workout, the same should go for your penis. This will prepare your penis for the workout ahead by making the blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa hot, which expands the tissue and makes it more flexible and spongy. This exercise is called the hot wrap warm up, and should be done before and after every workout you do to your penis and testicles.

    First off, start out by taking your penis in the flaccid state and grabbing around the head firmly, but not hard enough to cause pain. Now, pull out with medium force, feeling a stretch at the base and the middle of the penis. Release every 10 seconds and repeat 10 times. For a few of the stretches rotate your penis in a circle, 10 times to the left, and 10 times to the right. This exercise will stretch out your penis and help prepare for the workout ahead. After you feel that your penis has been stretched out thoroughly, message yourself to a partial erection.

    Now, we call this warm up technique the "hot wrap" because you utilize a hot wash cloth to expand and warm the tissue in your penis and testicles. BUT, there are other effective if not more effective methods of warming up that you may wish to utilize instead of the using a wash cloth. Regardless, we are going to explain the wash cloth technique first, then list the others last. Here we go:

    After stretching out your penis as outlined above, get a large wash cloth and soak it under hot water for a minute or so. Stand in the tub and wrap the wash cloth around your penis and testicles. This will feel HOT and you will be tempted to pull it away, but persevere because the hot sensation will subside very quickly. Now, sit on the edge of the tub with your feet in the tub so that you will be comfortable and the water dripping from the cloth will run into the tub and not the floor. Hold this cloth onto your penis and testicles for 2 minutes, and repeat the process 5 times to ensure the cloth keeps its heat. This warm up is done to promote and keep blood within the penis, keeping the blood spaces larger and and more flexible. This will aid in faster progress and size gain, as well as promote good blood circulation.

    Another way to warm up with this general type of idea is to submerse in a hot bath or hot-tub, whichever you have access to. After performing the stretching warm up, fill the bath tub with hot water, filling it just high enough to submerse yourself up to your waist. If you have a hot-tub, turn the temperature up to 104 degrees and submerse yourself the same way as the tub. Once in and adjusted to the heat, stretch and message your penis, pulling it out and rotating it within the tub. Do this for 10-15 minutes before getting out. Do not stay in too long due to the fact that the temperature should be a great deal higher than normal. Prolonged exposure to this kind of heat will cause heat exhaustion and dehydration.

    Whichever technique you choose to perform to warm up, always do it before and after your workout. This will ensure faster, better results with less chance of spots, bumps, and injury from an unprepared Corpora Cavernosa.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    This whole thread is kind of messing with the test running thru my body......WHEW.......gotta stop reading it

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Washington, DC
    hey i read this post right after checking out the freak at ... maybe you can try synthol.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    As someone who works in the medical feild, I spoke with 3 different Urologists (Doctors who specialize in that area) there is really no type of treatment that enlarges your penis. There are techniques that can add width and there is a surgical procedure where a suspensory ligament is cut to add a SMALL bit of length but the pumps etc. may add a centimeter or two but thats about it. With the present technology, there is no real viable procedure to add any adequate length. If there were, don't you think just about every guy would be in line for it???

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The jelq technique is supposed to be some ancient arab secret only passed down from father to son. Maybe thats why they had 10 wives.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    Im not skerd to admit it... ive tried the pump. I already have a nice size tool but i mean come on... what guy wouldn't like a lil more length to there penis no matter the size. It sux.. you pump pump pump and pump some more . then you look down and your like holy shit ! look at this monster.... then about a half hour later you decide to take a piss and this time your like... fuck ! where did all that penis go ? so you go back and pump some more. nothing works fellas , they're all rip offs. just get some motion , get those hips moving and you'll be aight

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well where does the post go from here LOL

    I,ve read a little bit about this and the surgical operations that can be performed only add length to a flacid penis (Soft) when it is erect there is no difference in size.

    The pumps apparantly work by engorging the penis with blood hence make the vessels swell.The same way as BB force blood into muscles to grow I just don,t work out how this can make your penis bigger

    Then there is the vacumn pump that you can pump and attach weights to and this is meant to have great effects.So the brochure says!

    Then the final one is to tie it to the bumper of your mates porsche and get him to hit 0-60mph in at least 5 seconds.Hell id that doesn,t increase the size nothing will!!

    I agree with TNT I would imagine most are rip offs if they worked we would all be on a nudist beach leaving 3 trails in the sand(2 footsteps and well you can guess the other!)

    Guess you just going to have to stick with what you have to just make sure you know how to use it.As my mates g/f said she would rather an average guy who could please her than a guy with a huge penis who did,nt know how to use it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    My favorite workout for my package:
    I take a wet towel, or a 45 lb plate and put it on my dick. I then proceed to lift it up for 3-4 sets of 10. What a workout, I think it burns calories too. This exercise strenghthens the PC muscle, which is found directly behind the balls. Strenghthening this muscle makes the penis larger and stronger. Also helps stop premature ejaculation. Don't forget to drink a shake within an hour after the workout.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Does anybody have any info on penis reduction? They don't call me EXCESS for nothin'!!!

  20. #20
    CYCLEON Guest
    Originally posted by THE JU-ICE
    My favorite workout for my package:
    I take a wet towel, or a 45 lb plate and put it on my dick. I then proceed to lift it up for 3-4 sets of 10. What a workout, I think it burns calories too. This exercise strenghthens the PC muscle, which is found directly behind the balls. Strenghthening this muscle makes the penis larger and stronger. Also helps stop premature ejaculation. Don't forget to drink a shake within an hour after the workout.
    WOW! how do you do that? I have real trouble fitting mine through the center of the 45 lb plate - maybe a little lotion would help

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    If you cant fit , try tieing a rope around it. Just let it hang like doing weighted dips.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Milkyway Galaxy!
    The Penis pumps is a waste of everyone's time and money!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Its not the size that counts its what you do with it...And iam not big but i have had no complants from the other sex...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    In dark dark place far far away
    only ar would have a topic like this. ANd i thought i have seen everything. but was i wrong.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.
    I have tried all the exercises listed above.....I now have a penis 2 inches long and 12 inches in circumference.Thanks guys

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Sorry I couldn't resist

    I just got this and it reminded me of this thread.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	password.jpg 
Views:	879 
Size:	28.9 KB 
ID:	9007  

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    LOL bigD I was tryin to stay away from this thread, but that is some funny stuff.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    toronto, canada
    what key words did you ahve to enter to find THIS thread... its over 4 years old!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    Quote Originally Posted by bex
    Its not the size that counts its what you do with it...And iam not big but i have had no complants from the other sex...
    ummm thats cause youve never been with the other sex!
    why is this thread bumped LMFAO

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2006
    My girl said that I'm the best she's been with. I don't know if its true or not but I haven't had no complaints yet. I'm not huge but just average. I wouldn't mind having a 10 inch chilon. So What's the Secret?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by THE JU-ICE
    My favorite workout for my package:
    I take a wet towel, or a 45 lb plate and put it on my dick. I then proceed to lift it up for 3-4 sets of 10. What a workout, I think it burns calories too. This exercise strenghthens the PC muscle, which is found directly behind the balls. Strenghthening this muscle makes the penis larger and stronger. Also helps stop premature ejaculation. Don't forget to drink a shake within an hour after the workout.

    Would steroids helpl to grow the penis larger too. . It work with your arms, legs etc.

    I was just wondering.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by primodonna
    I's called winny, primo and EQ...

    hmmm, i dont think thats what he meant

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    On AR's Forum
    Quote Originally Posted by THE JU-ICE
    I'm NOT hung like a mouse or anything, but in almost every Mens magazine I constantly see adds for all natural penis enlargement . So my question is do any of these programs, pills and exercises work??
    Do penis enlargement pills work?
    For one last time - there is no penis enlargement pill. Stop listening to slick marketing that promises a lot and delivers nothing.

    Do you believe penis enlargement is possible? Do you think porn stars were born with a larger penis, Think again!

    Penis traction devices can cause lengthening and widening of the penis
    Origins of traction can be traced back to thousands of years. Many tribes in Africa still use traction to expand certain body parts such as ears, lips and necks.The process takes many years, but the results are astounding – and very real.Tissue stretching WORKS! Many penis enlargement companies use traction as a means of expanding one's penis. Most sites claim to produce permanent results, however, hard evidence on the accuracy of this statement still does not exist.

    The neck is bone and skin and its possible to lengthen it by several inches

    Lip Stretching YUCK!

    Ear stretching

    I dont wanna get banned for posting nudes so here is the penile traction device only

    Some facts about penis enlargement…
    The penis is not made of muscle, so you can not exercise it like a traditional muscle. The only way it will grow is by stretching the suspensory ligaments that attach the penis to the abdomen and the tough, fibrous tunica that surround the shaft of the penis and spongy chambers that fill with blood when you have an erection.

    Penis traction and stretching devices are a very worthwhile addition to your penis enlargement regimen. By holding the penis in a stretched, extended state, the cells in the ligaments and tunica eventually multiply, thus lengthening and widening the penis.

    Do not believe any ads claiming that that a device can achieve one to two inches of growth in just a few months. That amount of growth is un-realistic. (Even surgery usually only lengthens the penis by one inch or so.) Before you start your penis enlargement process, set a realistic goal. It will probably take many months, at least, to achieve your goal. Depending on your physiology, your growth could be modest for 1st six months. With good, safe, consistent technique, penis growth will occur, but at much slower rate than most ads will suggest.

    We strongly recommend against buying penis enlargement pills. While some may result in temporarily harder erections (and jitteriness, and sleeplessness…) no pill has actually been proven to enlarge the penis. There is no such thing. Period.

    We get asked this question frequently: "Does Penis Enlargement work?" Yes, you can increase your penis size. The only way to pull these out is to stretch the suspensory ligament and tunica. Hence, the traction device, that stretches the penis and keeps it in an extended state for hours at a time. This is the same idea behind penile lengthening surgery, where the the suspensory ligament is cut, allowing more of the inner shaft of the penis to extend from the body. However, surgery is expensive and potentially dangerous. You can achieve better results through natural penis enlargement, including use of devices like the Autoextender and AutoADS.

    AutoEXT and AutoADS

    Some claim to have gained up to 1.5inch in thickness after clamping for several years

    WARNING Penis enlargement can cause penile damage if the exercises are done improperly
    Last edited by Joey2ness; 06-30-2006 at 03:44 PM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    On AR's Forum
    Women most likely wont have the choice because 90% of men are probably in the 4-6 inch range so if they want a larger penis they gonna have to buy one from the dildo shop

    Alfred Kinsey, of the famed Kinsey Institute, conducted the first report on average penis size in the 1940s, which claimed that the average erect penis was 6.2 to 6.4 inches in length. The flaw with this survey was that the study let the men measure themselves (and my guess is that some were supersizing ).

    the most recent survey, conducted by the Lifestyles Condom Company in 2001, measured the erect length and girth of 300 college age men in Cancun amid Spring Break.
    Here's what they concluded:

    The average length of an erect penis is about 5.9 inches.
    The average girth of an erect penis is about 5 inches.
    Last edited by Joey2ness; 06-30-2006 at 03:52 PM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by THE JU-ICE
    Before I get flamed I just want to say that I'm asking this question because I can't find the answer anywhere. I'm NOT hung like a mouse or anything, but in almost every Mens magazine I constantly see adds for all natural penis enlargement . Some of you out there had to have given one of these programs a try or at least thought about it. Almost everyone on this board wants to have a bigger better looking body, why else use AS?? So my question is do any of these programs, pills and exercises work??

    So you've come to the conclusion that you wanna invest in something that will make your dick bigger? Sounds like you've been watching too much porn. Don't compare yourself to others bro, if you were truly secure about your size then you wouldn't have taken the time to start this thread and see if anybody else has tried those products....unless you have negative dick, then your doc may be able to help you out....I'd say your best bet would be to take advantage of that enzyte stuff you see advertised on tv all the time, they say they'll give a free 30 day supply...then you can tell US how is worked

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Joey2ness
    Some claim to have gained up to 1.5inch in thickness after clamping for several years

    Lol, that dude is RIPPED!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Joey2ness
    Women most likely wont have the choice because 90% of men are probably in the 4-6 inch range so if they want a larger penis they gonna have to buy one from the dildo shop

    Alfred Kinsey, of the famed Kinsey Institute, conducted the first report on average penis size in the 1940s, which claimed that the average erect penis was 6.2 to 6.4 inches in length. The flaw with this survey was that the study let the men measure themselves (and my guess is that some were supersizing ).

    the most recent survey, conducted by the Lifestyles Condom Company in 2001, measured the erect length and girth of 300 college age men in Cancun amid Spring Break.
    Here's what they concluded:

    The average length of an erect penis is about 5.9 inches.
    The average girth of an erect penis is about 5 inches.
    wow, then I'm 176% larger than average!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    the last girl i was with actually asked me how I got it this big. she said "do you take pills for that?" I tried cialis a couple times and that works for me - it gets almost a half-inch bigger, but only temporarily. Since i started AAS it has actually grown almost an inch in the last couple years.

  39. #39
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
    May 2002
    No one here cares about the size of your dick. Imaginary or real. Keep it to yourself. Thanks!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I just wish I could keep mine rock hard for the entire experince! That is more important than size IMO.

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