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Thread: Help with next cycle!

  1. #1

    Help with next cycle!

    Hey guy's need your help with the next cycle... this one was horrid to say the least! too many mistakes to list...

    This one will be for cutting!!!

    I just came off a bulking cycle and now hitting the cardio until i'm down to 10%.

    I have 10 amps of 50mg winny their $15 a pop, but it is pure! I want to stack EQ/proviron, nolva, and runt test all the way. I have noticed with this bulking cycle it was the first "Stacked cycle" and i tend to aromatise very quickly, sometimes within hrs. it was recommended to me that i should stay away from d-bol, drols, and go with winny/eq/primo a friend says my body doesn't need it to get big...

    I know what ever i do i'll grow even while doing cardio, i always have

    228 / 19%bf
    17yrs lifting experience

    chems experience:
    7 yrs ago drols maybe 20 total
    deca 2 ml, got hurt
    halotest, eq(fake) anapolon(fake)
    recently sust 250/deca 50 per week then d-bol/nora 200

    that is it

    any suggestions???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Gonna move this bro wrong forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    how about..

    test 1-8/400-600mgs
    winny 50mgs ED
    eq 1-8/400mgs

    are u using anti-e's through entire cycle to keep water retention down or incase of gyno?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If your gonna run that cycle make the winny 6-10.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thanks big al, i forgot to say when to take it.

  6. #6


    thanks guys for the replys, but it would cost me
    $150 test
    $840 winny
    $600 EQ

    for thr 8 weeks... that's $1665 for 8 weeks... i have a good euro source but i can't afford that much! what could i get away with and still get some good gains???

    can you do 50mg winny EOD and EQ 50 EOD stacked with test once a week? or just 25mg winny ED and EQ EOD???

    I noticed that anything over 400 mg of test is too much for my system. After the third week i took a shot of primotest 500 mg and started to feel my tits tingle within hrs... my estro levels have always been high! I was the kid growing up with the pre-pub gyno... they have been going down with the fat loss, so all is good so far...

    thanks again guy's...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    those prices are high

  8. #8
    if anyone knows where to find it cheaper please help???

    I could cross the border but too scared... to risky...

    leads, or clues please...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    So you are paying $300 for a bottle of EQ and $30 for a 50mg amp of Winny? I would love to find someone like you around here, you would've just sponsored my next 4 cycles!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    I am messing with you but those prices are just a liiiiitle bit high. If it's all you can get though, well... it's all you can get!

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    Here's my suggestion to you and EVERYONE reading who wil ask this question again. And trust me, someone will. My suggestion would be to develop the cycle that best suits you and what you want for yourself. Then do THAT cycle. Don't look at your budget then settle for something just cause your source is raping you. Get a new source and then save some money and do it right.

  12. #12
    no bro, EQ is $75 per 10ml

    so if i do recommended 1-8 weeks that is a bottle a week@ 400 mg that is 8 of them... i don't have access to the big boys!

    yea it is freggin expensive...


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