Hey guy's need your help with the next cycle... this one was horrid to say the least! too many mistakes to list...
This one will be for cutting!!!
I just came off a bulking cycle and now hitting the cardio until i'm down to 10%.
I have 10 amps of 50mg winny their $15 a pop, but it is pure! I want to stack EQ/proviron, nolva, and runt test all the way. I have noticed with this bulking cycle it was the first "Stacked cycle" and i tend to aromatise very quickly, sometimes within hrs. it was recommended to me that i should stay away from d-bol, drols, and go with winny/eq/primo a friend says my body doesn't need it to get big...
I know what ever i do i'll grow even while doing cardio, i always have
228 / 19%bf
17yrs lifting experience
chems experience:
7 yrs ago drols maybe 20 total
deca 2 ml, got hurt
halotest, eq(fake) anapolon(fake)
recently sust 250/deca 50 per week then d-bol/nora 200
that is it
any suggestions???