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  1. #1
    Out_A_Bounz's Avatar
    Out_A_Bounz is offline New Member
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    It burns when i piss

    Sunday and Monday, i couldn't take it!!! it burned too much! gradually it decreased but i still notice that when i piss, there is a light burning sensation......nothing i can't handle, but should it burn to start with?

    i'm currently pop'n 800mg of milkthistle a day


    i love lambo's!!!!!

  2. #2
    kizer_soce's Avatar
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  3. #3
    BIGTEX's Avatar
    BIGTEX is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah I was thinking the same thing.... if it persists u may want to see the Doc.

  4. #4
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    damn bro...go to the doc and get that thing swabbed..good luck..

  5. #5
    Gear101's Avatar
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    Muscular Development Mag. Article By:Bryan Haycock


    ...Silymarin, a flavonoid extract from milk thistle, has been used clinically for alcoholic liver disease treatment....Currently it is used by bodybuilders as a protective measure for the liver when using high doses of orals.

    It is showing effectiveness in treating prostate cancer because it prevents the androgen receptor from making it to the nucleus fo the cell. This may be a good idea if you are fighting cancer of the prostate, but it is bad if you are trying to get a muscle cell to grow larger.

    These researcher were able to show that milk thistle did not reduce the number of androgen receptors, nor did it prevent androgens (i.e.,testosterone )from binding to the receptors. All it seemed to do was prevent the androgen receptor from travelling to the nucleus, and in our case, this prevents the desired effect. The androgen receptor, once boud to the androgen, must make its way to the nucleus in order to increase protein synthesis.

    Bottom line: Use milk thistle if you are sure you are having toxicty problems. Then, only use it for a few weeks at a time. There are other herbs with tremendous hepatoprotective effects, so you might give them a try instead.

    If you want to help your liver, use Alpha Lipoic Acid.

  6. #6
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Interesting post Gear. But as far as this persons problem with the burning when urinating, go see a doc man, sounds like you got a bad case of the claps. (not tryin to be harsh bro, but I don't know any gear that does that to ya). And that is an aweful lot of Milk Thistle you are doing. Rember to much of something can be bad bro. You throw you body into shock and a frenzy when you do things like that. Take it easy ease off the Milk Thistle see what happens.

  7. #7
    Primetime's Avatar
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    IMO it sounds like maybe kidneys which cranberry is good for and plenty of water or more likely a possible urinary tract infection.

    Bro best things if it has persisted for more than three days go to the doc.

    Take Care


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sounds like you gots da CLAP!!! Hope you're not allergic to penicillin?

  9. #9
    Gear101's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Primetime
    Bro best things if it has persisted for more than three days go to the doc.

    Take Care


  10. #10
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool Okay, kids, one more time . . .

    First, Out_A_Bounz, there is not one guy here that cannot empathize with you, let alone sympathize with you. Your description is like watching someone get kicked in the nuts in a movie - psychologically, every guy in the audience is reaching for his own nuts to make sure they're okay . . .

    But there are a couple of points that bear repeating, um, repeatedly. Over-and-over even. . .

    1. When you have major symptoms like those you described, see a doctor immediately. Don't waste your time asking us what you should do; only an in-person exam by a medical professional will result in your getting the correct treatment or advice.

    2. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. And pay even less attention to guys on this board who try to play amateur doctor (and it's usually guys, since the women are too smart to do that). When you have real symptoms of any condition, it's beyond the point of being helped by some homeopathic hoopla recommended by a bro or broette here on the board, especially one that does not know the big picture with regard to your health.

    3. If you are one of the recommenders standing behind the curtain, chill out. You are not a doctor. One of the great things about this board is that we actually care about each other. It's what makes A.R. different than any other AS board out there - you will find the level of mutual support here unmatched elsewhere. But we need to take a page from the great philosopher Clint Eastwood: "A man's got to know his limitations." When a bro or broette has real symptoms of a real medical condition, we don't know what the fuck caused them. We can guess, we can speculate, but we still don't know. And the wrong advice can do a lot more harm than good. It's times like this when we need to say, "Hey, bro, see a doc." Because if some bro or broette takes cranberry juice for cancer because you recommended it, then it's on your head. And when you eventually die, the Great Cranberry Juice Spirit in the Sky is gonna kick your butt big time.

    (For some reason now, I'm reminded of Jim Henson, the guy behind The Muppets. Jim was a Christian Scientist, so he didn't go to a doctor for religious reasons, which was his right. But, as some of you may remember, he died of treatable prostate cancer. And if he had been treated, he would probably be alive and healthy today. When the rubber meets the road, cranberry juice-medicine doesn't cut it. Ditto the late actor Steve McQueen, who went to Mexico to have his cancer treated with apricot pits. You gotta wonder what if his last words were, "Boy, did I fuck up on that one . . .")

    Now, for what it's worth, here is my take - along with the usual disclaimer that it's only an opinion and you should get your ass (and the other end of you) to the doctor now . . .

    Normally, I would have said the same thing as the other guys - it's the clap, and it could be knocked out by a hit of antibiotics. But not penicillin, which is an oldie but goodie - but not very fashionable. Doctors prefer using the newer dual-spectrum antibiotics rather than one that is merely gram-negative or gram-positive.

    HOWEVER, if it were the clap, the urinary burning would not have subsided. It would still be there, and it would still be a pisser. (Thank you, thank you. Pun intended. Applause accepted.) Therefore, in my opinion, it is not necessarily the clap.

    So what is it? I'll give you the most accurate answer you'll find in this thread: Damned if I know. Could be a urinary tract infection, could be a reaction to AS, and could be a host of other things. So get thee to a doctor, son, and get it knocked out fast and competently.

    And in the meantime, avoid the milk thistle, the cranberry cocktail, and the alpha lipolic ice cream sodas. Any homeopathic remedy may have preventive value (or it may not, since all evidence for them is anecdotal), but that's not the route to go when you are talking treatment instead of prevention.

    On the other hand, if you really feel the need to try everything, I recommend really thick milk shakes made from real chocolate ice cream. It will still burn like hell when you piss, but they do taste good.

    P.S. Let us know how it turns out, Out_A_Bounz. Stories like this do everyone a lot of good, since you are probably not the only dude to have such symptoms. And good luck at the doc, bro.
    Last edited by TNT; 02-08-2002 at 11:41 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: Okay, kids, one more time . . .

    Originally posted by TNT
    On the other hand, if you really feel the need to try everything, I recommend really thick milk shakes made from real chocolate ice cream. It will still burn like hell when you piss, but they do taste good.

    I knew that you couldn't stay completely serious throughout the entire response. You are human after all.

  12. #12
    Out_A_Bounz's Avatar
    Out_A_Bounz is offline New Member
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    shit! i thought this was common!

    ok, well, I noticed my urine is really dark and full of amonia, I'll start drinking more water to dilutte that, and I'll stop wack'n it for a few days. If things don't improve by monday, I'll consider going to a doctor.

    regarding the milkthistle:
    i'm taking 50mg of winny ed, so what should i cut milkthistle consumption down to?

    also, I have noticed that after taking my 4 milkthistle pills and pop'n my winny i feel somewhat light headed and unable to focus for a little while


  13. #13
    TNT's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Okay, kids, one more time . . .

    Originally posted by THE BIG RED MACHINE
    I knew that you couldn't stay completely serious throughout the entire response. You are human after all.
    I'd like to claim credit for originality, but it's actually close to a routine that Lenny Bruce* did back in the 1950's (no, I don't remember the routine from then, but I've read Bruce's books).

    He told the story of a guy who went to his friend at the local drug store and said, "Hey, man, I got a bad case of the clap. Can you give me something for it?"

    "Sure," his buddy said, "here are some amphetamines."

    "Will they cure the clap?"

    "No, but you'll be so high that you won't give a damn."

    * For the youngin's here, Lenny Bruce was a comedian who died of a heroin overdose in the mid-1960's. He was often busted for obscenity at his peak, but he was a trailblazer who set the stage for contemporary comedians today. If you ever get the chance, rent the flick Lenny, which starred Dustin Hoffman as Bruce - it's a great historical piece.

  14. #14
    coroner's Avatar
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    Then stop injecting yourself in the nuts.

  15. #15
    Core's Avatar
    Core is offline Junior Member
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    My nuts are hurting just reading this post

  16. #16
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!

  17. #17
    poppapump58's Avatar
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    It is very possible that you might just have a bladder infection.

  18. #18
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    Out of Bounz...

    My last 2 two cycles including this one I formed a urinary infection. It's not the most pleasent feeling but it was cured... I went to the doc and he prescribed some anti's and poof it was gone. I did confess to him my concern and reasoning behind it and he gave his two cents, "dont do steriods ", "you could form cancer", "did you do any blood work?" After about a minute of questions he went and did a full exam (blood work included). As we finished my exam he explained how steriods at high dose can form infections in different area's, just so happens you, I and whoever else has formed a urinary infection from steriods. Im not concluding that your pisser is pissed because of steriods but mine was and it "sounds" like your is also...
    What Im saying is go get checked out and explain what you are doing and you need help. You'll be satisfied with the outcome along with advice from a DOCTOR. Remember bro, its you pisser and wether you stroke it or poke its needs your attention!!!

    ps: he told me to stop by for a post exam to make sure everything is back to normal... not a bad Doctor huh?

  19. #19
    Billy Boy's Avatar
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    That burning sensation can be from cystitus (Spelling?) it burns when you pee and makes your urine strong.It is quite a common infection and women tend to suffer from it more than men.You can get creams over the counter for this but you need to know that it is that.It is normally passed onto the guy from the women and is also lovingly referred to as "Honeymooners complaint" Either way get it checked bro but it could be a harmless infection or at worst STI.

  20. #20
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    go to the doc bro.

  21. #21
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool Hmmmmmm . . . Cystitis

    Damn, Billy Boy, I hadn't even thought of that one, and it's the obvious choice! I must have had a bitch of a week to be that mentaly lazy. Good call, bro.

    Out_A_Bounz, I think you owe it to yourself to see a doctor. You may be feeling better, bro, but you've got the rest of us worrying about our third leg.

  22. #22
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Yeah many people forget that one TNT but it is just a unrinary infection and easily cured,if you speak to the pharmacist and tell him what the symptoms are he will probably be able to advise and tell you whether it is cystitus or not.

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