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Thread: water retention sust vs. prop...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    water retention sust vs. prop...

    Just curious as to what others' experiences are with sust retention versus with prop or suspension. I am using Liquidex with the sust but don't really remember what kind of bloat enanthate has caused me in the past. I remember losing only 5lbs after the cycle with Liquidex and my waist remaining the same size. Well, any input? (I just wanna post something.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    no retention noticed with prop here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    What about with sust? Since that is what I'm using, that is also what I'm mainly concerned about. I'll be using it with fina and winny.

  5. #5
    Bro with sust you can still retain a good amount of water. Prop and Suspension would be a much better chioce if you dont want the bloated look. If you are taking liquidex do some sust to avoid those daily inj of prop and suspension.

  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    You will get some bloat with sus

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well, I remeber I got some bloat with T200 and Liquidex but it wasn't that bad. I ate too much was the problem and gained fat. When the cycle ended I didn't have that much excess water. I've lost the fat now and am under 10% and don't want to become bloated and look fat, obviously. I just can't remember if Liquidex pretty much took care of most of it and was hoping for some insight into what to expect with sust AND 0.5mg Liquidex ED. Thanks for the replies so far.

  8. #8
    Bro i think youll be good to go with .5 liquidex and 500mg of sust a week split into two inj. Make sure you watch your sodium that might help you out. One of my dudes gets absolutely no bloat from sust and does not take arimidex or liquidex but Tornell T-200 blows him up its weird, i guess it depends on a person.

  9. #9
    i experienced a little water retention while on sust...but i didnt notice much around my arms...chest...or anything..just really my abs...and waist line....i was def a littlr fuller...than i am noww....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by cnyce89
    i experienced a little water retention while on sust...but i didnt notice much around my arms...chest...or anything..just really my abs...and waist line....i was def a littlr fuller...than i am noww....
    Thanks guys. With T200 I never really noticed it around my waist, I don't think. I think it was fat as it came on kinda slowly. I guess I'll find out eh? Thanks again.

  11. #11
    The Iron Game Guest
    sust/suspension/prop/enathate/cypionate will all cause bloating if you are sensitive to estrogen and your body responds with water retention. Same amount of test in system at any one time will lead to same water retention

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Nathan

    Thanks guys. With T200 I never really noticed it around my waist, I don't think. I think it was fat as it came on kinda slowly. I guess I'll find out eh? Thanks again.
    Well im aboput to start up a t200 cycle ill let you know what i to say...

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