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Thread: I know alot of people want some serious debate...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    I know alot of people want some serious debate...

    ... So I am starting this off with a question i've been pondering...

    do you guys prefer tren ace. or tren enth?

    i've only used the enth (jsut started) and i have heard that the advantages as opposed to ace. are that you get less pronounced sides due to more exactly stable blood levels, and better gains due to the ester building up in your system after a few weeks.

    the advantage to the ace. imo is that if (for a first timer) you feel that the sides are too heavy or your pumps are unbearable, you can quickly adjust the dosage.

    what do you guys think?

    (and lets see some more 'cool' real discussions happening in the steroid forum... )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Goodie! Goodie!.......i've get a question for you, i've done the trenbolone acetate with of course good L.B.M gains but it bloated me a bit, now i want to use the enanthate you exp any water retension? or mabye i'm just progestin sensitive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well I know you want a debate but it is sort of like asking whether you prefer test prop to test enanthate. I think the advantages are about the same. Less frequent injections for enanthate and quicker start and stop for acetate. I haven't really noticed increased sides with one over the other personally. What I want to know is why everyone wants a shorter ester deca and a longer ester tren?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    running tren ace. as we speak 100mgs a day, gains are great sides are light acne strength through the roof (u wouldn't believe) and gained 10lbs in 2 and a half weeks no noticable water retention i am very happy and looking to run it agin in the future but i've been hearing about the tren enanthate and i would liek to hear some pros about this any exp users???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Venice beach,Ca.
    As you said yourself, I think for a beginner it is best he goes with acetate than Enan, I do however imo would not recommend Tren to anyone as there first cycle regardless of ester.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Rickson
    Well I know you want a debate but it is sort of like asking whether you prefer test prop to test enanthate. I think the advantages are about the same. Less frequent injections for enanthate and quicker start and stop for acetate. I haven't really noticed increased sides with one over the other personally. What I want to know is why everyone wants a shorter ester deca and a longer ester tren?
    argeed...havent used both...but if you go with ED injections with acte...and bi weekly injections with tren enth the sides, and blood levels should be comparable...

    thats also funny about the deca...pheynlprop has gotten alot of hype here lately with the tren enth???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Well, here's something to ponder...

    Since tren is inherently expensive anyway, let's look at the cost associated with running the two. Here's a post from Anabolic Freakz I posted a while back...

    Ok, while tren enanthate is a little more expensive than tren acetate, the amount you need to use for similar results is less. While you may use 7ml of tren acetate (at 75mg/ml) a week, you would only use 2ml of tren enanthate (at 200mg/ml) a week for the same dose. Therefore, it is actually a better deal in the long run.

    Because it is still tren, and does not aromatize into estrogen, you still get no bloat from it. No estrogen = no bloat. The enanthate ester just makes the administration a little more convenient.

    There is, however, a downside to the longer ester, and that is that it takes a couple weeks to get out of your system, rather than a few days with the tren acetate. If you get bad side effects from the tren, the enanthate will insure that you will not be able to get rid of them for at least a week or two.

    Do the comparison, pricewise, on how many ml of each you would need to use in a given cycle, and the enanthate should be cheaper.
    OK, let me reword that. I'm talking about volume, not actual dosage.

    You buy two 10ml vials of tren, one acetate, and one enanthate. The vial of acetate is 100mg/ml, and costs you $100. The vial of enanthate is 250mg/ml and costs you $200. For simplicity's sake, say you are using 500mg/week of the tren in your cycle. For the acetate, you need to inject 5cc ($50 worth) to get your weekly dosage. For the enanthate, you need to inject 2cc ($40 worth) to get your weekly dosage. You inject less volume, and spend less money, than you would using acetate, and get the same results.

    Over a ten week cycle, you would spend $500 on the acetate, but only $400 on the enanthate.

    Of course I am not taking into account the small difference in dosage from the different ester weights, but you get the idea. Although a lot of sources don't carry tren enanthate, if your's does, even though it costs a little more, it is more cost-effective in most cases, unless you are getting ripped off on the price.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    yep!...looks expensive up front...but when your only useing 2-3 cc's per week it may be less...unless you make your own from carts

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I like the long acting esters myself - less injection = less scar tissue but each to his own

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    [QUOTE=motoxxxguy]Well, here's something to ponder...

    Since tren is inherently expensive anyway, let's look at the cost associated with running the two. Here's a post from Anabolic Freakz I posted a while back...

    expensive...........where do you live about to start running tren ace. 75mg/day......cannot wait....always used the ace. so i would not have any personnel exp. with the enth. ..................Strength increases out of the f***in' world.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    anybody who buys tren and doesnt homebrew deserves to pay those high prices just for being is very easy and cheap to make.50ml @ 80mg can be made for under $100 more like around $75

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac66
    As you said yourself, I think for a beginner it is best he goes with acetate than Enan, I do however imo would not recommend Tren to anyone as there first cycle regardless of ester.
    I totally agree bro. Before I had any knowledge, I began my first cycle with TREN. BIG MISTAKE. I freaked out, and quit immediately. I don't think a newbie is prepared for the mental rollercoaster ride. I'm running it now with my 3rd cycle and I'm able to handle the sides this time around. (and as we know, the sides are HELL)


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i am def a fan of enth and the stable blood levels as well as injections 2 times per week with my test.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    i prefer the aceate myself. why is everyone saying u will have more stable bloods levels with something u only inject 2 times a week? u still get the spike 2 times a week from it. it seems to me u would have better results with acetate cause it is injeted ED and therefore would cause less fluxuations in the blood levels? is this just me or am i correct in my thoughts?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    i prefer the aceate myself. why is everyone saying u will have more stable bloods levels with something u only inject 2 times a week? u still get the spike 2 times a week from it. it seems to me u would have better results with acetate cause it is injeted ED and therefore would cause less fluxuations in the blood levels? is this just me or am i correct in my thoughts?
    i agree,i prefer the acetate because it is much easier to make dose adjustments when the sides get too unbearable it is only a matter of a day or two of adjustments to get it under control as compared to a week or two with the enenthate

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