My friend just got me the wrong stuff and this is what he got? I know nothing about it because Ive only taken sustanon. Is this stuff any good?
My friend just got me the wrong stuff and this is what he got? I know nothing about it because Ive only taken sustanon. Is this stuff any good?
Its alot better than sus, thats for sure.
Last edited by Spyder; 05-12-2004 at 04:08 PM.
Is that trenabolone = to finaOriginally Posted by nsa
Do a little research bro before you just taking anything on the advice of ppl you don't know.
I havent taken it yet and I figured that the people on these boards know as much as anyone.
You might want to start by checking out the steoird profile on fina/tren at the main site.
Originally Posted by baseballer19
You need to do some research bro. You shouldn't take tren without also taking test.
I am on my 3rd week of sustanon and instead of getting more sust I was given tren/fina..I just want some input on whether or not I should take tren with the sust or hold off and save it for the next one. Any input would be appreciated
Sust is a bunch of test esther's so you should be fine taking it with the sust.
just read the profile.. thanks for the advice
Is this your first cycle? What dose of sust are you taking? What dose is the tren? How much tren do you have? With only 5 weeks of sust left are you willing to extend your cycle to add the tren?
this is my 3rd cycle.. first two were both test/winny cycles. I have 8 weeks worth of sust (250mg 2x a week) and 5 weeks worth of of fina 75mg.
All bad advice bro! Trenbolone is utter crap, useless, send it to me and i'll get rid of it for ya. J/K Trenbolone is the bomb man, do some research on it, you'll be glad you did.
Is it good???? In my opinion pound for pound/price tis the best stuff out there period..
I wouldnt recommend it to a first tme user or someone who hasnt experinced with other stuff since the sides could be bad to some people.
Ive taken it in the past and am curently taking it. Its said to be 3 times as strong as test and is good for cuting and bulking depending on diet and what its mixed with.
Do some research before taking it so u know what to look for as far as sides go and best way to take it..
As ur first time i would take it at 50mg/eod and mix with one more thing.. That other thing is up to u. I ran it with Win and got 8 abs and looked like verrminator. But the shut down of the pecker was bad.
Was it worth it?? 1000% and im taking it again this year but this time doing Fina/Win/Prop. I chose prop to keep the limp biscuit up and doesnt retain as much water as other tests...
Good luck.
Yo what kind of Fina, who made it?Originally Posted by baseballer19
just a reminder you know how there is deca dick,,,,,, well there is fina dick,,,, you will not be able to get it up with just fina by itself..... you need some test....
I would save it for next cycle myself. This way it will give you time to educate yourself on it and put your next cycle together.Get some more test and fina. You should run the fina for atleast 8 weeks.
Im running sust now.. isn't that ok to run with fina.. Its made by morning star labs. I researched them on the web and everything is positive so far
Bro, my advise is forget about the tren for now. You need to do a lot more research before you proceed. You don't even know how to run sust properly (shooting twice a week), and that's very basic info. I'm scared to ask what you're taking for anti-e's and what you're planning for PCT. Use the search button and research your a$$ off.
"A dosage of 500 mg/week is completely sufficient for most, and can often be reduced to 250-mg/ week by combining Sustanon with an oral steroid" -anabolic review. steroid profiles... sounds like Im doing sust right.. according to this site at least. Im on liquid nolvadex 60x0 and getting clomid for pct. Still havent decided what to do about the fina
The steroid profiles are *very* outdated.Originally Posted by baseballer19
Sust should be shot at least EOD.
ED is best, and 3 times a week is MUCH less then ideal. I wont even go into how bad twice a week is.
Remember, it shouldn't be "What is the absolute least I can get away with?".
It should be "What is the BEST and MOST effective way I can run this?".
BTW, tren should be shot ED.
SV-1 , ED on sust 250? Most are long acting esters that's why people use prop with this to jump start. That's 1750mg of sust a week at ED. I don't think so.
I would recommend taking 50-75mg/ED. With ED injects you are able to keep blood levels more stable and consequently the sides are less. 50mg/ed would be approx. 25mg/ED which I think is not nearly enough to see good strong results. But as was recommended save it for later look up B6 and Bromo for prolactin related issues. Good luck.Originally Posted by got fina?
THanks. So fina is ed not eod.
Only if you're dumb enough to inject a full ml ED. Why don't you try actually reading the links I posted.Originally Posted by 1victor
Wrong.Originally Posted by 1victor
Sust 250:
30mg testosterone propionate <-----------Short ester
60mg testosterone phenylpropionate <----Short ester
60mg testosterone isocaproate <----------Medium ester
100mg testosterone decanoate <----------Long ester
Last edited by SV-1; 05-21-2004 at 03:42 PM.
Originally Posted by SV-1
I could be wrong here but ummm isn't susta not 1 but several tests blended together. Now it seems to me if you are on susta you are on a test. Granted it's no single long lasting ester test but none the less it's a test?
Correct me if i'm wrong here!
Same test, different esters. But you're right, I missed where he said he was on sust when I wrote that.Originally Posted by Tico Frank
It's junk, send it me and I'll make sure it gets disposed of properlyOriginally Posted by baseballer19
nothing better well add test and slin
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