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Thread: signing for gear at the post office

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    signing for gear at the post office

    I just got back from the post office to get my package from my source and i had to sign for it, god dam i hate that, it freaks me out putting my name on a piece of paper and showing my drivers lincense to get it, if i were to get busted what would go down i wonder, would the pigs be there waiting behind the counter somewhere or when i go to my car there a squad pulled up by it, its always on my mind. i dont know if this helps but i never open the package for like a week after i get it, and today just because i got myself all upset i am going to comb my house for anything that might be laying around used pins, epty vials, papers etc. and another thing i hate having my gear on my property in case something where to happen someday were do some of you bros keep your gear until you start the cycle, i dont start my next cycle for like 5 months and i want to put it somewhere other than my house.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    You have to show your drivers license in the states? Here in Canada they just come to the door and you sign never had to show ID before

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    you see i live in a smaller town and the people here seem to know everything about everyone the post office workers are total azzholes totally, when i went to open my po box not to long ago they were asking all types of strange questions like why are you, well what kind of mail/packages are you going to be getting, were do you live and how long there tons of shlt like that, and the cops in this town are over populated there fucing all over the place its unreal i think this town if im not mistaking is a training grounds for rookie cops thats why there are so many. i was thinking of shutting down the po box and opening a new one up 3o miles from here were the town is huge.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    you see i live in a smaller town and the people here seem to know everything about everyone the post office workers are total azzholes totally, when i went to open my po box not to long ago they were asking all types of strange questions like why are you, well what kind of mail/packages are you going to be getting, were do you live and how long there tons of shlt like that, and the cops in this town are over populated there fucing all over the place its unreal i think this town if im not mistaking is a training grounds for rookie cops thats why there are so many. i was thinking of shutting down the po box and opening a new one up 3o miles from here were the town is huge.
    That's absolute bull**** IMO. They have no right asking you what kind of packages you'll be recieving etc..
    As far as signing for the packs...I think you'll be fine cuz if they were gonna bust you they would have done it already.
    Next time tell your source to waive the sig. I never sign for anything...Not even research chems...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Yeah I was asked to sign once, had my roomate do it that way you can deny even ordering it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    in the jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    I just got back from the post office to get my package from my source and i had to sign for it, god dam i hate that, it freaks me out putting my name on a piece of paper and showing my drivers lincense to get it, if i were to get busted what would go down i wonder, would the pigs be there waiting behind the counter somewhere or when i go to my car there a squad pulled up by it, its always on my mind. i dont know if this helps but i never open the package for like a week after i get it, and today just because i got myself all upset i am going to comb my house for anything that might be laying around used pins, epty vials, papers etc. and another thing i hate having my gear on my property in case something where to happen someday were do some of you bros keep your gear until you start the cycle, i dont start my next cycle for like 5 months and i want to put it somewhere other than my house.
    Paranioa is good, but I think you're overdoing it bro. Controlled deliveries are a very rare occurence. If you are just ordering a personal amount (say under 3 mth supply) you shouldn't have too much to worry about. I would say consider getting fake ID but I know small town mentality and that probably wouldn't work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    I just got back from the post office to get my package from my source and i had to sign for it, god dam i hate that, it freaks me out putting my name on a piece of paper and showing my drivers lincense to get it, if i were to get busted what would go down i wonder, would the pigs be there waiting behind the counter somewhere or when i go to my car there a squad pulled up by it, its always on my mind. i dont know if this helps but i never open the package for like a week after i get it, and today just because i got myself all upset i am going to comb my house for anything that might be laying around used pins, epty vials, papers etc. and another thing i hate having my gear on my property in case something where to happen someday were do some of you bros keep your gear until you start the cycle, i dont start my next cycle for like 5 months and i want to put it somewhere other than my house.

    Combing is good, its never a bad idea to watch ur footsteps. Better safe than sorry...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    Yeah I was asked to sign once, had my roomate do it that way you can deny even ordering it.
    Your roommate is brave...or stupid. By signing for the package he took possession of the controlled substances. Also, say you were victim of a controlled delivery at your house...whoever (spouse, friend, child) signs the delivery receipt and takes the package in-hand is going to be arrested. If the package is taken into your "dwelling" by the now arrested individual, your entire house is free game to be searched w/out a search warrant.

  10. #10
    I pick up my packages from my local PO box in a small town and those old cockmasters never asked me to sign sh it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    Yeah I was asked to sign once, had my roomate do it that way you can deny even ordering it.

    tis my tactic everytime, they never even know what the hell they're signing for

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