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Thread: Quick Question about PCT and diet..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Quick Question about PCT and diet..

    Currently on wk 4 of my cycle
    consisting of 75mg ed of prop 13wks
    and 500mg wk/eq 12wks
    Had some trouble in the early going as my job is manual labor.. working 14 hour days lugging panels and shovelling rock.. As i am burning off so many calories during the day and with little time to make sure i can eat often i bought some Nlarge and am consuming 3-4 shakes a day along with my meals..
    Now my first question was How many calories per day and Carbs should i be aiming on taking.. with me burning off so many at work i cant really keep track whats being used in the gym and at work etc.. My goal is not to bulk but to add 10-15lbs of lean hard muscle.. Also.. with PCT Im thinking on running some HCG along with my clomid and nolva. Would this be necessary and if i do run the hcg how should i run it? 3 shots be enough? if so what week would i take it? basically.. just like to see a good lay out for PCT with clomid, Nolva and HCG.. any suggestions? thanks alot bros

  2. #2
    did you not take into consideration how many hrs you work per day and think that this would give you problems calorie wise? Before a cycle: Plan, plan and plan again, try writing out your meal/shake plans the day before and work around your break times etc, i've made numerous ****-ups before i found this site, but now i've taken advice and browsed the boards i'm packing on muscle like never before, all because i know how to do it better now

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    well this is why i was wondering if anyone had a similar problem.. and was wondering how many calories they took in?? also bump for the PCT

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    im in the same boat with you, my dad is a general contractor and he has me digging ditches and running piping all that nonsence, its hot as **** down here and i sweat almost instantly.when you go to work bro, im gonna tell you this, eat anything and EVERYTHING, because, most likely, every single calorie you put in will be burnt off durring work. sometimes at work my heart rate will be upwards to 120-130 BPM and its almost like im doing cardio for 12 hours straight. thats why i always overload on everything. the night before i cook up a bag of chicken breast, eat it all the next day along with frequent stops to subway and kfc.

    shoot for around 100-150 extra good carbs that your body can use.
    shoot for around 50-75 grams more protein that you would usually put in your system.
    and dont be afraid to add some fat either.

    as for the pct, some people run nolva and HCG, while others only run clomid, whatever you run theyres no need for you to switch it up, just follow regular PCT administration and you'll be fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    im in the same boat with you, my dad is a general contractor and he has me digging ditches and running piping all that nonsence, its hot as **** down here and i sweat almost instantly.when you go to work bro, im gonna tell you this, eat anything and EVERYTHING, because, most likely, every single calorie you put in will be burnt off durring work. sometimes at work my heart rate will be upwards to 120-130 BPM and its almost like im doing cardio for 12 hours straight. thats why i always overload on everything. the night before i cook up a bag of chicken breast, eat it all the next day along with frequent stops to subway and kfc.

    shoot for around 100-150 extra good carbs that your body can use.
    shoot for around 50-75 grams more protein that you would usually put in your system.
    and dont be afraid to add some fat either.

    as for the pct, some people run nolva and HCG, while others only run clomid, whatever you run theyres no need for you to switch it up, just follow regular PCT administration and you'll be fine.

    yeah i know what you mean bro.. **** i hate construction.. well i like the work but it sucks when your working out too.. your always outside in the heat.. ok well thanks for the info.. also on weekends i try to stuff myself full of food.. cause i dont work sat or sun.. thank god.. but i will try to eat eat eat while im working and still pound the nlarge and stuff to me.. thats the ****ty part about construction theres not really any way to calculate what your burning off in the run of a day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    ya bro i feel the exact same way. sometimes i will get home at like 7 pm and i had to leave to work at 6 am, and i will not even feel like looking at a barbell, regardless i still take in ALOT of caffeine and ephedra and go out and hit it as hard as i can.

    heres what i do get an idea of calculating how much calories i burn though.

    did you ever do any cardio on like a treadmill or machined bike or somethin like that?try and remember back on how many calories you would burn off in the given time you were doing your cardio, and also try and remember what your heart rate was that made you burn off that many calories for how long of a time you were doing it for.
    if you could get just the slightest idea, try and imagine yourself doing slow and steady cardio for the time were out there working, you kinda know what i mean?

    for me i KNOW for a fact i burn upwards to around 1000-1400 calories back starts to hurt like a bitch too i hate that.if worst comes to worst bro, grab a jug of peanut butter out of your closet and take it to work with you.

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